
  • 网络ZUG;droog;ZUGSPITZE
  1. 在新加坡,大宗商品交易公司的税率低至5%;而在瑞士日内瓦和楚格(Zug),这一税率为10%,伦敦则达24%。

    Singapore offers trading houses a tax rate as low as 5 per cent , compared with 10 per cent in the Swiss hubs of Geneva and Zug and 24 per cent in London .

  2. 如果今天嘉能可-斯特拉塔并购案在瑞典楚格召开的股东大会上被否决,将使这个总数达到6800亿美元。

    If the Glencore-Xstrata merger is voted down today at a shareholder meeting in Zug , Switzerland , that will push the figure to $ 680bn .

  3. 东北湖区,莱茵斯贝格市附近,克莱因泽朗,MarinaWolfsbruch酒店外的游艇。巴伐利亚山区的韦特斯特恩山脉,在楚格峰上眺望霍伦塔尔富纳冰川。

    Overhead of houseboats at Marina Wolfsbruch , Kleinzerlang , near Rheinsberg , North Brandenburg Lake District .

  4. 有些人,比如斯密茨,是荷兰的业界合作组织楚格设计(Droog)的成员。

    Some , like Mr. Smeets , were members of Droog , the influential Dutch collaborative known for high-concept objects .

  5. 在谈到楚格设计的早期阶段,和那些引发热议的作品时,前卫设计师穆雷·莫斯(MurrayMoss)做出了如下区分:那不是聪明,而是明智。他说。

    Speaking of the early years of Droog and the work that set so many tongues wagging , the avant-garde design purveyor Murray Moss made a distinction : It wasn 't clever , it was smart , he said .

  6. 在谈到楚格设计的早期阶段,和那些引发热议的作品时,前卫设计师穆雷·莫斯(MurrayMoss)做出了如下区分:“那不是聪明,而是明智。”他说。

    Speaking of the early years of Droog and the work that set so many tongues wagging , the avant-garde design purveyor Murray Moss made a distinction : " It wasn 't clever , it was smart , " he said .

  7. 两人于1974年自立门户,在瑞士楚格(Zug)成立了马克里奇公司(MarcRich+Co)。当时正值石油价格因阿拉伯国家的禁运限制大幅飙涨之际。全球化导致的大宗商品国际需求上升也为该公司带来了发展动力。

    They set out on their own in 1974 , forming Zug-based Marc Rich + Co just as the price of oil was surging as a result of the Arab embargo , and then building on the growing appetite of a globalising world for commodities .

  8. 20世纪90年代中期,在苏豪区的Moss画廊,你一眼就能看到海拉·荣格里斯(HellaJongerius)、马塞尔·万德斯(MarcelWanders)和于尔根·贝(JurgenBey)的作品,这些人都是从楚格设计走出来的超级明星。

    In the mid-1990s , at the SoHo gallery Moss , you could catch your first glimpse of work by Hella Jongerius , Marcel Wanders and Jurgen Bey , Droog designers who grew into superstars .

  9. 2009年,楚格设计在苏豪区开了一家自己的商店,经营不到两年时间,最终变成了一处古怪的复式空间,和全球经济危机的牺牲品。

    In 2009 , Droog itself created a SoHo shop . It lasted less than two years , a casualty of an awkward duplex space and a global economic crisis .

  10. 更有可能的是,银行家们会略带威胁地暗示,在涉及增加人手时,他们会把新招的这些人派往纽约、香港、瑞士楚格或上海。

    More likely , bankers will hint darkly that , when it comes to adding staff , they will send them to New York , Hong Kong , Zug or Shanghai instead .