
  1. 结果显示:如果镇海炼化新增加一套12kNm~3/h的膜分离装置,并调整氢气提纯流程和氢气供应流程,网络操作费用可以进一步降低,每年还可以节省4937万元。

    Result shows that the whole cost can be reduced by 49.37 million per year further if increasing an additional capacity of 12kNm3 / h for Membrane separation .

  2. 优化氢气提纯程序控制系统提高工业氢收率

    Optimize H_2 Purification Procedure Control System to Increase Industrial H_2 Yield

  3. 工业气:空气分离(制氧),脱二氧化碳,氢气提纯。

    Industrial gases : air separation ( oxygen plants ), CO2 removal , hydrogen purification .

  4. 氢气提纯塔切塔技术专家系统的研究顶部塔盘进料蒸馏塔

    The Research on Expert System of Cutting off Tower in PSA top-tray feed distillation column

  5. 简介变压吸附气体分离与提纯技术的发展和技术特点,以及变压吸附技术在氢气分离提纯、变换气脱碳、CO分离提纯、CO2分离提纯、空分制氧气氮气等多种领域的应用。

    Briefly presents the development and characteristics of PSA gas separating and purification technology , as well as the application of PSA in separation and purification of hydrogen , carbon oxide and carbon diox-ide , shift gas carbon removal , and separation of oxygen and nitrogen in air separator .

  6. 目前,钯基的致密金属薄膜在氢气分离与提纯技术中得到了广泛的应用。

    Palladium-based alloy membranes are now widely used in the hydrogen separation and purification techniques .

  7. 实验结果表明,水合物气体分离技术对氢气有较好的提纯效果,气液比是影响水合物反应速率的重要因素。

    The results confirm that the hydrate gas separating technology is feasible for hydrogen separation and purification . The vapor / liquid ratio of feed seriously influences the reaction speed .