
zhènɡ kè
  • required courses ;taxes and revenues
正课 [zhèng kè]
  • (1) [formal taxes]∶旧指不折不扣如数缴纳的赋税

  • (2) [course]∶规定的正式课程

  • 不要只注意正课的学习,而忽略课余的活动

  1. 启发教学在授屈光不正课中的应用

    Application of Illuminative Teaching in the Class of Errors of Refraction

  2. 课程主要分为正课及实验课。

    This class for histology includes lecture and laboratory .

  3. “正课是什么呢?”爱丽丝问道。

    ' What was that ? 'inquired Alice .

  4. v.1.使迟缓;阻止2.拘留;扣留懒惰的孩子在正课结束后通常被留在学校做额外的作业。

    detain Lazy boys sometimes are detained at school to do extra work after ordinary lessons are finished .

  5. 主要配合正课安排实习,期能以实际操作了解病原菌的危害及害虫防治技术的效果。

    The purpose is to cope with the lecture course , to learn actual practice on pathogens pests and their controls .

  6. 或许这就是上帝让我遇到了你们两个人,给我一生中所犯的错误上了一堂改正课。

    Maybe that is why God intended me to meet the two of you so I could learn a good lesson for mistakes I have made in my life .