
  • 网络water-electrolyte imbalance;disturbance of water and electrolyte;fluid and electrolyte imbalance
  1. 4例病人术后出现短期尿崩,合并不同程度的水电解质紊乱,经口服双氢克脲噻、及时补液3~4d缓解。

    Four cases experienced short-term diabetes insipidus and water-electrolyte imbalance of varied degrees , and symptom relieved within 3 to 4 days treated with oral intaking of diuretic and fluid replacement .

  2. 急性完全性颈髓损伤患者的水电解质紊乱及相关内分泌变化

    Water-electrolyte imbalance and the changes of relative endocrine systems in acute complete cervical spinal cord injury

  3. 结论:正确掌握补液原则,及时纠正水电解质紊乱,合理营养支持治疗,对提高AOPP患者救治率起重要作用。

    Conclusion : Correct handling of the principles of fluid replacement , prompt correction of water and electrolyte disorders and rational supporting treatment with nutrients play an important role in increasing the cure rate of AOPP .

  4. 急性有机磷农药中毒水电解质紊乱的防治

    Water and Electrolyte Disorders and Their Supporting Treatment during Acute Organophosphorus Pesticide Poisoning

  5. 治疗应以快速补液、纠正水电解质紊乱等保守疗法为主。

    Conservative treatment including rapid infusion and correction of electrolyte disturbance was the main therapy .

  6. 糖尿病胃轻瘫临床上主要表现为早饱、上腹不适、恶心、发作性呕吐和体重减轻,严重地影响了患者的生活质量,并削弱了血糖的调控,可引起营养不良和水电解质紊乱。

    Symptoms of diabetic gastropathy may include dysphagia , heartburn , nausea and vomiting . Gastroparesis seriously affects quality of life .

  7. 目的分析妊娠剧吐所致水电解质紊乱、酸中毒,严重者可致韦尼克脑病发生。

    Objective To discuss the disorder of electrolyte and acidosis caused by vomiting of pregnancy that might induce wemicke brain disease .

  8. 用药方法:对照组40例:限盐、防治感染、纠正水电解质紊乱;

    The medical usage : Matched control 40 example : Limit the salt , the prevention and cure infection and rectify the electrolyte mess of water ;

  9. 结果:乘飞机进藏的患者并发症发生率明显低于乘汽车进藏的患者(P<0.01),常见的并发症以水电解质紊乱和肺部感染为主;

    Results : The occurrence of complication in HAPE patients who exposed the high altitude by plane is lower than those by bus obviously ( P < 0.01 ) and showed the disorder of electrolyte and pulmonary infection .

  10. 目的了解青年尿毒症病人左心室舒张功能障碍的发生率,并探讨心脏形态结构改变、高血压、贫血、水电解质紊乱及营养不良与左心室舒张功能障碍的关系。

    Objective To explore the occurrence rate of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in young patients and the correlation of the disease and such factors as changes in cardiac morphosis , hypertension , anemia , water-electrolyte imbalance and malnutrition .

  11. 对照组予控制血压、升血红蛋白、纠正水电解质紊乱等西医基础治疗,试验组在西医基础治疗上加用加味桂枝茯苓丸,疗程为二个月。

    The control group to control blood pressure , litres of hemoglobin , drop proteinuria based therapy , such as western medicine group based in western medicine treatment combined with flavored guizhi poria cocos pills , treatment for two months .

  12. 消化道症状如恶心呕吐、消化道粘膜溃疡、口腔溃疡、腹泻等,使患者意志消沉、食欲不振、水电解质紊乱,如处理不当可并发伪膜性肠炎,重者可导致死亡,后果十分严重。

    Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea , vomiting , gastrointestinal ulcer , oral ulcers , diarrhea , etc. , so that patients depression , poor appetite , water and electrolyte disturbance , If not handled properly can be complicated by pseudomembranous colitis , and might cause death .

  13. 其主要死亡原因是感染性休克、MOF、ARDS及严重水、电解质紊乱及酸碱失衡。

    The main cause of death was septic shock 、 MOF 、 ARDS and severe disturbance of water-electrolyte 、 acid-base balance .

  14. 结果:颈髓损伤并发MSOF的诱因为肺部感染、高热、水电解质平衡紊乱、低蛋白血症。

    Results : The inducement of acute cervical cord with MSOF included lung infection , high fever , disorder of hydroelectrolyte balance , and hypoalbuminemia .

  15. 目的:探讨连续性静-静脉血液透析滤过(CVVHDF)治疗水、电解质紊乱的临床疗效。

    Objective : To probe the efficacy and safety on continuous veno-venous hemodialysis filtration ( CVVHDF ) for twenty-one patient with water and electrolyte disturbance .

  16. 处理以松解石膏、胃肠减压及纠正水、电解质紊乱为主。

    Losening plaster , gastrointestinal decompression and regulating water electrolyte were applied .

  17. 监测血生化,预防水、电解质紊乱;

    Supervision of blood biochemistry for water electrolyte disturbance ;

  18. 易有意识障碍,易引起水、电解质紊乱;

    They are easy to sicken for consciousness obstruction and turbulence of water and electrolyte ;

  19. 水、电解质紊乱诊断及治疗系统的设计与实现

    The Designing and Realizing of Diagnosis and Treatment System for Water and Electrolytes Metablic Disorder

  20. 妇科肿瘤术后肠道菌群失调及水、电解质紊乱的防治

    Prevention and treatment with alteration of intestinal flora and water-electrolyte imbalance after gynecologic cancer surgery

  21. 结果除早期的3例死于脑水肿和脑梗塞外,其余18例水电解质代谢紊乱均得到纠正。

    Result Among the patients , cured cases in clinic were 18 and 3 cases died of brain edema and infarction .

  22. 肠套叠处理不及时会导致肠梗阻而进一步引起水、电解质紊乱、酸碱失衡以及感染、中毒,甚者还会导致肠管坏死、脱水和休克。

    If not treated in time , it could lead to intestinal obstruction and the consequent electrolyte disturbance , acid-base imbalance , as well as infection , poisoning , even intestinal necrosis , dehydration and shock .

  23. 结果PE的发生率为12.0%,PE出现时常伴有高热、水和电解质代谢紊乱、低氧血症等因素。

    Results The occurrence rate of PE was 12.0 % . PE often occurred in association with such factors as hyperpyrexia , water-electrolyte disturbance , and hypoxemia .

  24. 与CKD5期患者病情进展相关的影响因素包括血清肌酐、血清尿素氮、残余肾功能、蛋白尿、高血压、贫血、血脂异常、高尿酸血症以及水、电解质代谢紊乱等。

    The related factors of stage 5 CKD include serum creatinine ( Scr ), blood urea nitrogen ( BUN ), residual renal function ( RRF ), proteinuria , hypertension , anemia , dyslipidemia , hyperuricemia , and water and electrolyte metabolism disorder .

  25. 小儿急性轮状病毒肠炎水电解质及酸碱平衡紊乱的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on Water-Electrolyte and Disturbance of Acid-Base Balance in Children with Acute Rotavirus Enteritis

  26. 目的:探讨新生儿窒息后水电解质和酸碱平衡紊乱及其与肾功能损害的关系。

    Objective : To evaluate relationship between electrolyte , amion gap ( AG ) and renal function injury post asphyctic newborn .

  27. 慢性肾衰竭因体内代谢产物潴留,水电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱,多以神疲乏力、恶心呕吐、口有尿味、水肿、腰酸、大便秘结为主要临床表现。

    The clinical symptoms of CRF are the retention of metabolite , water-electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders . In order to fatigue , nausea , vomiting , edema , backache and constipation .

  28. 对照组52例,采用抗病毒、提高肠粘膜屏障功能、调节肠道微生态、纠正水电解质及酸碱平衡紊乱等治疗,继续用平时正常饮食。

    The control group containing 52 cases was treated with antiviral drugs , mucous barrier protestant , modulators of gastrointestinal micro-ecosystem , correction of water-electrolyte and acid-base imbalance , and on routine diet .

  29. 对照组52例,静点抗生素,口服粘膜保护剂思密达,调节肠道微生态,补液纠正水电解质及酸碱平衡紊乱。治疗组70例,在上述治疗基础上,加用丁胺卡那霉素保留灌肠。

    52 cases of control group were treated by intravenous infusion of antibiotics , taking mucous barrier protector orally , modulating gastrointestinal micro-ecosystem and correcting water-electrolyte disturbance and acid-base imbalance , while 70 cases of experimental group were treated by amikacin retention-enema on the basis of the above treatment .

  30. 通过对101例多尿患者护理观察,认为①维持水、电解质平衡是肾移植术后多尿期护理的重点,本组无一例发生水电解质平衡紊乱;

    Through a retrospective analysis of 101 polyuric RT patients , we found the following results . ① there was no one case of occurrence of water electrolyte disorder The maintenance of water and electrolyte balance is extremely important in the polyuric period .