
  • 网络Water tourism;aquatic tourism
  1. 宁波市区三江水上旅游开发探讨

    Study on the Sanjiang Aquatic Tourism Development in the Ningbo Urban

  2. 黄浦江水上旅游系统规划和开发

    Planning and development of aquatic tourism system on Huangpu River

  3. 文章就绍兴水上旅游的现状、开发、SWOT和前景等作了系统分析,并提出了绍兴水上旅游相应的发展对策。

    This article provides systematic analysis of present situation , cultivation , SWOT , and prospect , simultaneously , some appropriate measures for development .

  4. 第三章通过对武汉水上旅游的SWOT进行了综合分析,在此基础上提出了武汉水上旅游发展的战略定位、发展目标、商业模式及行动计划;

    Chapter 3 put forward the strategic position , the development target , and the development mode and space layouts of Wuhan aquatic tour through SWOT analysis ;

  5. 2010年世博会与上海水上旅游发展的互动关系

    Interactive relationship between water tourism development and Shanghai EXPO in 2010

  6. 富锦市一民营水上旅游公司为何濒临绝境

    The Difficulty of Private Owned Travel Company on Water in Fujin City

  7. 拓展苏州水上旅游空间的构想

    On the Expansion of Water Tourism Space in Suzhou

  8. 绍兴水上旅游开发的前景与对策

    Prospect and Measures of Water Tourism Cultivation of Shaoxing

  9. 武汉市水域景观水上旅游项目开发初探

    Exploration on the Development of Above-Water Tourism Programs and Water Landscape in Wuhan

  10. 第二章探讨了国内外及武汉市水上旅游发展的现状;

    Chapter 2 inquired into the present condition of domestic and international aquatic tour ;

  11. 我们怎么发展水上旅游业?

    Is gonna get us on the river ?

  12. 武汉市水上旅游战略研究

    Research of Wuhan Urban Aquatic Tour Strategy

  13. 城市水上旅游解说系统初探&以黄浦江游览为例

    An Initial Discussion about Aquatic Tourist Interpretation System of Cities-A CASE Study of Huangpu River

  14. 越来越多的地方政府把城市水上旅游开发纳入到城市发展战略的高度。

    More and more local governments upgrade the city water tourism development to urban development strategic height .

  15. 绍兴誉称东方的威尼斯,水上旅游前景看好。

    Shaoxing has been famed as " Oriental Venice ", where has the broad outlook of water tourism .

  16. 水上旅游是一个传统而又新兴的旅游项目,水上旅游有着巨大的发展潜力和开发空间。

    Water tourism , a traditional and newly emerging program , has huge development potential and cultivation space .

  17. 本文以武汉水上旅游产业发展为核心,分章节进行具体探讨。

    This text takes Wuhan aquatic tour industry development as the core , dividing the chapter to carry on the study .

  18. 成乐水上旅游航线六级航道已于2002年5月开通。桂平西江航道下引航道人行桥拆除施工实践

    The Chengdu-Leshan aquatic six levels of travelling route have been opened since May , 2002 . Demolition of a Footbridge across Xi Jiang River

  19. 在城市水上旅游的实际运作过程中,对出现的新问题要及时调整对策。

    In the actual operation process of the city shipping tour , it must adjust a countermeasure to the new problem appeared in time .

  20. 宁波市区开发水上旅游,不仅能丰富都市旅游的内容,而且也是展示宁波东方商埠、时尚水都都市形象的有效载体。

    The aquatic tourism in the Ningbo urban could not only enrich the city tourism content , but also effectively lay out the city imagine .

  21. 水上旅游成为黄河口生态旅游的重点项目、区内重要的水上交通节点和游客集散地。

    Water tourism become the focus of the river estuary ecological tourism projects , an important distributing center of water traffic node and tourist area .

  22. 本文以珠江游为例,分析了广州城市发展对珠江游产品形成发展的影响,并对珠江游等水上旅游产品未来的发展提出了建议。

    This paper takes Pearl river tourism as the case , analyzes the influences of urban development on tourism products , and gives some measures .

  23. 第四章探讨了实施武汉水上旅游战略的政策、营销、资金、人才、信息等保障体系。

    Chapter 4 probed into the guarantee system in the implement of Wuhan aquatic tour such as the strategic policy , marketing , funds , talented person , information etc.

  24. 研究发现:第一,上海黄浦江水上旅游产业链主要由上游的码头运营商、中游的游船公司和下游的渠道三个环节构成。

    Study found that : First , the Shanghai Huangpu river tourism industry chain is mainly links from three aspects , the upper reaches of the terminal operator , the middle reaches of the cruise company and the downstream channel .

  25. 最后,以环淀山湖地区水上旅游整合为案例,进行实证研究,试图为长三角水上旅游整合提供参考与借鉴。

    Finally , taking the integration of water tourism product in the area of Dian Shan lake for example , an empirical study on the Yangtze River Delta is made , so as to provide reference for that in the Yangtze River Delta .

  26. 通过国际都市文化型河流的旅游开发以及相关案例的研究,对上海苏州河的水上旅游进行探讨,并提出苏州河作为上海都市文化型河流的旅游开发设想和建议。

    Based on researching the tourism development of international city cultural river and studying some cases , this paper takes Suzhou River in Shanghai as an example to discuss the tourism development of Suzhou River and provides the assumptions and suggestions on the tourism development of it .

  27. 第三,水上旅游产业的政府管制政策,特别是政府主导下的公共票务平台,将扭曲市场对资源配置的基础作用,使低效率企业无法退出市场,从而对行业发展造成长期的伤害。

    Third , government regulatory policies for water-related tourism industry , especially under the government-led public ticketing platform will distort the basic role of market in resource allocation ; inefficient enterprises are unable to exit the market , which lead to long-term damage for the development of the industry .

  28. 关于水上客运旅游走可持续发展道路的思考

    Water Transport for Tourism Must Develop in a Sustainable Way

  29. 这是大连一次千载难逢的大力发展水上体育旅游的大好契机。

    This is a great opportunity to develop water sports tourism Dalian , a golden .

  30. 以运河为中心的水上黄金旅游线推出,昔日的古运河焕发出新的生机和活力。

    With the opening up of the golden travel route with the Canal as its center , the ancient Canal exhibits new vitality and vigor .