
hé bǎo hù sǎn
  • nuclear umbrella
核保护伞[hé bǎo hù sǎn]
  1. 不管愿不愿意,英国都免不了要处于美国的核保护伞之下。

    Britain cannot avoid being under the US nuclear umbrella , whether it wants to or not .

  2. 另一方面,日本政府则依赖美国的核保护伞,还依赖美国在日本领土上驻扎的3.5万人部队提供保护。

    Tokyo relies on the US nuclear umbrella and on the protection afforded by 35,000 US troops stationed on its territory .

  3. 在美国核保护伞的庇护下

    Sheltering under the American nuclear umbrella

  4. 对欧洲人来说,他们躲在美国核保护伞下的迫求也有所降低。

    Europeans , for their part , feel less compelled to shelter under the US nuclear umbrella .

  5. 奥巴马只得与其他美国官员一道,再次保证为韩国提供核保护伞。

    Mr Obama has had to join a chorus of US officials reassuring South Korea of the nuclear umbrella .

  6. 这部电影的内容是荒谬的,它的论点是一般帝国主义所共有的,即强大的核保护伞是对战争的最好防御。

    This film takes the absurd but common imperialist position that a strong nuclear shield is the best defense against war .

  7. 上星期,克林顿曾隐约谈起为中东盟友设立核保护伞,以防备伊朗可能发动的核袭击。

    Last week , Clinton talked in vague terms about the creation of a nuclear umbrella to protect Mideast allies against a possible Iranian nuclear attack .

  8. 其中一个明显令人忧虑的问题是,再过多长时间,日本、韩国乃至台湾会认为它们无法依赖美国的核保护伞来保障自己的安全?

    One obviously troubling question is how long before Japan , South Korea and Taiwan decide they cannot rely on the US nuclear umbrella for their own security ?

  9. 韩国此举也使美国置于不快的境地。美国一直坚持把韩国置于自己的核保护伞之下,希望避免朝鲜半岛出现军备竞赛。

    Seoul will also place Washington in an uncomfortable position as it seeks to avoid a regional arms race by insisting that South Korea is protected under its nuclear umbrella .

  10. 当下,日本正在美国核军事的保护伞下。

    For the moment , Japan will shelter under America 's nuclear umbrella .