
  • 网络Bimo Culture
  1. 毕摩文化与彝族旅游开发

    Bimo Culture and the Development of Tourism in Yi Areas

  2. 《玄通大书》是毕摩文化中最重要的占卜经典。

    The Xuan Tong Da Shu is one of the most important works of divination in Bimo Culture .

  3. 毕摩文化是彝族文化的重要组成部分,是极有开发价值的民族文化旅游资源。

    Bimo cultural tourism resource deserves exploitation .

  4. 贵州彝族毕摩文化传承人问题研究&以贵州省盘县淤泥乡为个案分析

    Guizhou Yi Bimo Study on Cultural Heritage of People & Guizhou Province as a Case Study of Panxian Yuni Country

  5. 彝族毕摩文化是彝族文化的重要组成部分,是彝族传统文化的精髓。

    Bi mo culture is an important part in the culture of Yi nationality , and it is the core of Yi traditions .

  6. 毕摩文化,是彝族传统文化的核心,它在民间的长期实践中形成了传统的文化资源。

    Bimo practice is the core of Yi traditional culture and takes shape of traditional cultural resource through long-term practice among the people .

  7. 在民族文化旅游日益受到重视的今天,彝族毕摩文化的旅游开发也受到越来越多的关注。

    Today ethnic tourism has been attached more importance to , and more and more people are also attracted by the development of Bi mo culture .

  8. 毕摩文化是彝族文化的核心,是各地彝族人民的精神依托,也是祖国文化遗产之一部分。

    Bimo Culture is the core of Yi Culture , the spirit support of the Yi people , and a part of cultural legacy of China as well .

  9. 总之,只有在掌握了毕摩文化的精髓要义以后,我们才能不断地发展并延续其多重价值与文化生命力。

    In a word , as long as we make a deep understanding of the essence of bimo culture , we can develop and continue its multiple values and cultural vitality .

  10. 在彝族社会,以祖灵信仰为核心的毕摩文化已成为具有社会规范性质的一种势。

    In Yi society , taking grandfather 's clever faith as the core to is it rub culture is it have society standardize a kind of " tendency " of nature to become already to finish .

  11. 本文探讨了彝族毕摩文化的旅游价值,认为它具有很强的旅游吸引力和市场开发潜力,并以四川凉山美姑县为例,提出了毕摩文化旅游开发的一些措施和建议。

    This essay discusses the tourism value of Bi mo culture , holding that Bi mo culture has great tourism attraction and marketing potential . Taking Meigu county of Sichuan 's Liangshan autonomous prefecture , it also gives some suggestions on the development of Bi mo culture tourism .

  12. 女性文化精英和仪式从业者对于毕摩的文化实践是否构成补充作用?

    Does the work of Yi women intellectuals and practitioners complement Bimo practices ?

  13. 第三,对彝族图腾文化中毕摩绘画的文化内涵的分析。

    Third , the cultural connotation of the Yi totem culture Bimo paintings .