
  • 网络Matsumoto Castle;Matsumoto;Matsumoto City
  1. MatsumotoCastle,Nagano松本城,长野松本城,因全城外表黑色,也被称作鸟城,是日本最原始的历史古城之一,至今屹立700余年。

    also known as the " Crow Castle , " because of its black exterior , is one of Japan 's premier historic castles . Here the artist is creating a watercolor of the view of Matsumoto Castle , a most famous stronghold that has endured for 700 years .

  2. 松本城是日本诸多古堡中保存最完好也是最美的城堡,当地称它为“松本”。

    Matsumoto Castle , locally known as Matsumotojo , is one of the most complete and beautiful among Japan 's original castles .

  3. 和依丘陵而建或依高山而建的城池不同,松本城坐落在平原地区,是一座典型的平城。

    It is also a good example of a so called " hirajiro , " a castle built on the plain rather than on a hill or mountain .