
sǐ wánɡ péi chánɡ jīn
  • Death compensation;compensation for death
  1. 浅析死亡赔偿金

    On Compensation for Death

  2. 尤其是在死亡赔偿金性质方面。

    Especially , in the nature of compensation for death .

  3. 残疾、死亡赔偿金与精神损害抚慰金辨析

    Solatium analysis on the disability , death and moral damage compensation

  4. 空难概括死亡赔偿金性质及相关问题

    The Nature of the General Bereavement Damages for Aircrush and Issues Concerned

  5. 为什么人寿保险公司要付给未亡人死亡赔偿金?

    why the Life Insurance Companies pay death-forfeitures upon immortals ;

  6. 其中,死亡赔偿金无疑是最为重要的部分。

    Of these parts , death compensation must be the most important one .

  7. 从五个方面进行总结:一是,我国现行死亡赔偿金制度的原则。

    Summary : four aspects of death compensation system .

  8. 因此有必要对死亡赔偿金性质进行研究。

    Therefore it is necessary to study the nature of compensation for death .

  9. 带着这样的问题对死亡赔偿金进行探讨,其目的是希望能够对实践操作和理论研究有所裨益。

    This paper is expected to be benefit for practical operation and theoretical research .

  10. 论死亡赔偿金与生命权保护

    Compensation to Death Protection to Right of Life

  11. 死亡赔偿金问题一直以来都倍受民法学界和社会各界的关注。

    The problem of Death Compensation Funds has been much civil academic and society concerns .

  12. 同命不同价中的价,实质指的是死亡赔偿金。

    Virtually , the price of life in damage is also as a compensation for death .

  13. 而且,死亡赔偿金本身的概念也在法律的沿革过程中经历了多次变化。

    Moreover , the concept of death damages in the evolution process of law has undergone many changes .

  14. 针对现有死亡赔偿金城乡差别所导致的不公平,学者们提出了同命不同价、同命同价和惩罚性赔偿三种解决方案。

    Scholars have put forward three solutions to the problem of different compensation between urban and rural areas .

  15. 主张死亡赔偿金应在注重平等的基础上允许存在合理差别,死亡赔偿金的计算标准不应该人为的以户籍、地域等不构成合理差异的因素为标准进行划分。

    Death compensation claim should be focused on an equal basis to allow the existence of a reasonable difference .

  16. 其次,无继承人时死亡赔偿金可由特别机构代为请求。

    Secondly , death compensation from one ' who has no successor can be requested by the special institution .

  17. 其次针对不同类型的死亡赔偿金,分类讨论其请求权主体。

    Followed by because of the different type , this part discuss the main body of the death compensation .

  18. 这些观点的不断出现和争论,说明了我们对死亡赔偿金性质的研究非常之必要。

    These emerging ideas and arguments , illustrates the nature of compensation for death we study is very necessary .

  19. 在此情境下,对于死亡赔偿金制度的理论研究就具有重要的现实意义。

    In this context , the system of death compensation of the theoretical research is on the practical significance .

  20. 从司法实践看,现行的死亡赔偿金计算标准已经不符合社会发展需要。

    From the judicial practice of view , current standards for calculation has been inconsistent with the social development needs .

  21. 死亡赔偿金一直以来不仅是学界、实务界关注的焦点,也是人们时常谈论的话题。

    Death compensation has been the death of not only academics ; practical focus of attention is always talking about people .

  22. 死亡赔偿金,从概念、性质到赔偿标准,历来都存在争议。

    There are always some disputes for the Death compensation from its concept , range of compensation to standard of compensation .

  23. 究其原因,是由于现今立法及法学界对死亡赔偿金的性质无法明确定义所致。

    The reason is due to the nature of compensation for death can not be clearly defined by legislation and jurisprudence .

  24. 应当支付丧葬费、死亡赔偿金以及由死者生前扶养的人所必需的生活费等费用,亲属丧亡之痛的补偿

    Shall pay for the latter 's funeral expenses , death compensation and the necessary living expenses of the victims ' dependents

  25. 接着在分析和明确了各种因素之后,提出对我国死亡赔偿金的性质进行重新认定。

    Then analyzed and identified in a variety of factors , the proposed compensation for the death of the nature of our re-identified .

  26. 同时也指出了该法存在的相应局限性。第四部分对完善我国死亡赔偿金制度提出了相应建议。

    Also pointed out the limitation . The fourth part are how to perfect our death compensation system , puts forward the corresponding proposal .

  27. 深刻分析其产生的原由,同时对于死亡赔偿金的性质提出自己的想法和观点。

    A profound analysis of the reasons , at the same time for death compensation nature of the proposed their own ideas and views .

  28. 法学界和法律界在死亡赔偿金问题上的分歧,严重制约了我国死亡赔偿立法及法制建设的进程。

    The differences between the Jurisprudence and legal profession on the issue of death compensation severely restricted the process of legislation and the legal system .

  29. 我国民法学界对死亡赔偿金的性质之争持续已久,目前财产损害赔偿说占居主流。

    Arguing about character to death compensation has been for a long time in China , the theory of Property compensation is approved by most scholars .

  30. 由于死亡赔偿金是填补死者本身的损害还是死者近亲属的损害直接关系到死亡赔偿金的范围和计算,因此该部分也是全文的基础。

    Because whether the compensation is to fill the damage of the relatives or not directly relates to the scope and the calculation of death compensation .