
shàn tóu
  • Shantou
汕头[shàn tóu]
  1. 基于GIS的汕头市房屋数据库图库及其显示管理系统的研制

    Development of GIS based Shantou building map database and its display management system

  2. 汕头地区健康献血者人巨细胞病毒抗体及DNA检测结果的评价

    Evaluation on the Detection of Antibody and DNA against Human Cytomegalovirus in Healthy Blood Donors in Shantou

  3. 基于GIS的汕头市水利设施数据库及成灾模型的研究

    The Research on the Hydraulic Facility Database and the Flood Disaster Model in Shantou Based on GIS

  4. 汕头大学校园网ATM主干的实现

    Implementation of campus network backbone with ATM in Shantou University

  5. 对由汕头港入境的出国回归人员HIV感染者的分析

    An analysis of persons with HIV infection of returning from abroad who passed through Shantou Port

  6. 基于GIS的汕头市洪涝灾害分析、评估和决策综合系统

    The Integrated Analysis , Assessment and Decision-making System of the Flood and Waterlog Disaster in Shantou City Based on GIS

  7. 汕头LPG码头工程环氧树脂涂层钢筋的施工监理

    Epoxy Resin Coated Steel Bar Construction Supervision in Shantou LPG Wharf Engineering

  8. 汕头LPG国际工程的安全管理实践

    Safety Management Practice of the LPG International Project of Shantou

  9. 新技术在汕头LPG码头工程中的应用

    Application of New Technology in Shantou LPG Wharf Project

  10. 介绍汕头LPG码头工程中所应用的新材料和新工艺。

    The new materials and new technique adopted in Shantou LPG Wharf are introduced .

  11. 方法以潮州、汕头(包括南澳县)城乡地区为中心随机抽取若干家庭,并以家庭为单位,以3d食物称重记录法进行膳食调查,建立潮汕地区城乡家庭膳食资料数据库;

    Methods The dietary survey was carried out based on 3-day weighed dietary record in the families randomly selected from in Chaozhou and Shantou .

  12. 汕头LPG码头工程设计

    Shantou LPG Wharf Engineering Design

  13. 汕头LPG码头工程由1、2、3工作船泊位和一座防波堤组成。

    Shantou LPG Terminal Project includes berths 1 # , 2 # & 3 # service boat and one breakwater .

  14. 汕头LPG工程交通洞注浆堵涌水纪实

    Practical experience of flood protection by grouting for gushing water in a communication cavern of LPG engineering project at Shantou City

  15. 结果①20例慢性乙肝患者样本中,7例淋巴细胞与精子样本均见HBV汕头大学医学院硕士学位论文DNA阳性带;

    Results 1 . The positive bands of HBV DNA were observed in both of lymphocyte and sperm samples from seven of twenty cases with chronic hepatitis B infection .

  16. MEDLINE收录汕头作者论文的计量分析

    Bibliometric Analysis of Shantou Literature Embodied in MEDLINE

  17. 汕头互动文化用品有限公司是一家致力于研发、生产DIY类产品的专业公司。

    Shantou Interacive Stationery & Sports co. , ltd is specialized in DIY products Development and production .

  18. 介绍KVM技术的系统结构以及在汕头供电分公司数据中心的应用。

    The architecture of KVM technology and its application in Shantou power supply company branch are proposed .

  19. 汕头市区10kV配电网接线改造方式的构思

    Transformation design for 10 kV distribution network structure of Shantou City

  20. 介绍汕头港外导流拦沙堤BC段加高设计方案及其技术要求。

    The scheme for section BC heightening design of the dike for diversion and debris barrier outsideShantou Port and the technological requirements are introduced .

  21. 中国移动汕头公司与澄海玩具协会携手合作玩具通首创玩具业手机WAP信息平台

    China mobile Shantou branch and Chenghai toy association hand in hand Toys baby first build cell phone WAP information platform for toy industry

  22. 挪威法(NMT)在汕头液化石油气储库工程中的应用

    Application of NMT to Shantou LPG Cavern Project

  23. 通过汕头市防洪物资优化配置设计实例展示了GIS技术在城市物资运输中良好的应用前景。

    Furthermore , through an example , the design of the optimum distribution schema on goods resisting flood in Shantou city , it is shows that GIS technology gives a good perspective for the development of urban goods transportation .

  24. 汕头500kV变电站主变过励磁保护配置及运行管理

    Over Excitation Protection Configuration of Main Transformer and Operation Management in 500 kV Substation

  25. 采用GC-MS-计算机联用技术从湛江、汕头和梅州3产地高良姜挥发油中分别鉴定出32、30、32种化学成分,其主要成分为1,8-桉叶素。

    32 , 30 and 32 components in essential oils of Alpinia officinarum Hance from Zhanjiang , Shantou and Meizhou were separated and identified by GC-MS-Computer respectively . Their major component was 1 , 8-cineole .

  26. 2001年汕头AS诊断标准对JAS诊断的敏感性较修订的纽约标准高。

    The Shantou diagnostic criteria for AS has higher sensitivity than modified New York diagnostic criteria for AS .

  27. 500kV汕头变电站监控系统

    SCADA system in Shantou 500 kV Substation

  28. 通过开敞海域的码头工程汕头LPG#3泊位的施工实践,介绍一种新的沉桩工艺海上升降平台沉桩技术。

    Based on the construction practice of Shantou LPG Terminal Berth # 3 in an open sea area , it introduces a new pile driving technique ─ pile driving with offshore jackup platform .

  29. 本文作者通过对汕头卫生检疫局1993年咨询发现的26例STD患者的年龄、性别及职业等方面进行了分析和讨论,提出加强对STD监测的意见。

    By analysed and discussed of 26 STD cases which consulted the Shantou Health and Quarantine Bureau in 1993 . the author gave his advice on strengthening the detection and control of STD.

  30. 华能汕头电厂2×300MW机组锅炉再热器爆管原因分析

    Burst Cause Analysis for the Reheater Tube of the 2 × 300MW Unit Boiler in Huaneng Shantou Power Plant