- felt;felt blanket;felt rug

[felt] 兽毛蹂压而成的厚片状制品
The inside was lined with another layer of felt .
Creeping to the window , he peeped cautiously between casing and blanket .
Kitty should have stepped on the mat first .
( British ) a carpet pad of thick felt . an embroidered rug made from a coarse Indian felt .
They say all foxes are slightly allergic to linoleum . But it 's cool to the paw . Try it .
The room was very messy , with four square tables pushed together in the . centre over a thick carpet .
When you travel by car through Northwest China 's boundless plateau , all you see before you is something like a huge yellow-and-green felt blanket .
Everything in the Shang Xia collection of clothing , jewellery , furniture and objets d'art has a story : a cashmere felt coat is inspired by the wool felt saddle blankets used by Mongolian horsemen ;