
sǐ diǎn
  • dead center;dead point;dead spot;mid-gear;backwater
死点 [sǐ diǎn]
  • (1) [backwater]∶一个孤立的、僻静的或落后的地点、地区或状况

  • 文明世界中的文化死点

  • (2) [mid-gear]∶机器中的活塞在汽缸内做往复运动时最左和最右(或最上和最下)的位置

死点[sǐ diǎn]
  1. 在完全赤裸后,就有了某种禁止和弱点了。在上死点前在上止点前

    Being practically naked , there is a certain inhibition and vulnerability . before top dead center

  2. 螺旋压力机打击力封闭于机身,又没有固定的下死点。兼有锻锤和机械压力机的优点,在精锻和模锻领域得到重要应用。

    Characterized by the advantages of both forging hammer and crank-eccentric press , the screw press , whose blow force is confined to the frame and has no fixed bottom dead center , find an important application in the field of precision forging and closed die forging .

  3. 首次基于BP人工神经网络建立了离心泵关死点功率的预测模型,并给出了网络的输入模式和拓扑结构。

    Based on BP artifical neural network , the prediction model of power at SOC for centrifugal pumps is established firstly , and the input model and topology of the network are presented .

  4. 通过格式转换,把UG模型导入ADAMS,对修剪机进行运动学仿真,获得相关的运动参数,并且校核了修剪机运动干涉和死点问题。

    UG model was imported ADAMS through format conversion , then obtain relevant motion parameters and verify the trimming machine movement interference and dead spots problem by kinematic simulation of the trimmers .

  5. 产生的脉冲的第四凹槽的后缘,位于相应的活塞在前上死点(TDC)4度的位置的位置上。

    The trailing edge of the fourth notch , which causes the pulse , is four degrees before top dead center ( TDC ) of the corresponding piston .

  6. 平面连杆机构死点位置分析

    Analysis on Dead - center Positions of the Plane Link Mechanism

  7. 曲柄摇杆机构死点情况分析及其应用

    The Analysis of Dead Point for Crank-and-rocker Mechanism and Its Application

  8. 双节距滚子链及链轮传动,无死点,运行平稳。

    Double-roller chain and chain drive make stable and smooth running .

  9. 模糊聚类神经网络的死点问题

    The Fuzzy Clustering Neural Network of the Dead Unit Problem

  10. 吃就吃些补的,死就死点小的。

    Eat something good to your health , let your men die .

  11. 机构死点分析及其应用

    Analysis and Application of the Mechanism ′ s Dead Point

  12. 按死点位置综合曲柄摇杆机构的方法

    Method of synthesizing the crank-rocker mechanism with dead position

  13. 高速压力机滑块下死点动态精度超差的解决措施

    Solution to poor dynamic accuracy of down dead point of high speed press

  14. 一种防止机械装置在死点位置停止的装置。

    Device for preventing the mechanism from stopping in a dead center position .

  15. 气压及转速对高速压力机下死点的影响

    Influences of air pressure and rotating speed on bottom dead center of high-speed press

  16. 除此之外,还要检查上下死点的间隙。

    In addition to that , check the clearances in the upper and lower deadpoint .

  17. 他会走右路,如果你把他逼到那个死点。

    He 'll go to his right , so if you force him to the dead spot .

  18. 连杆机构的死点位置

    Dead point of linkage mechanism

  19. 提出了一种齿轮齿条机构产生匀速往复直线运动并能克服死点的方法。

    The mechanism is made up of gear and gear rack can get rid of dead point .

  20. 球形围合面给厅堂声学设计带来的影响有:声聚焦、沿边反射和死点等。

    The influences that spherical conformation brings to the hall acoustics design are sound focusing and so on .

  21. 两个上死点的传感器安装在凸轮轴的后面。

    Two TDC ( Top Dead Center ) sensors are mounted at the rear of the single camshaft .

  22. 因此,迫切需要开展离心泵关死点性能的研究以丰富和发展现代离心泵设计理论和方法。

    Therefore , it is urgent to research characteristics at SOC to develop the modern design methods of centrifugal pumps .

  23. 最后,针对影响冲床下死点精度的主要因素,提出相关改善措施。

    Finally , according to the main factors of influence punch BDC accuracy , and put forward relevant improvement measures .

  24. 利用伺服电机的可控性实现对冲压滑块下死点位置、速度的控制,进而提高精压机的通用性。

    Lower dead position of ram and speed control have been realized by controllable servo motor , hence improved adaptability .

  25. 使用这个方法,单元会漫步于死点位置,重复做相同的错误选择,直到他们发现周围的路。

    Using this approach , units will wander down dead ends and make similar wrong choices until they have learned their way around .

  26. 平面刚体双摇杆导向机构的单死点问题&六杆三级机构的应用条件之一

    Problem of Single Dead Center for Plane Rigid Body Guidance Mechanism with Two Roker Bar-One of The Applied Conditions for Third-Order Six Bar Mechanism

  27. 实验结果表明:在同一排气压力下,活塞行程和上死点位移随导通角的增大而变小;

    The experimental results show that piston 's stroking and top dead position increase with the angle of flow under the same discharge pressure .

  28. 为了有效地控制直线冰箱压缩机的活塞位移,提出了一种以活塞上死点位移为控制目标的可自调整规则的模糊控制系统。

    In order to effectively control the piston displacement of a linear refrigerator compressor , a new fuzzy control system based on self-adjusting was proposed .

  29. 文中讨论了曲柄滑块机构中滑块质量、滑块速度、温度和运动副间隙对滑块死点位置的影响。

    This paper discusses the effects of the slider 's weight and speed , temperature and joints clearance on dead-point precision of slide-block in crank-slider mechanism .

  30. 控制升程,克服卡死点,按需用水,作到节水、除漏。

    The utility model has the advantages of lifting control , overcoming of clamping dead point , water consumption as required , water saving and leakage removal .