
mó shì shēnɡ wù
  • model organism
  1. 家蚕(Bombyxmori)属鳞翅目,蚕蛾科。是鳞翅目昆虫的模式生物,鳞翅目是昆虫中的第二大目。

    Silkworm ( Bombyx mori ) is model organism belonging to the second largest order Lepidoptera , Saturniidae .

  2. 盐藻(Dunaliellasalina(Chlorophyta))极强的耐盐能力使之成为研究植物耐盐分子机制的重要模式生物。

    Outstanding salt tolerance ability has made Dunaliella salina ( Chlorophyta ) an important model organism for clarifying the molecular mechanisms of salt tolerance .

  3. 发现,mRNA序列上最佳匹配频率分布在这9个模式生物中呈现出高度的一致性或普适性。

    The results show that the distributions of mRNA optimal matched frequencies are high consistency or universality .

  4. 耐辐射奇球菌是迄今为止发现的对辐射抗性最强的原核生物,是研究DNA损伤与修复的模式生物。

    Deinococcus radiodurans , as a model organism in DNA damage and repair , is the most resistant bacterium to ionizing radiation .

  5. 随着人类和其它模式生物的基因组完成测序,越来越多的研究表明非编码DNA是真核生物基因组的主要组成部分。

    After the whole-genome sequencing in humans and model organisms is that non-coding DNA makes up the majority of the most eukaryotic genomes .

  6. 酵母是一种很好的实验模式生物,其体内MAPK信号通路已经研究的比较透彻。

    Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a good model for study of MAPK signal pathway .

  7. 番茄是果实发育研究的重要的模式生物,但对其RNA沉默系统的认识还不系统和完整。

    Tomato is an important model plant for fruit development , but their understanding of RNA silencing system is not systematic and complete .

  8. 若干模式生物基因组中ORF、Intron和Exon的识别与特征研究

    Recognition and Prediction on ORF , Intron and Exon for Several Model Genomes

  9. 以水稻为模式生物的禾本科植物的QTL定位和基因组序列分析,产生了海量的数据与信息。

    QTL localizations and genomic sequence analysis of grass species with rice as model plant generate a great capacity of data .

  10. 大肠埃希菌(escherichiacoli,E.coli),俗称为大肠杆菌,是微生物学研究的重要模式生物之一,也是研究细菌基因组进化的理想模型。

    Escherichia coli are one of the important model organisms for microbiology , and are also the ideal model to study the evolution of bacterial genome .

  11. 家蚕(Bombyxmori,L.)不仅是一种重要的经济昆虫,也是一种有中国特色的重要模式生物。

    The silkworm , Bombyx mori , is not only an important economic insect , but also a central model with Chinese characteristics .

  12. 基因组上数以万计的DNA序列变异(例如SNP)以及模式生物全基因组测序的完成,已为这种准确的遗传剖分提供了必要的条件。

    Extremely abundant molecular polymorphisms such as single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNP ) and complete genome sequences in model organisms will greatly advance accurately genetic dissection for quantitative trait variation .

  13. 烟草(Nicotianatabacum)是重要的经济作物和模式生物之一。

    Tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum ) is an important economic crops and model organisms .

  14. 结果模式生物间p53蛋白有较高同源性,而且都具有p53蛋白的典型结构特征;

    Results p53 proteins from the 7 model organisms were remarkably well conserved with high homology , and the characteristic sequence structure was found in the different p53 protein family members respectively ;

  15. 家蚕(Bombyxmori)作为鳞翅目昆虫中的模式生物,它是唯一一种已知的完全由人类驯化而来的经济类昆虫。

    As a model of Lepidopteran insects , the silkworm , Bombyx mori , is the only known economic insect , which is completely domesticated by human .

  16. 黑腹果蝇(Drosophilamelanogaster)是生物学研究中最重要的模式生物之一,它在遗传的染色体理论建立中起到非常重要的作用。

    As one of the most classical model organisms , Drosophila melanogaster has been instrumental for the establishment of the chromosome theory of genetics .

  17. 运用隐马尔可夫模型,利用Perl编程,以几种模式生物的蛋白质数据库为基础,构建了目标基因的全基因组预测的新方法。

    Based on the protein databases of several model species , this study developed a new method of the Genome-wide prediction for the target genes , using Hidden Markov model by Perl programming .

  18. 得益于人类基因组计划(HGP)和其他模式生物基因组计划的顺利实施,生命科学研究领域正面临一个快速发展的契机。

    Life science is now facing an accelerated developmental moment profited from Human Genome Project and the analogous projects for model organisms .

  19. 本文通过利用模式生物&斑马鱼(Daniorerio)进行了雄核发育(Androgenesis)及其通过雄核发育进行鱼类性别控制的基础理论研究。

    The theoretics of androgenesis and sex control in zebrafish ( Danio rerio ), which was the latest model animal , were studied .

  20. 耐辐射球菌Deinococcusradiodurans对于电离辐射、紫外、过氧化氢、干燥和其他一些化学诱变剂具有很强的抗性,是研究DNA损伤修复的一种理想模式生物。

    Deinococcus radiodurans is so extremely resistant to ionizing radiation , UV radiation , hydrogen peroxide , desiccation and other chemical agents that it is a model organism for the research of DNA damage and repair .

  21. 当前,水稻作为主要的粮食作物和重要的模式生物,已经能够通过构建合适的遗传群体,借助分子标记遗传图谱来开展QTL分析,来完成影响特定性状主效QTL的精细定位。

    So far , as the staple food and model organism , rice has been studied genetically with various genetic populations based on genetic linkage maps to QTL analysis on a major QTL for particular trait , QTL Fine mapping .

  22. 应用该方法对几种模式生物的全基因组PPR和TPR蛋白家族进行了预测,其中粳稻日本晴中含有536个PPR蛋白、199个TPR蛋白;

    By this method , we predicted the PPR and TPR proteins families in whole genome of several model species . There were 536 PPR proteins and 199 TPR proteins in Oryza sativa ssp .

  23. 近年来,一种叫斑马鱼(zebrafishorDaniorerio)的模式生物迅速吸引了全世界大批实验室和科学家。

    In recent years , a model called zebrafish ( zebrafish or Danio rerio ) quickly attracted the attention of a large number of laboratories and scientists around the world .

  24. 研究结果不但丰富了蚯蚓和绿藻作为模式生物的基础数据,更重要是为PFOS环境毒理学综合评价提供有力的科学依据,为这类污染物的治理提供决策支持。

    The study not only enrich the data on algae and earthworms , but also provide the scientific basis for the ecological risk assessment and decision support for the management of the pollutants .

  25. 以单细胞的真核模式生物裂殖酵母(S.pombe)为材料,研究钙与细胞增殖的关系。结果表明,外源钙浓度的增加能明显缩短群体生长的延滞期,促进细胞增殖。

    Taking an example of unicellular eukaryotic organisms fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe ( S.pombe ) , the effects of Ca 2 + on cell proliferation were studied .

  26. 这项新的研究表明在其中一种最重要的模式生物秀丽线虫中,一个名为MEL-28的蛋白是核孔的一个成员。

    The new study shows that a protein called MEL-28 is a component of nuclear pores in the worm C.elegans , one of biology 's most important model organisms .

  27. 模式生物构巢曲霉胞质分裂的研究进展

    The Research Progress on The Plasmodieresis of Model Organism & Aspergillus nidulans

  28. 几种模式生物密码对的使用和基因组进化

    Codon Pairs Usage and Genome Evolution for 9 Mode Species

  29. 四膜虫:毒理学与生态毒理学研究中的优良模式生物

    Tetrahymena : a Good Model Organism for Toxicology and Ecotoxicology

  30. 多模式生物反馈治疗慢性特发性便秘的临床观察

    Clinical Trial on Diversified Biofeedback Therapy for Chronic Idopathic Constipation