
  • 网络Pile-soil stress ratio;stress concentration ratio
  1. 修正应力法是计算复合桩基加固区沉降的方法之一,其最大缺点是桩土应力比n难以确定。

    Modified stress method is a way to calculate stabilized layer settlement of the composite pile foundation . The main fault of this method is that it is too difficult to determine the pile-soil stress ratio & n.

  2. 然后通过现场试验,研究桩土应力比、桩土荷载分担比随荷载变化的规律。

    Then through in-situ experiment , the varying characters of pile-soil stress ratio and pile-soil load share ratio are analyzed .

  3. 通过各种计算方法与现场实测结果的对比,结果表明Baumann解法比较适合于路堤下桩土应力比的计算,高速公路中水泥搅拌桩桩土应力比取2~5比较合适。

    Comparing the calculating results gotten by several methods with the actual surveyed result , the Baumann method is found to be an appropriate solution to highway embankment , pile-soil stress is more appropriate to be 2-5 in highway .

  4. 桩土应力比计算方法研究

    Discussion on the calculation method of stress - ratio of pile soil

  5. 多元复合地基中桩土应力比的试验研究

    Experimental study on pile-soil stress ratio of multi-element composite foundation

  6. 双向增强体复合地基桩土应力比分析

    Analysis of pile-soil stress ratio for double reinforced composite ground

  7. 可以用来估算桩土应力比。

    Stress ratio can be evaluated by this method .

  8. 垫层破坏模式的探讨及其与桩土应力比的关系

    Discussion on pile soil relationship between failure model of cushion and stress ratio

  9. 桩土应力比曲线的机理分析

    Mechanism Analysis of Pile - soil Stress Ratio Curve

  10. 目标桩土应力比在柔性桩复合地基优化设计中的应用

    Application of the target stress ratio of pile-soil to advanced design of flexible pile Composite-ground

  11. 复合地基桩土应力比与褥垫层厚度关系的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Relationship between Pile-soil Stress Ration and Thickness of Cushions in Composite Foundation

  12. 结果表明:路堤下复合地基桩土应力比与刚性基础复合地基桩土应力比有较大差异。

    The results shows that it has huge difference between pile-soil stress and composite ground .

  13. 随着荷载增加桩土应力比一般先减小后增加;

    As the load increases , pile-soil stress ratio usually first decreases and then increases ;

  14. 加筋垫层提高了复合地基中的桩土应力比。

    The reinforced cushion can increase the value of stress ratio of pile to soil inside composite foundation .

  15. 基于本文桩土应力比解析理论的计算值以及无单元法所获得的沉降值与实测值吻合较好,验证了本文理论分析的合理可行。

    The theoretical results of the pile-soil stress ratio and the settlement coincide with the results from tests .

  16. 桩土应力比随桩土差异沉降的增加而增大,差异沉降是造成桩土应力比增长的原因。

    Pile-Soil Stress Ratio increases with increasing pile-soil settlement difference . Pile-soil settlement difference is a reason for this increasing .

  17. 讨论了桩土应力比与置换率及桩周土变形模量的关系。

    Relationships between the pile-soil stress ratio , the replacement ratio , and the pile lateral soil modulus of deformation are discussed .

  18. 工程实体试验表明,本文所推导的桩土应力比计算公式具有较好的适用性。

    It is indicated by the project that the calculation formula of the stress ratio of pile-soil in this article is applicable .

  19. 桩土应力比和桩土差异沉降理论计算值与工程实例实测值对应较好。

    The theoretical value of the pile-soil stress ratios and the differential settlement between piles and soil are close to the observed ones .

  20. 施工方式与固结时间对桩土应力比影响不大,在设计中可不考虑其对桩土应力比的影响。

    Construction mode and consolidation time have a low effect on pile-soil stress ratio . These factors need not be considered when designing .

  21. 通过对现场试验结果分析,给出了盐渍土路基沉降特征和土压力及桩土应力比的变化规律,分析和总结了粉喷桩复合地基的受力变形特性。

    Through a series of field tests , the paper puts forward characteristics of ground subsidence and the change regulation of soil pressure and stress ratio .

  22. 桩土应力比最终值是褥垫材料性能、厚度、应力状态、桩与桩间土刚度等的函数。

    End value of soil stress ratio is a funtion of performance , thickness , stress state of mattress materials , and pile and soil stiffness .

  23. 桩土应力比是反映桩~网复合地基工作状态的一个重要参数,也是计算桩~网复合地基承载力和沉降的重要指标;

    Pile-soil stress ratio is an important parameter which affect the behavior of pile-net composite foundation , and it also is a target of calculating bearing capacity and displacement .

  24. 桩土应力比是桩土应力调整结果的直接表现,而路堤土拱效应以及褥垫层刚性承台效应对荷载调整作用正是桩土应力调整过程的体现。

    Except for the stiffened platform effect of geogrid-reinforced cushion , the soil arching effect of embankment also has an effect on the stress adjustment between pile and soil .

  25. 分析表明:面积置换率对桩土应力比的取值影响不大,桩土模量比是影响应力比取值的重要因素。

    The analysis show that the influence given by the area replacement rate is very little , while the modular ratio of pile and soil is a important influence factor .

  26. 并以桩土应力比为纽带分析桩与桩间土体中应力应变的关系,确定桩体复合地基的竖向变形协调方程,介绍了复合地基的变形与稳定性分析方法。

    Analyzed the stress-strain relation of pile and soil by the stress ratio , deduced the vertical deformation and harmony equation , introduced the analysis means of deformation and stabilization .

  27. 最后,基于相似理论完成了桩土应力比的室内模型试验,获得了相应的实测结果,实测值与计算值最大误差为12%,说明该方法可以满足工程应用的需要。

    A laboratory model test based on similarity theory was conducted , and the error was below 12 % , which demonstrated that our method could satisfy the engineering requirement .

  28. 研究表明,本文桩土应力比计算式具有良好功能和合理性,可用于桩网复合地基的设计与计算

    Net The research results show that the proposed formula of the stress ratio is feasible and reasonable , it can be used to design the pile ? net composite foundation

  29. 桩土应力比在加荷初期较大,柔性基础下复合地基的设计应按变形控制。

    Secondly , stress ratio between piles and soil is large at initial stage . Thirdly , design of composite foundation under soft foundation should be controlled according to deformation .

  30. 本文首先通过理论分析,认为桩土应力比、桩土荷载分担比等是反映水泥土桩复合地基工作性状的重要参数。

    First , through theory analysis , the pile-soil stress ratio and pile-soil load share ratio are considered to be important parameters reflecting the working property of cement-soil pile composite foundation .