
  1. 武赫砸碎橱窗,大闹小饭馆,他看起来精神分裂!

    Moohyuk broke windows , broke the restaurant , showing so called insanity .

  2. 对武赫来说,这是最最悲情的一幕。

    For Moohyuk 's side , this was one of the saddest scene .

  3. 武赫与恩彩的爱情,开始于他们在路边摊的初吻。

    As Moohyuk and Eunchai 's love started , they did first kiss at the wagon liquor shop . hx'x.

  4. 但是当时武赫头痛得很,他同时看到了恩彩及智英。所以,我不知道武赫究竟吻的是谁?

    But Moohyuk was so painful at that time , he saw both Jiyoung ( wife ) and Eunchai at the same time .