
zhù láng
  • colonnade;portico;porticus;antium
柱廊 [zhù láng]
  • [colonnade] 按一定间距安排的一系列或一排柱子,柱上常有额枋,有时还带附属部分(如铺砌地面、台基或屋顶)

柱廊[zhù láng]
  1. 小教堂入口处宽敞的柱廊相当壮观。

    A large portico provides a suitably impressive entrance to the chapel .

  2. 在柱廊里,塞巴斯蒂安就像现在这样仰卧在洒满阳光的位子上。

    Sebastian had been supine on the sunny seat in the colonnade , as he was now .

  3. 柱廊围绕在市场和神庙的四周,是交易和公众散步的场所

    Stoas lined marketplaces and sanctuaries and formed places of Business and public promenades .

  4. 当时酒店重建的监理方、如今的酒店经营方加拿大四季酒店集团(fourseasons,其酒店名字则用很小的罗马字母标示在柱廊门廊上方)历经千辛万苦才完成重建,诸位也就不难理解了。

    You can understand then that Four Seasons , the Canadian hotel management company that oversaw the rebuild and now operates the hotel ( and whose name appears in rather smaller Roman type above the colonnaded portico ), has had a tough time .

  5. 当时酒店重建的监理方、如今的酒店经营方加拿大四季酒店集团(FourSeasons,其酒店名字则用很小的罗马字母标示在柱廊门廊上方)历经千辛万苦才完成重建,诸位也就不难理解了。

    You can understand then that Four Seasons , the Canadian hotel management company that oversaw the rebuild and now operates the hotel ( and whose name appears in rather smaller Roman type above the colonnaded portico ) , has had a tough time .

  6. 2014年,虔诚的信徒还可以享受耗时数年之久的文物修复工程的劳动成果:圣彼得广场上贝尔尼尼的柱廊以及重新开放的凯旋大道公墓(ViaTriumphalis),这片古罗马时期的大型墓地群初次发掘于20世纪50年代。

    In 2014 , the faithful can also enjoy the fruits of restorations that have taken years , like that of Bernini 's colonnade in St. Peter 's Square and the reopening of the Via Triumphalis necropolis , a vast ancient Roman cemetery first uncovered in the 1950s .

  7. 最后我会走到古代集会所里重建的阿塔罗斯柱廊(StoaofAttalos)。

    The walk ends up at the reconstructed Stoa of Attalos in the ancient Agora .

  8. 柱廊由有规则间隔排列柱子构成的建筑结构。

    A structure composed of columns placed at regular intervals .

  9. 湖的对面是一个有柱廊的小旅店。

    Facing the lake was a little inn with its pillared veranda .

  10. 古希腊有柱廊的神殿十分著名。

    The colonnaded temples of ancient Greece are famous .

  11. 这条柱廊将带你离开宫殿和游戏。

    This colonnade will take you out of the palace and the game .

  12. 希腊的住宅包括一个一般由柱廊围合的有围墙的庭院或花园。

    Greek houses included a walled court or garden usually surrounded by a colonnade .

  13. 干挂花岗岩饰面工艺柱廊施工

    Construction of Dry-hung Granite Finishing Column Gallery

  14. 建筑物的前部围起来的庭院或门廊,尤指有时被门廊或柱廊所环绕的教堂。

    A courtyard or portico in front of a building ( especially a cathedral ) .

  15. 被灯光照亮的部分柱廊遗址及背后山顶上的伊本曼城堡。

    Part of illuminated colonnade ruin with Qala 't ibn Maan ( castle ) on the hilltop behind .

  16. 柱廊由有规则间隔排列柱子构成的建筑结构有圆柱的门廊或柱廊。

    A porch or walkway bordered by colonnades . A structure composed of columns placed at regular intervals .

  17. 他们全体在此上岸,就在俯临海湾的一座有柱廊的矮房子里举行王家宴会。

    Here they all went ashore and were royally feasted in a low , pillared house overlooking the bay .

  18. 通过一个古典的、几近熟悉的建筑类型,像帕台农神庙或在梵蒂冈的柱廊。

    through a classical , almost familiar building type , like the Parthenon or the colonnade at the Vatican .

  19. 回族建筑风格主要表现在总体空间布局、柱廊及拱券运用、细部装饰等方面;

    Muslim architecture style mainly consists of overall space arrangement , application of colonnade and arch , and detailed decorations etc.

  20. 不过真正能体现城市独特风格的是在主要街道周围的一列列柱廊。

    But its unique style comes from The Rows , the famous galleried structures that fringe the city 's main streets .

  21. 建筑的前厅,如早期的基督教堂,三面或四面有柱廊围绕。

    The forecourt of a building , such as an early Christian church , enclosed on three or four sides with porticoes .

  22. 天才的贝尼尼创造了两个半圆形合抱的巨型柱廊,就好像欢迎你来到基督教的中心一样。

    It was sculptor Bernini 's genius to create the two embracing semicircles of gigantic columns that seem to welcome you into the heart of Christianity .

  23. 门廊;柱廊:建筑物有柱的走廊或入口,或有一定间隔的柱子支承的带顶信道。

    " Portico Colonnaded porch or entrance to a structure , or a covered walkway supported by regularly spaced columns . " A post supporting a street lamp .

  24. 柱廊是一种极具生命力的建筑元素,它以丰富多彩的形态存在于各类建筑、建筑群以及城市空间中。

    Colonnade is a kind of lively architectural component , and it is used in all kinds of buildings , building groups and urban spaces in various configurations .

  25. 在灯火通明的柱廊里等车的时候,黑根看到两个女人正要进入一辆加长的豪华轿车里面。

    While waiting in the floodlit colonnade of the mansion for his car , Hagen saw two women about to enter a long limousine already parked in the driveway .

  26. 我们亲眼看到了红色清真寺、宽敞的宪法大道,以及在大道尽头的有着洁白柱廊的国会大厦与总统官邸。现在住在里面的是扎尔达里,

    We saw the Red Mosque where the siege had taken place , the wide , wide Constitution Avenue leading to the white-colonnaded buildings of the Parliament House and the Presidency , where Zardari now lived .

  27. 柱廊:古希腊建筑中,指单独建立的列柱廊或有顶盖的走廊,也指开敞的长条形建筑,其屋顶由平行于后墙的一列或几列柱子支承。

    Stoa : In Greek architecture , a freestanding colonnade or covered walkway ; also , a long open Building with its roof supported by one or more rows of columns parallel to its rear wall .

  28. 从古希腊时期的柱廊庭院到意大利的台地院再到中国江南的私家写意山水园林都充满着人们对居住区外部环境的追求。

    Learning from the Colonnaded courtyards of ancient Greece and the Terrace garden of Italian style to the private gardens with the Chinese brushwork freehand of south China , we understand people are always seeking outstanding external environment of habitations .

  29. 踯躅在伊奥尼亚颀长的柱廊下,仰望轮廓鲜明的天涯,身旁灿烂的雕塑反映着自己的美化的风姿,周围的人们在庄严地游行,或者温柔地走动,唱着和谐的清歌,踏着律动的舞步;——

    Walking under lofty Ionic colonnades , looking up toward a horizon that was cut off by pure and noble lines , finding reflections of his transfigured shape in the shining marble at his side , and all around him solemnly striding or delicately moving human beings ,

  30. 仅前后有柱的建筑物前后有柱廊而两边没有柱廊的并建造有柱子的廊子,长五十肘,宽三十肘。在这廊前又有廊子,廊外有柱子和台阶。

    Having a prostyle or set of columns at each end but none along the sides . He made a colonnade fifty cubits long and thirty wide . In front of it was a portico , and in front of that were pillars and an overhanging roof .