
fěi zi
  • Chinese torreya;semen torreya;torreya seed;make a sound
榧子 [fěi zǐ]
  • (1) [torreya seed]∶为红豆杉科植物香榧( Torreya grandis )的种子。种子脂肪油含棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸等

  • (2) [make a sound]∶用拇指和中指相捻而发声的手技动作(含有轻佻意味)

  • 妇人将手向西门庆脸边弹个响榧子。--《金瓶梅》

榧子[fěi zi]
  1. 他的手指哒地打了个榧子,那狗马上蹲坐下来。

    He clicked his fingers and the dog immediately sat down .

  2. 如果碰巧我把名字说对了,她的手指便啪地打一个榧子。

    If I hit upon the right name , her fingers snapped .

  3. 他按着音乐的节拍打起榧子来。

    He snapped his fingers in time to the music .

  4. 她只须打个榧子,他就会替她办一切事。

    She just has to snap her fingers and he 'll do whatever she wants .

  5. 目的:建立以苯酚-硫酸比色法测定云南榧子中多糖含量的方法。

    OBJECTIVE : To establish phenol-vitriolic colorimetry for the assaying of polysaccharides in Torreya yunnanensis .

  6. 一些香液、蜂蜜、树胶、香料、榧子和杏仁,下去送给那人当作礼物。

    And carry down a present for the man , a little balm , a little honey , spices and myrrh , nuts , and almonds ;
