
mín zú zhàn zhēnɡ
  • National War;war between nationalities
  1. 四国内战争和民族战争中党的军事战略的转变

    Changes in the party 's military strategy in the civil war and the national war

  2. 抗战爆发后,中国面临着全民族战争的严峻局势。

    After the war broke out , China faced severely situation in the whole nation .

  3. 分为国内战争和民族战争两个过程来说。

    Let us deal separately with the two processes , the civil war and the national war .

  4. 此外,还有许多前苏联和日本等国的学者对蒙元时期、清朝等时期的少数民族战争史进行过描述。

    Some scholars from former Soviet Union , Japan and other countries have depicted war history of Mongolian Yuan and Qing dynasties .

  5. 冷战的结束并没有根除一些国家的冷战思维,地区冲突、民族战争、部落纠纷频繁发生。

    Although the Cold War is over , the Cold War mentality is still deeply rooted in some countries , regional conflicts , ethnic wars and tribal disputes keep cropping up .

  6. 他们鼓吹力的哲学和英雄崇拜来振奋衰颓的民气,企望在新的战国时代通过一场自救的民族战争来达成民族复兴。

    They strive to Strong Power philosophy to stimulate people 's weak spirit and hope to revive the nation through a national self-saving war in the new Era of Warring States .

  7. 而这一切又是因为某些妄图挑起民族战争,乘乱为自己建功立业取得机会的人引起的。

    And all these because some is it provoke national war to attempt , ride messy to make contributions and start one 's career for oneself that people to make chance cause .

  8. 这部分考察了沂蒙地区20世纪妇女解放运动的发展,试图说明革命和民族战争促进了妇女社会地位的提高。

    This part reviews the development of the women 's Liberal Movement of YiMeng in the 20th century , and explains that the revolution and national war has improved the female social status .

  9. 如何正确分析和描写成吉思汗所进行的民族战争,如何评价他的历史功过,是成吉思汗研究和文艺创作中遇到的一个十分棘手的问题。

    It 's very intractable problem in the academic research and the literary production of Genghis Khan how to correctly analyze and describe the ethnic wars launched by Genghis Khan and how to judge his historical merits and demerits .

  10. 这场保卫国家、抵抗法西斯压迫者的民族战争的目的不仅是要消除笼罩着我们国家的危险,还要援助在德国法西斯主义枷锁下呻吟的所有欧洲人民。

    The aim of this national war in defence of our country against the fascist oppressors is not only elimination of the danger hanging over our country , but also aid to all European peoples groaning under the yoke of German fascism .

  11. 因此,爱国主义就是国际主义在民族解放战争中的实施。

    Thus in wars of national liberation patriotism is applied internationalism .

  12. 日本国防教育的方法和路径分析&纪念中华民族抗日战争胜利六十周年

    The Methods and Ways of Japanese Contemporary National Defence Education

  13. 第一次世界大战是争夺殖民地和奴役其它民族的战争,是非正义性质的,无产阶级必须反对这样的战争。

    World War I is the competition for colonies .

  14. 有关世界主要民族的战争。

    A war in which the major nations of the world are involved .

  15. 阿尔及利亚民族解放战争

    Algerian War for National Liberty

  16. 1940年代的中国文学被包含在一场民族自卫战争之中,多元的大众化样式已成为文学的时代特征。

    Chinese literature in the1940s was in a surrounding of national defense war , characterized by multiple plebian literature forms .

  17. 这是一个从家庭中走出来、经历民族解放战争、并取得国民身份的过程。

    It was a process that women went out of their families , experienced the war and achieved national identity .

  18. 其中,伴随着王室内斗及与周边民族的战争,夫余国产生的移民数量及规模最大。

    The number and the scale of the immigrants is largest when the royal infighting and the war with peripheral nationalities .

  19. 正值少年时代末尾的郭小川投身于民族解放战争的风暴,投身于可以将自己百炼成钢的火热溶炉。

    In the end of juvenile times of Guo Xiaochuan , he jumps into in the storm of the national Liberation War .

  20. 抗日战争并非是一次完全胜利的民族解放战争,因为我们并未获得完全的独立与解放。

    Anti-Japanese War is not war of national liberation of a complete victory , because we have not obtained complete independence and liberation .

  21. 60年前结束的抗日战争,是近代史上中国人民反抗外敌入侵第一次取得完全胜利的民族解放战争。

    The Anti-Japanese War that ended 60 years ago signaled the first and thorough victory over the foreign invasion in Chinese contemporary history .

  22. 自从越战失败,许多美国人意识到越战实际上是越南的民族统一战争。

    Following the failure of the Vietnam War , many Americans later recognized that war was really a war of ethnic reunification by the Vietnamese people .

  23. 我们主张全国人民总动员的完全的民族革命战争,或者叫作全面抗战。

    We stand for a national revolutionary war in the full sense , a war in which the entire people are mobilized , in other words , total resistance .

  24. 不克服这个倾向,就不能进行胜利的抗日民族革命战争,就不能变片面抗战为全面抗战,就不能保卫祖国。

    Unless it is overcome , we cannot succeed in carrying forward the Anti-Japanese National Revolutionary war , in turning partial resistance into total resistance and in defending the motherland .

  25. 中国民族解放战争的新阶段已经到来了,全国人民应该加强团结,为夺取最后胜利而斗争。

    A new stage in China 's war of national liberation has arrived , and the people of the whole country must strengthen their unity and struggle for final victory .

  26. 因此,“统一战线中的独立自主”这个原则的说明、实践和坚持,是把抗日民族革命战争引向胜利之途的中心一环。

    Thus the key to leading the anti-Japanese national revolutionary war to victory is to explain , apply and uphold the principle of " independence and initiative within the united front " .

  27. 本文拟通过对台湾少年团在抗战中的宣传鼓动活动的考述,突出台湾少年为民族解放战争作出的贡献,再现其爱国精神和期盼祖国统一的心愿。

    The paper states the group 's propaganda activities in the war , stresses Taiwan juvenile 's contribution to the war of national liberation , and reproduces their patriotic spirit and expectant wish of reunification of the motherland .

  28. 在新的抗日民族革命战争的阶段上,我们将引导中国革命走向完成,也将给东方和世界的革命以深刻的影响。

    In the new stage , the stage of the Anti-Japanese National Revolutionary war , we shall lead the Chinese revolution to its completion and exert a profound influence on the revolution in the East and in the whole world .

  29. 20世纪30年代,上海文艺界就如何建立文艺界的抗日统一战线而出现了国防文学与民族革命战争的大众文学两个口号的论争。

    In the thirties of the twenty century , on how to set up united front , a controversy about two slogan , namely " national defence literature " and " national mass literature of revolutionary war ", broke out in the literature and art circles in Shanghai .

  30. 作者分析了滇西抗战在整个中国抗日民族解放战争和亚太地区反法西斯战争中的历史地位,阐述了爱国主义精神、抗日民族统一战线和国际环境在铸就滇西抗战历史地位中的作用。

    The author analyzes the historical status of anti-Japanese war in western Yunnan in the light of anti-Japanese war in china and anti-Fascist war in Asia-pacific area and discusses explaining the impact of patriotism spirit , anti-Japanese national united front and international environment on anti-Japanese war in western Yunnan .