
  • 网络monk;Warrior Monks;brawler
  1. 他在好莱坞拍摄的电影包括安娜与国王和防弹武僧。

    His Hollywood movies include " Anna and the King " and " Bulletproof Monk " .

  2. 理论上,具有武僧等级的眼魔法师可以用奥法之手进行徒手攻击。

    Theoretically , a beholder mage with monk levels could use its arcane hand for its unarmed attacks .

  3. 该塔是墓葬的庆祝少林武僧。

    The pagodas are the tombs of the celebrated Shaolin monks .

  4. 但是我很钦佩那些武僧。

    But I admired the monks .

  5. 的起源武术的起源功夫环绕的模糊推理的少林寺和少林武僧。

    The origin of martial arts , the origin of kungfu surround the vague mysteries of the Shaolin Temple and the shaolin monks .

  6. 少林拳,传说是由护卫少林寺的武僧们在长期的练武过程中慢慢积累发展出来的。

    It is said that Shaolin boxing was accumulated and developed for a long time by the monks who protected the Shaolin Temple .

  7. 食物被端了上来,但是我现在却对吃没多大兴趣,而是专注于记录下这武僧的生活点滴。

    Food was placed before me , but I had little hunger for it , focusing instead on recording the details of the monk 's life .

  8. 通过对大量历史文献资料的分析及研究发现,我国古代存在的寺院武僧活动,并非是个别现象。

    Through the analysis of historical literature and research , it 's found out that the Wushu activities held in ancient Chinese temples are not an individual phenomenon .

  9. 当日本3万大军进攻山顶堡垒的时候,幸州的可防御人数士兵、普通百姓以及武僧加起来也才3千人。

    When Japan mounted an attack on the hilltop fortress with 30000 troops , Haengju had barely 3000 soldiers , civilians , and warrior monks in place to defend it .

  10. 外面,游客正漫步于寺院,观看名满天下的武僧的定时表演,他们展示力量以及眼花缭乱的功夫。

    Outside in the warm sunshine , tourists wander the temple grounds and watch incredible displays of strength and acrobatic kungfu , performed at regular intervals by the world-famous fighting monks .

  11. 同时,少林武术是在军事实践与汲取民间武术精华基础上发展起来的,是武僧集体智慧结晶的产物。

    From the macrocosm ," the origin of Shaolin Wushu " is based on the military practice and the cream of Chinese traditional Wushu , which is a crystallization of wisdom of military monks .

  12. 学了平静后,武僧的气的消失速度变慢并且稳定在一个更高的专注技能下,而且会在气过低的情况下慢慢恢复。

    With Serenity , a monk 's ki not only decays at a slower rate and stabilizes at a higher " Concentration band ", but it will actually regenerate over time if their accumulated ki is low .

  13. 那武僧就那么坐着,第一个挥刀朝他冲去的人被他抓住手腕然后毫不费劲的被扔了出去,那个倒霉鬼落下来压碎了一张桌子,发出很大的响声。

    Without rising from his seat , the monk met the first man 's lunging slash , grabbing his wrist and tossing him carelessly over his shoulder , throwing him into a table with a loud crash .

  14. 但十三僧助唐毕竟是武事,因此也不能说它和后来的少林武术、少林武僧毫无关系。它为少林寺参予政治与军事开创了传统,并成为少林武术、武僧追述历史的必然方向。

    " Thirteen stick Buddhist monks support the Tang Dynasty " is indeed a martial event which initiates the tradition of Shaolin Monastery ' involvement into political and military affairs , and has become the origination of Shaolin Wushu and Shaolin martial monks as tracing back in history .