
  • 网络Hydrogen chloride;hcl;HCI
  1. HCl较敏感。副产氯化氢气体的精制及利用

    The purification and utilization of HCl gas byproduct

  2. 对乙二胺四甲叉磷酸钠(EDTMPS)的传统生产方法进行了改进,针对原有产品存在的质量问题和生产过程中的氯化氢泄漏问题。

    The improvement of the traditional manufacture method of EDTMPS was introduced in this paper . To the question about quality of the original product and the leakage of HCL in the process .

  3. 应用VISUALBASIC5.0进行钢制水夹套氯化氢合成炉优化设计

    The optimization design of steel manufactured water jacket hydrogen chloride synthesizer with Visual Basic 5.0

  4. 应用VISUALBASIC6.0进行二合一氯化氢石墨合成炉系统设备的优化设计

    The Optimum Design of Two-in-one Hydrogen Chloride Graphite Synthetic Furnace System Equipment with Visual Basic 6.0 Software

  5. 金属皂类热稳定剂对软质PVC脱氯化氢反应的影响

    The Influence of Metal Soap Thermal Stabilizers on the Dehydrochlorination of Flexible PVC

  6. 当受热时,PVC可能失去氯化氢并形成一种有色的共轭聚烯结构。

    When heated , PVC may lose hydrogen chloride and form a chromophoric conjugated polyene structure .

  7. PTFE生产中副产氯化氢的处理

    The treatment of by-product hydrogen chloride from the production of PTFE

  8. 介绍了PVC生产过程中VC合成转化工序及氯化氢合成工序的循环热水综合利用工艺,并分析了其产生的经济效益。

    Comprehensive utilization of cycling hot water in VC synthesis conversion process and chlorine hydride synthesis process were introduced .

  9. 在相同接枝反应条件下,采用脱氯化氢PVC与丙烯酸丁酯接枝共聚可以提高接枝率和接枝效率;

    By using dehydrochlorinated PVC in the graft copolymerization , the grafting degree and grafting efficiency of BA were increased .

  10. 硬脂酸盐热稳定剂对CPE脱氯化氢热降解性的影响

    Effect of stearate stabilizers on dehydrochlorination of CPE

  11. 城市生活垃圾焚烧时HCl排放及脱除研究进展木屑焚烧过程中氯化氢排放特性研究

    Emission characters of HCl during sawdust incineration

  12. MDI装置副产氯化氢的综合利用

    Comprehensive Utilization of By-Product Hydrogen Chloride in MDI Manufacture

  13. 微量氯化氢分析仪在VCM装置中的应用

    Application of hydrogen chloride microanalyzer in VCM equipment

  14. 静态热老化试验、脱氯化氢试验、红外及热失重分析结果表明,钙锌皂单独使用时,其热稳定性很差;加入水滑石后,PVC的长期热稳定性得到明显的改善。

    The results of static thermal aging method , dehydrochlorination method and FT-IR analysis showed that the thermal stabilization of single Ca / Zn soap was very poor .

  15. 氯化氢(HCl)是火灾烟气中阻碍人员逃生的最重要的刺激性气体之一。

    Irritant gas hydrogen chloride ( HCl ) is one of most important toxic gases that blocks people to evacuate from fire circumstances .

  16. 分析了采用组合式吸收&解吸工艺回收VCM中过量的氯化氢气体的经济效益。

    The economic profits of recycle of excess hydrogen chlorine in VCM production by compound adsorption-desorption were analysed .

  17. 分析了PVC生产中钢制水夹套氯化氢合成炉腐蚀原因和腐蚀机理,确定了合成炉设计的壁温约束条件和设计对策。

    This paper analyzes the cause and mechanism of corrosion in hydrogen chloride synthesizer with steel-made water jacket in PVC production and determines the restriction conditions and designing countermeasures for wall temperature in the synthesizer .

  18. 简要介绍PTFE生产中副产氯化氢的处理方法,设计了安全技术措施,保证生产的安全稳定进行。

    A method to treat by-product hydrogen chloride from the production of PTFE is introduced briefly . A safe technique is designed so that safe and stable production is ensured .

  19. TGA的结果表明,在氮气中CPE降解比较缓慢,而氧气对CPE的降解反应起到了一定的促进作用。相对于在氮气气氛中而言,热稳定剂在氧气气氛中对抑制CPE脱氯化氢更有效。

    The results of TGA test showed that compared with nitrogen , the oxygen accelerated dehydrochlorination of CPE , while the stabilizers had more obvious efficiency in oxygen .

  20. 采用刚果红法研究了防老剂、有机过氧化物、填料、金属氧化物、增韧改性剂、加工助剂和润滑剂等助剂的品种、用量对软质聚氯乙烯(PVC)脱氯化氢反应的影响。

    The influence of the kind and adding amount of such additives as antioxidants , organic peroxides , fillers , metal oxides , toughening modifiers , processing aids and lubricants on dehydrochlorination of soft polyvinyl chloride is studied by Congo red method .

  21. 探讨了氮气流量、低分子杂质、试样的形状、温度等因素对HPVC树脂热脱氯化氢速率的影响。

    The effects of nitrogen flow as carrier gas , impurities , sample size and temperature on rate of dehydrochlorination of HPVC were investigated comprehensively .

  22. 用强碱诱导的脱氯化氢法合成了发光聚合物聚(2,5二丁氧基)对苯乙炔(PDBOPV),并与前聚物路线合成法进行了比较。

    Luminescence polymer poly [ 2,5 dibutoxy p phenylene vinylene ] was synthesized through dehydrochlorination induced by strong base .

  23. 在反应技术方面,UOP工艺比氯化法和脱氯化氢法更具竞争力,介绍了UOP工艺的各种改进方案。

    As to reaction technology , the UOP process is more competitive than the chlorination process and the hydrogen chloride stripping process and several improvements in the UOP process were reviewed .

  24. 结果表明,硫醇锡复合热稳定剂T137和T395A抑制CPE脱氯化氢的效果优于非硫醇锡热稳定剂二月桂酸二丁基锡;

    The results showed that the dibutyl tin bis ( 2-mercaptobenzothiazole ) stabilizers T-137 and T-395A were better than dibutyl tin dilaurate in terms of inhibiting the dehydrochlorination of CPE ;

  25. 研究发现:具有光敏活性的锐钛型TIO2吸收光(波长小于380nm)的能量后,诱发PVC光降解反应,使PVC主链脱氯化氢(HCl)并产生多烯结构。

    It was found that anatase with photosensitive action absorbed the light ( wavelength < 380 nm ) energy , and induced reaction of light degradation of PVC , which made the PVC main chain taken of the hydrogen chloride and engendered the polyene structrue .

  26. 热解碳沉积法、氧化刻蚀法、氯化氢和惰性气氛补强法、金属盐溶液体系补强法等方法可以通过减少或消除RCF中缺陷,从而提高RCF的抗拉强度。

    Some methods such as deposition of heat degradation carbon , oxidizing and etching , hydrogen chloride and inert gas atmosphere , metal reinforcement and etc. can improve the tensile strength by decreasing the flaws of RCF .

  27. 通过双醚化反应、氯甲基化反应和在强碱性条件下进行的脱氯化氢反应,制备出可溶性聚(2甲氧基5辛氧基)对苯乙炔(PMOCOPV)。

    A soluble poly ( 2 methoxy 5 octyloxy ) p phenylene vinylene ( PMOCOPV ) was synthesized through double etherification , chloromethylation and dehydrochlorination reactions .

  28. 实验结果表明:防老剂、二氧化硅和粉末丁腈橡胶增韧剂(P-83)对软质PVC的脱氯化氢反应有明显的抑制作用,其中防老剂D的抑制作用最明显;

    The experiment results are as follows : antioxidants , silica and powdered nitrile rubber toughening agent ( P-83 ) obviously inhibit dehydrochlorination of soft PVC , and the inhibiting effect of antioxidant D is the most obvious ;

  29. 利用浓硫酸的高沸点及氯化氢挥发性的特点,以H2SO4∶AgCl(重量比)

    Taking advantage of the volatile characteristic of HCl and the high boiling point of H_2SO_4 , we produced silver sulphate . Under the condition of H_2SO_4 ∶ AgCl ( wt. ) > 3.5 ∶ 1 , heating the mixture .

  30. 在固定床反应器中首先对高温煤气中氨、有机硫化物、氯化氢及焦油4种污染物进行了同时脱除,其中选择CS2和1-甲基萘分别作为高温煤气中有机硫化物和焦油蒸气的模型化合物。

    The experiments were designed to remove HCl , NH 3 , organic sulphur and coal tar component in high temperature coal gas , in combination and simultaneously by using a fixed-bed reactor at the reaction temperature range from 300 ℃ to 550 ℃ .