
guā lóu
  • Trichosanthes kirilowi;Chinese trichosanthes;the fruit of Chinese trichosanthes;trichosanthes fruit;Mongolian snakegourd
栝楼 [guā lóu]
  • [Mongolian snakegourd] 也作栝蒌和瓜蒌。一种多年生草本植物( Trichosanthes kirilowii ),茎上有卷须,叶子心脏形,花白色,雌雄异株,果实卵圆形,黄色,种子长圆形。中医用来做镇咳祛痰药

栝楼[guā lóu]
  1. 栝楼皮叶黄素的超临界CO2萃取及其稳定性研究

    Lutein in Fruit Peel of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim . by Supercritical CO_2 Extraction and Its Stability

  2. 栝楼核糖核酸酶在RNA序列分析中的应用

    Application of RNase TCS in RNA Sequence Analysis

  3. 栝楼冠瘿组织在MS培养基上形成完整植株,移栽后良好生长。

    The crown tissues produced plantlets on MS medium and the plantlets were successfully transplanted and grew well .

  4. 栝楼冠瘿组织经除菌后能在无激素的MS培养基上良好生长,纸电泳检测结果表明其合成了冠瘿碱,表明Ti质粒转化成功。

    The detection of nopaline in the crown galls showed that T_DNA of Ti plasmid had been transformed successfully .

  5. 超临界CO2提取栝楼籽油的工艺研究一种新的核糖核酸酶-栝楼核糖核酸酶的纯化

    Study on the seed oils extraction of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim with supercritical carbon dioxide extraction purification of a new RNase RNase TCS

  6. 增加UV-B辐射对栝楼光合及蒸腾日变化的影响

    Effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B ( uv-b ) radiation on diurnal variations of photosynthesis and water use efficiency in Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim

  7. α-NAA和UV-B辐射对栝楼幼苗光合色素及保护酶活性的影响

    Effects of α - NAA and UV-B radiation on photosynthetic pigments and activities of protective enzymes in Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim leaves

  8. 栝楼ISSR-PCR反应体系的建立和优化

    Optimization of ISSR-PCR System in Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim

  9. 栝楼(TrichosantheskirilowiiMaxim)是葫芦科栝楼属的一种药食两用植物,多年生草质藤本。

    Snakegourd , or Trichosanthes ( Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim ) is Perennial Herb liana of medicinal plant in family Cucurbitaceae .

  10. 目的:分析离体培养的栝楼叶片愈伤组织中天花粉蛋白(TCS)的相对含量,并与栝楼块根进行比较。

    OBJECTIVE : The relative content of trichosanthin ( TCS ) of the calli induced from the leaves of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim . was measured and a comparison between the calli and the root was made .

  11. 栝楼籽粒的物理机械特性研究

    Studies on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Mongolian Snakegourd Seeds

  12. 结核菌素纯蛋白衍化物一种新的核糖核酸酶-栝楼核糖核酸酶的纯化

    Purified Protein Derivative Tuberculin PURIFICATION OF A NEW RNase RNase TCS

  13. 栝楼根提取物抗肿瘤作用初探

    Study on Anti - cancer Effects of Extract from Trichosanthes

  14. 栝楼组织培养及非试管苗快繁技术研究

    Study on the tissue culture and non-test tube fast multiply technology of Snakegourd

  15. 气相色谱质谱联用技术对栝楼籽油亚麻酸和亚油酸含量的分析

    GC-MS Analysis of Linolenic Acid and Linoleic Acid in Chinese Trichosanthes kirilowii Oil

  16. 栝楼属三种栝楼种子的营养分析

    Nutritional Components Analysis of Three Kinds of Trichosanthes Seeds

  17. 栝楼不定根尖分化不定芽过程中的细胞组织学研究

    Cyto-Histological Studies on the Adventitious Buds Differentiating from Adventitious Roots Tips of Trichosanthes kirilowii

  18. 栝楼子资源的利用及其价值

    A Study on Resources of the Seeds of Trichosanthes for Its Utilization and Value

  19. 栝楼子挥发油的成分分析及其生物活性的初步研究

    Study on Constituents and Biological Activity of Volatile Oil From Seeds of Trichosanthes Kirilowii Maxin

  20. 栝楼属8种植物的染色体数目

    Chromosome numbers of 8 species in Trichosanthes

  21. 本文测定了土壤中的某些矿质元素及栝楼块根中的9种矿质元素含量,并与根腐病的发生情况进行了相应比较。

    Nine mineral elements in root tubers of Mongolian snakegourd and the soil were analysed .

  22. 大苞栝楼的药用价值分析

    Medicinal Value Analysis of Trichosanthes bracteata Voigt

  23. 目的以正交试验的方法优选栝楼根丸的最佳水提工艺。

    Objective The best water extraction technology of GuaLou Root Pills was optimized through orthogonal test .

  24. 栝楼不同居群可溶性蛋白质和酯酶同工酶电泳分析

    Analysis of the Electrophoresis Pattern of Protein and Esterase Isozyme in Different Geographical Populations of Trichosanthes kirilowii

  25. 本文还提出了栝楼种子生活力的快速测定方法。

    The rapid testing method of seed viability of Trichosanthes Kirilowii Maxim is offered in this paper .

  26. 研究结果如下:1.栝楼种子繁殖优势大于分根繁殖。

    Research results are as follows : 1 Trichosanthes seeds breeding has greater advantages than root breeding .

  27. 栝楼种子的最适发芽条件是砂床、25~35℃变温。

    The fittest germination condition is sand bed and changing temperature ( 25 - 35 ℃ ) .

  28. 在控制体重方面,栝楼根丸高、中剂量组与西药对照组、中药对照组无差异。

    Also there is no difference between GuaLou Root Pills medium dose group and western medicine control group .

  29. 研究表明,利用栝楼冠瘿组织作为培养系统生产天花粉蛋白有很好的开发前景。

    The study showed that the production of TCN proteins from crown tissue cultures may be developed in prospect .

  30. 方法:采用丙酮沉淀方法,获得栝楼叶片愈伤和块根的蛋白提取物。

    METHODS : TCS was obtained by the fractional precipitate with acetone from the homogenate of the root or the calli .
