
mián máo shān
  • knitted cotton jersey
棉毛衫 [mián máo shān]
  • [cotton interlock jersey] 一种比较厚的棉针织品的单内衣

  1. (衣服,尤指毛线衫的)高而紧的圆领。配羊皮领针织袖口的棉毛绸雪衫裤

    A high close-fitting turnover collar . cotton poplin snowsuit with mouton collar and knit wristlets

  2. 提花镶饰棉毛绸滑雪衫连帽

    Jacquard-patterned cotton poplin ski jacket and cap

  3. 提花镶饰棉毛绸雪衫裤

    Jacquard-patterned cotton poplin snowsuit

  4. 配羊皮领针织袖口的棉毛绸雪衫裤绵蚜虫有像棉花一样的羊毛状外壳。

    Cotton poplin snowsuit with mouton collar and knit wristlets the woolly aphid has a lanate coat resembling cotton .

  5. 棉毛针织开襟绒线衫面料有丝绒,真丝,羊毛,马海毛,晴纶,化纤等。

    Cardigan of knit cotton fleece And the fabric is about plush , pure silk , wool , mohair , chemical fibres etc.