
  1. 谈加入WTO后高职教育改革及毕业生就业指导

    Reform of Vocational Education and Employment Instruction of Graduates after China 's Entry into WTO

  2. Apriori算法在毕业生就业指导中的研究

    The Research of Apriori Algorithm in the Usage of Careers Guidance for Graduates

  3. 利用VISUALFOXPRO数据库编程技术开发了高校毕业生就业指导管理信息系统,使毕业生就业指导工作更加规范化和科学化。

    This paper , the MIS of University graduates obtain employment coach has been developed by using Visual Foxpro Programming technigues , So as to made it more standard and scientific .

  4. 我院毕业生就业指导管理系统的开发与设计

    On theDevelopment and Design of the Graduates Employment Guidance Management System

  5. 边疆地区高师毕业生就业指导浅议

    Employment Guides of Teachers ' College Graduates in the Frontier Areas

  6. 一般地方工科院校毕业生就业指导工作刍议

    The Modest Proposal on Employment Guidance for Local Engineering College Graduates

  7. 高职毕业生就业指导教育存在的问题及其对策

    Problems and Countermeasures on Obtaining Employment Guidance of Higher Vocational Graduates

  8. 论扩招形势下高校毕业生就业指导服务工作

    On employment instruction service work under the situation of enlargement of enrollment

  9. 试论高职院校毕业生就业指导工作中的思想政治教育

    Views on Ideology Education of Graduate Employment Guiding of Higher Vocational Colleges

  10. 毕业生就业指导是学校的重要工作

    Employment Guiding for Graduates is an Import an t Work

  11. 全程化高校毕业生就业指导初探

    On Whole - process Employment Guidance for University Graduates

  12. 新形势下的高校毕业生就业指导与服务

    College Graduates Employment Counseling and Service Under New Situation

  13. 大学毕业生就业指导研究

    Research on the Guidance of College Graduates ' Employment

  14. 日本、加拿大高校毕业生就业指导考察报告

    Study Report on the Careers Guidance for College Graduates in Japan and Canada

  15. 层次分析法在毕业生就业指导中的应用

    Analytic Hierarchy Process to direct the graduate employment

  16. 必须正视高校毕业生就业指导工作的满意度

    The Necessity of Seriously Treating Satisfaction Degree to Employment Guidance Work on University Graduates

  17. 论新疆高校少数民族毕业生就业指导中的思想政治教育

    Research on the Politics Education in Employment Training for Minority College Graduates in Xinjiang

  18. 航海类专业毕业生就业指导工作的实践和探索

    The Practice and Exploration of the Employment Guidance for the Graduate of Navigational Major

  19. 加强毕业生就业指导开创就业工作新局面&新疆师范大学就业指导工作的创新与实践

    Enhancing the Guidance for Employment of College Graduates and Creating New Situation for Employment

  20. 加强毕业生就业指导努力做好产品营销

    Strengthening guidance and actively promoting employment of graduates

  21. 当前高校毕业生就业指导所面临的三大研究课题

    Three Topics for Study about the Work of the Direction for Graduate to Obtain Employment Nowadays

  22. 如果你的户口在武汉市毕业生就业指导中心的话,程序是一样的。

    Account of Wuhan City in the graduate employment center , the procedure is the same .

  23. 加强师专院校毕业生就业指导工作的尝试高职高专院校毕业生就业评估实效性研究

    Study of Employment Problems of Teachers Colleges Graduates ; Effectiveness of Assessment of Higher Vocational Graduate Employment

  24. 规范就业工作,加大毕业生就业指导力度已成为当务之急。

    So it is necessary to regulate the employment work and strengthen the guidance for the students employment .

  25. 应寓思想政治教育于高职毕业生就业指导之中

    Ideological and political education should be contained in the career guidance for graduates from higher technical and vocational colleges

  26. 技工院校学生就业管理系统的设计与实现高校毕业生就业指导管理信息系统

    The Design and Implementation of Employment Management System for Mechanic College Students MIS of University Graduates Obtain Employment Coach

  27. 本文就如何做好高校毕业生就业指导工作提出了一些建议和措施,并对此工作进行了一些探讨。

    It then puts forward some practical suggestions and measures on how to improve the employment work of college graduates .

  28. 大学生就业指导应该是一个全程化、全员化、专业化、信息化标准的毕业生就业指导服务体系。

    We think university students career guidance should be a standard graduates career guidance service system in the whole journey .

  29. 文章阐述了新形势下高校毕业生就业指导工作的重要意义以及现阶段就业指导工作存在的主要问题,重点对如何加强毕业生的就业指导工作进行了探索。

    The paper illustrates the significance of employment guidance to college graduates and explains some existing problems under new circumstances , and focuses on how to improve the guid -

  30. 高等学校毕业生就业指导部门如何采取有效措施,加强学生综合素质的培养,提高择业能力,成为摆在我们面前的一项重要课题。

    Thus , it is an important task for employment guidance departments to study how to improve the overall quality of the university students and their abilities to obtain employment .