
  • 网络polarization plane
  1. SAR极化面目标原始数据模拟

    SAR Raw Data Simulation on Multi-polarization Distributed Target

  2. 极化面析氢机理与氢致开裂

    The mechanism of hydrogen separation on the polarization surface and hydrogen inducing cracking

  3. 本文从静电场中导体的性质出发,用简单的方法证明了、除极化面上的偶电层在任意形状金属壳表面所产生的电势恒为零。

    According to the property of conductor in electrostatic field , this study shows by simple method that the potential induced by dipole layer on the front of depolarization is always zero on a metal shell with arbitrary shape .

  4. 前馈圆极化反射面天线的焦场分析

    Focal Field Analysis for Front-Fed Circularly Polarized Reflector Antenna

  5. 体极化介质IP面电荷的计算及分布规律

    Calculation and distribution pattern of IP surface charge of volume-polarized medium

  6. 一种宽带圆极化介质半球面螺旋天线

    Novel broadband circular-polarized dielectric hemispherical helical antenna

  7. 油中水球静电极化束缚电荷面密度的分布

    The Distirbution of the Polarized bound Charges Surface Density on the water Ball in the OIl

  8. 本文应用体极化电荷和面极化电荷产生的宏观电势导出了极化本征矢量遵从的积分和微分方程。

    The integral and differential equations of the polarization eigenmodes in dielectric bilayer systems were straightforwardly deduced by means of macroscopic electric potential caused by the surface and bulk polarization charges .

  9. 提出了该16单元的高隔离度、低交叉极化的双极化天线面阵的设计方案,使其可能与电控的移相电路结合,实现变极化。

    A configuration is proposed for the 16-element dual-polarized microstrip antenna array , which can be used to realize polarization agility after being integrated with the phase-switching circuit .

  10. 利用角馈方形微带贴片设计了一副具有高隔离度和低交叉极化的新颖16元双极化面阵,并分析了天线阵的共极化和交叉极化方向图。

    Using corner fed square patch element , a new 16 element dual polarized array with high isolation and low cross polarization is designed .