
  • 网络Meizhou city
  1. 方法对1992~2005年梅州市艾滋病监测结果和防治情况进行分析。结果自1992年发现首例HIV感染者,至2005年底累计报告HIV感染者29例,死亡17例。

    Methods Surveillance and control measures of HIV / AIDS in Meizhou city were from 1992 to 2005 . Results The first case of HIV infection was reported in 1992 . A total number of 29 cases of HIV infections were reported from 1992 to 2005 and 17 cases died .

  2. 梅州市2003-2007年流行性乙型脑炎流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Japanese Encephalitis in Meizhou City from 2003 to 2007

  3. 梅州市N县国税局绩效管理问题研究

    Research of Performance Management on the Mei Zhou City N County National Tax Bureau

  4. 基于GIS技术的中小城市公交线路优化设计&以梅州市为例

    Optimization Design of Bus Routes in One City Based on GIS Technology & A Case Study on Meizhou

  5. 倚重务实精神创造新的辉煌&访梅州市环境保护局局长肖平

    Interview with XiaoPing , director of Environmental Protection Bureau in MeiZhou

  6. 方法:通过问卷对梅州市随机抽取的443名公立学校和私立学校高一学生进行调查,考察公、私立学校学生学习动力的差异。

    Method : 443 students were surveyed with the Motivation Questionnaire .

  7. 我国农村生活垃圾问题及治理措施的探讨&以广东省梅州市为例

    Discussion on Rural Domestic Trash Problem and Control Measures in China

  8. 梅州市某铜矿矽肺发病的调查分析

    Epidemiological study on silicosis in a copper mine in Meizhou

  9. 梅州市近55年气候变化特征量分析

    Characteristics analysis on Meizhou climate change in recent 55 years

  10. 梅州市诺瓦克样病毒胃肠炎爆发疫情分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Norwalk-Like Virus Gastroenteritis Outbreak in Meizhou City

  11. 梅州市新装修建筑物室内空气污染状况调查

    Investigation of the Indoor Air Pollution in the Newly-Decorated Buildings of Meizhou

  12. 梅州市农村劳动力转移的问题和对策

    Issues and countermeasures of Rural Labor Transfer in Meizhou City

  13. 梅州市农村医疗机构抗菌药物使用调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Antibacterials Used in Meizhou Countryside Medical Agencies

  14. 梅州市电力供需形势分析和对策探讨

    Analyze Power Supply / Demand Situation of Meizhou City and Discuss the Countermeasures

  15. 2004&2008年梅州市麻疹流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Measles in Meizhou City during 2004-2008

  16. 东南亚华侨华人、港澳同胞与侨乡建设&梅州市个案研究

    Overseas Chinese and the Construction of Qiaoxiang : A Case study of Meizhou

  17. 梅州市现代化进程预测及调控

    Forecast and Control on Modernization Process in Meizhou Municipality

  18. 梅州市农村饮水工程存在问题与解决思路

    Existing problems of rural drinking water engineering in Meizhou City and their solution

  19. 梅州市的经济地域结构优化研究

    Regional Structure Optimization of Economic Development Strategy in Meizhou

  20. 梅州市248名煤尘肺工人体质监护结果分析

    Supervision on the physical condition of 248 coal miners with pneumoconiosis in Meizhou City

  21. 梅州市2003&2005年居民食用碘盐监测结果分析

    Analyze on Residents Iodized Salt Surveillance Results in Meizhou City from 2003 to 2005

  22. 梅州市承接珠三角产业转移政策研究

    A Policy Study on Industry Transference from the Pearl River Delta 's to Meizhou

  23. 梅州市二级医院管理年活动周期督导评价

    Periodical supervision assessment of hospital-management year activities in secondary grade hospitals of Meizhou Guangdong

  24. 梅州市国税系统人力资源管理绩效考核问题研究

    On the National Tax System Performance Assessment of Human Resources Management of Meizhou City

  25. 梅州市地方税务局公务员工作满意度的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Job Satisfaction of Meizhou Municipal Local Tax Bureau Civil Servants

  26. 梅州市县域经济发展水平的空间差异十分显著。

    The spatial difference of economical development level among county regions is very evident .

  27. 梅州市产业结构现状及调整对策

    Industrial Structure in Meizhou and Its Adjustment

  28. 梅州市1991~2002年病毒性甲型肝炎流行特征分析

    Analysis of Epidemiological Characteristics of Viral Hepatitis A from 1991 to 2002 in Meizhou City

  29. 2008年梅州市中小学生视力低下现状分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Primary and Secondary School Students Poor Vision in Meizhou City in 2008

  30. 梅州市儿童乙型肝炎疫苗免疫成功率监测

    Monitoring of successful rate of immunization with hepatitis B vaccine in children in Meizhou City