
ōu zhōu zì yóu mào yì qū
  • European free trade area
  1. 欧洲自由贸易区(协会)〔

    EFTA [ European Free Trade Area ( Association ) ]

  2. 安道尔不是欧盟成员,不是欧洲自由贸易区成员,也不是欧元区成员。

    Andorra is not part of the EU , EFTA or the Euro zone .

  3. 由于担心中国的经济实力日益增强,德国正在考虑建立欧洲和美国自由贸易区的计划。

    Spurred by concern about China 's growing economic might , Germany is considering a plan for a free-trade zone between Europe and the US .

  4. 当今世界上有三大最具代表性的区域经济合作组织,即欧洲联盟、北美自由贸易区和东南亚国家联盟。

    There are three representative regional cooperation organizations in the world now which are European Union , North American Free Trade Agreement and Association of South East Asian Nations .

  5. 当今世界经济呈现出区域经济一体化的发展趋势,典型的区域经济一体化组织有欧洲联盟、北美自由贸易区、东盟等。

    Nowadays the world economy develops in the direction toward Regional Economic Integration , there are three typical Regional Economic Integration Organizations : the EU , NAFTA and ASEAN .

  6. 和欧洲联盟及北美自由贸易区主要由发达国家构成不同,中国和东盟大多数国家都是发展中国家。

    Different by compositions of developed country mainly with European Union and Free Trade Area of North America , China and most countries of Association of South-east Asian Nations are developing countries .

  7. 其中,欧洲联盟、北美自由贸易区以及亚太经济合作组织是三个实践模式比较有特色的区域经济一体化组织。

    Among these organizations , EU ( European Union ), NAFTA ( North American Free Trade Area ) and APEC ( Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization ), have respective characteristics in practice .

  8. 作为区域经济一体化的产物,欧洲联盟、北美自由贸易区和亚太经合组织这三大区域经济集团不断扩张演变,对区域经济和整个世界经济都产生了不可估量的影响。

    Secondly , as a result of regional economic integration , EU , the North American Free Trade and the APEC expand gradually , which take a great influence to regional economy and the whole world economy .

  9. 从欧洲共同体到北美自由贸易区到亚太地区,国家、地区之间的联合发展方兴未艾,一个国家内部也呈现出区域经济一体化的发展趋势。

    The joint development of countries or of regions is in the ascendant from the European Economic Community to the Free Trade Area of North America to Asian & Pacific Region . The tendency toward regional economic integration is also merging in a country .

  10. 随着经济一体化步伐的加快和合作水平的不断提高,目前,欧洲联盟和北美自由贸易区已成为世界上实力最强、影响力最大的区域经济集团,并深刻影响着世界经济发展格局。

    With the rapid progress of economic integration and constant improvement of cooperation , presently , EU and NAFTA have been deemed to be the most powerful , influential , and largest regional economic groups , and deeply affected the world wide economic development .

  11. 一旦获得欧洲委员会的授权,集中的上市授权在所有的欧盟和欧洲经济区-欧洲自由贸易区(EEA-EFTA)国家有效。

    Once granted by the European Commission , a centralised ( or'Community ' ) marketing authorisation is valid in all European Union ( EU ) and EEA-EFTA states ( Iceland , Liechtenstein and Norway ) .