
  • 网络democracy;social democracy;property-owning democracy
  1. 我们现在正努力建立明晰的议会民主制。

    We are now striving hard to establish a transparent parliamentary democracy

  2. 事实证明,向多党民主制的转型非常艰难。

    The transition to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult .

  3. 她想以实施议会民主制为纲领去参加竞选。

    She would want to fight the election on a ticket of parliamentary democracy

  4. 南非很多在1994年实现民主制后出生的黑人年轻人开始将失望的情绪发泄到现政府头上。现政府由曼德拉的非洲人国民大会党(AfricanNationalCongress,简称:非国大)领导。

    Many young black South Africans , born after the dawn of democracy in 1994 , are channeling their frustration toward the current government , led by Mr. Mandela 's African National Congress .

  5. 这是一次对我们的勇气、决心和智慧的考验,也是一次对我们根本性的民主制的考验。

    It is a test of our courage of our resolve of our wisdom our essential democracy .

  6. 一方面,美国“革命”并未马上产生一个完全稳定、和平的民主制国家。

    For one thing , America 's " revolution " did not immediately produce an entirely stable and peaceful democracy .

  7. 我们知道民主不会死亡,因为唯独民主制确立了没有任何约束的文明,它能在改善人类生活方面取得永无止境的进步。

    We know it because democracy alone has constructed an unlimited civilization capable of infinite progress in the improvement of human life .

  8. 在泰国军政府中止实行民主制、导致泰国与美国关系趋于紧张之际,中国的上述及其他向泰国示好的举措格外具有战略意义。

    These and other overtures to Thailand are particularly strategic while the suspension of democracy under the junta has strained relations with the US .

  9. 他表示,这次会议在比较年轻的民主制国家举行是非常重要的。这些国家是欧盟成员国在冷战后增加的一部分。

    He says it is important that this summit occurred in a relatively young democracy - part of a post Cold War growth spurt in EU membership .

  10. 政治分析人士格兰特·海威特表示,虽然阿富汗从技术上来说是民主制,但是其政治体制非常脆弱。“部族制仍占主导地位。”

    While Afghanistan is technically a democracy , it still has very weak political institutions , says political analyst Grant Heywete . " The tribal system is a dominantism . "

  11. 前坦桑尼亚外长米基罗在非盟首脑会议的预备会议上讲话时把津巴布韦民主制的挫折称为对南部非洲稳定的一次最大的挑战。

    In an address to a pre-summit session , Migiro , a former Tanzanian foreign minister , described the failure of democracy in Zimbabwe as the single greatest challenge to stability in southern Africa .

  12. 我们不仅有议会民主制,还会在适当的时候,就如何管理国家的问题询问人民群众,而这正是我们刚做的。

    We not only have a parliamentary democracy , but on questions about the arrangements for how we 've governed , there are times when it is right to ask the people themselves and that is what we have done .

  13. 英国是个非常特殊的国家——我们拥有如此之多的优势——我们有通过平和辩论来解决关于未来发展议题的议会民主制,我们是一个因科技和艺术而伟大的贸易国,我们的工程和创造力,为我们赢得了世界的尊重。

    Britain is a special country - we have so many great advantages - a parliamentary democracy where we resolve great issues about our future through peaceful debate , a great trading nation with our science and arts , our engineering and our creativity , respected the world over .