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zōng sè
  • brown
棕色 [zōng sè]
  • [brown] 在红色和黄色之间的任何一种颜色,适中的暗淡和适度的浅黑

棕色[zōng sè]
  1. 他长了一头蓬乱的棕色鬈发。

    His head was crowned with a mop of brown curls .

  2. 她那双棕色的鞋与她的衣着不协调。

    Her brown shoes jarred with the rest of the outfit .

  3. 这屋子漆成了难看的棕色。

    The room was painted in an unappealing shade of brown .

  4. 她把深棕色的液体倒进了污水池。

    She poured the dark brown liquid down the sink .

  5. 他睁着棕色的大眼睛盯着她。

    He gazed up at her with huge brown eyes .

  6. 她把棕色的头发从眼前拢到脑后。

    She pushed back the curtain of brown hair from her eyes .

  7. 史蒂夫又高又瘦,长着棕色的头发。

    Steve is tall and thin and has brown hair .

  8. 绿色和棕色是里贝拉的主色调。

    Greens and browns are typical of Ribera 's palette .

  9. 画家用了深绿色和棕色来表现波涛汹涌的大海。

    The artist has rendered the stormy sea in dark greens and browns .

  10. 他用棕色包装纸把包裹包好,又用细绳捆上。

    He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string .

  11. 把黄油加热,使之呈棕色。

    Heat the butter until it browns .

  12. 他们把地板涂成了深棕色。

    They stained the floors dark brown .

  13. 棕色取代了黑色变得时髦起来。

    Brown is the new black .

  14. 你不适合穿棕色衣服。

    Brown doesn 't suit you .

  15. 这种光线下你看不清楚,其实我的新外衣带棕色。

    You can 't see in this light , but my new coat is a sort of brownish colour .

  16. 他身着棕色灯芯绒裤子和白色棉衬衫。

    He wore brown corduroy pants and a white cotton shirt .

  17. 低矮的群山上,绿色和棕色混杂着。

    The low mountains were a patchwork of green and brown .

  18. 窗帘和床罩是深棕色天鹅绒的。

    The curtains and the coverlet of the bed were chocolate velvet

  19. 他的头发又变回原来的淡红棕色。

    His hair has reverted back to its original copper hue .

  20. 她穿着一件带束腰的棕色绒面革夹克。

    She wore a brown suede jacket , belted at the waist .

  21. 她摸着他那浓密的淡棕色胸毛。

    She touched the thick mat of sandy hair on his chest .

  22. 安娜穿着亚麻长袍,衬出其棕色的皮肤,显得十分高贵。

    Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen caftan .

  23. 将切片倒进油里,煎至金棕色。

    Drop the slices into the oil and fry until golden brown .

  24. 有着相当坚韧外壳的深棕色豆类

    dark brown beans with a rather tough outer skin .

  25. 艾伯特穿着棕色绒面夹克和牛仔裤。

    Albert wore a brown suede jacket and jeans .

  26. 她将深棕色大衣放在手提箱旁。

    She placed the chocolate-colored coat beside the case .

  27. 一只棕色的小鹿蹦跳着穿过他们面前的那条小路。

    A small brown fawn hopped across the trail in front of them .

  28. 他一头浓密的棕色头发,眉毛乱糟糟的。

    He had thick brown hair and shaggy brows .

  29. 用“户外女孩”品牌的棕色眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形。

    Give your brows extra definition with Outdoor Girl 's Eyebrow Pencil in Brown

  30. 我们在她位于贝尔格莱德的公寓里进行了交谈,那屋里满是结实的老式棕色家具。

    We talk in her Belgrade flat , full of heavy old brown furniture