
  • 网络Root node;root element
  1. 本文所使用的特征向量包含如下几个分量:文档片根结点名称、文档图对应矩阵的最大最小特征值和根结点有效时间。

    The feature vector forwarded in this paper contains following several components : the name of document root node , the maximum and minimum eigenvalue of the corresponding matrix of document graph and valid time of root node .

  2. 每一个LU(逻辑单元)都具有一个根结点元素,亦即最顶部的包。

    Each LU has a root element , which is the top-most Package .

  3. 但传统TAN的构造算法中树的根结点是随意选择的,这使得其无法精确表达属性间的依赖关系。

    Since basic TAN learning algorithm choice tree structure rooted randomly , that makes it unable to express the dependence among attributes accurately .

  4. 根结点元素逻辑上包含(拥有或者是其双亲结点)其他的UML元素,而这些元素依靠根结点来为容器和名称空间提供它们的需求。

    The root element logically contains ( owns or is the parent of ) the other UML elements that depend on it to provide their requirements for containership and namespace .

  5. 然后,针对当前编码体系相对混乱、且相互难以兼容问题,提出了编码解析服务CRS的层次体系结构根结点国家行业,并研究了CRS与异构编码解析体系的兼容。

    Then , Aiming at the problem that the current coding architectures were chaos and hard to interact mutually , the layers structure of code resolving service CRS was put forward & Root-Country-Industry , and the compatibility of CRS and other coding architectures was researched .

  6. 单位根结点上一种有理插值逼近

    The approximation of a kind rational interpolation based or roots of unity

  7. 网格中具有任意根结点的多层已知拓扑型广播通信算法

    A Multilevel Topology - aware Broadcast Algorithm with an Arbitrary Root in the Grid

  8. 这种方法可从任一结点对查询请求进行处理,而不必每次都从根结点开始。

    This method can be carried out from any node on the query request , while not always have to start from the root .

  9. 其中标题为根结点,每个自然段按照其在正文结构中所处的层次表示为树相应层次的一个结点。

    Title is the root while each paragraph is a node in the tree with different level corresponding to its place in the text structure .

  10. 该方法运用了粗糙集理论中条件属性相对于决策属性的核,引入启发式条件计算并选择条件属性作为决策树的根结点或子结点。

    The method adopts the core of condition attributes with respect to decision attributes , and calculates condition of heuristic to find root or root of subtree .

  11. 该模型基于用户感知的质量,以总质量作为中心结点,可以直接测量的质量子属性为网络根结点。

    Applying the Bayesian network , the model was developed , and the overall quality was presented as the central node with the sub-characters as the root nodes .

  12. 剪枝后缀树结合了后缀树的后缀链思想以及trie-树在根结点计算核值的方法,具有比后缀树更少的空间以及比trie-树更快的时间。

    The pruning suffix tree combines the suffix tree which has suffix chain and the trie-tree which computing the kernel value in the leaf . But it uses less space than suffix tree and computes faster than the trie-tree .

  13. 从源WSDL面板到根目标WSDL结点的端口类型

    Port types from the source WSDLs panel to the root target WSDL node

  14. 当您用鼠标右键选择根目标WSDL结点时弹出菜单是可用的。

    A pop-up menu is available when you select the root target WSDL node with the right mouse button .

  15. 在源WSDL面板上选择端口类型结点,然后将其拖放到根目标WSDL结点上。

    Select a port type node in the source WSDLs panel and then drag and drop over the root target WSDL node .