
  • 网络Jiangyou City
  1. 江油市人文旅游资源的开发利用

    Exploitation of Human Tourism Resources in Jiangyou City , Sichuan Province

  2. 汶川地震中江油市水坝震害调查与分析

    Investigation of earthquake damage to dams in Jiangyou city during Wenchuan earthquake

  3. 江油市部分建筑在汶川地震中的震害分析

    Damage analysis on some buildings of Jiangyou City in the Wenchuan earthquake

  4. 江油市钩端螺旋体病高发原因研究

    A Case Study on Cause of High Incidence of Leptospirosis in Jiangyou City

  5. 江油市拥有丰富的人文旅游资源和优越的开发条件。

    Jiangyou city is rich in human tourism resources with favorable conditions of exploration .

  6. 江油市小型震损水库除险加固措施探讨

    Investigation to Danger-eliminating and Reinforcing Measures of Small-scale Reservoir Damaged by Earthquake in Jiangyou City

  7. 江油市低效天然林封禁试验初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of Biodiversity Recovery Trial of Enclosed Lowly Efficient Natural Forest in Jiangyou City

  8. 最后,提出了江油市的经济发展战略、战略方针、战略重点和战略对策。

    In the end , bring up economy development strategy , strategic concept , strategic priority and strategic countermeasure .

  9. 城市特色滨水走廊&江油市涪江滨水景观规划设计

    City Characteristic Water Side Corridor & Water Side Landscape Planning and Design of the Fujiang River in Jiangyou City

  10. 1990-1991年,在四川省江油市对桃进行了疏果套袋试验研究。

    This paper reports on the research of fruit thinning and bagging for peach at Jiangyou city of Sichuan province .

  11. 江油市2002~2008年孕产妇死因分析

    Analysis of Cause of Death of Pregnant Women in Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Jiangyou City from 2002 to 2008

  12. 江油市武都西山滑坡群的整治勘察、设计、施工与监测工程

    Exploration , design , execution and monitory for the control engineering of the landslide group in Wudu west mountain of Jiangyou City

  13. 本文研究目的是解决符合江油市生态示范区建设规划的理论、方法,构筑江油市生态示范区规划框架。

    The work concerns about ecological demonstration areas construction planning of Jiangyou city , and establishes ecological economic model of ecological demonstration area .

  14. 江油市西南方的石方镇,和尚们在政府安置了几千灾民的庙里为死难者们诵经祈福。

    In the town of Shifang , south-west of Jiangyou , Buddhist monks say prayers for victims in a temple where the government has settled hundreds of refugees .

  15. 三合镇以江油市首批乡镇信息化综合信息服务试点为契机,全面启动乡镇综合信息化系统建设。

    Sanhe Town , Mianyang City , the first integrated township of information as an opportunity to pilot information service , started construction in towns and information systems .

  16. 运用层次分析法对江油市生态示范区主要建设领域和主要建设项目进行优化排序,为决策机构提供生态示范区建设决策依据。

    The key construction fields and main construction projects were arranged with their importance by using analytic hierarchy process , which provide basis in the decision-making for local government .

  17. 以江油市城市生活垃圾处理厂为实例,介绍垃圾综合处理工艺设计的基本思路、基本参数和关键设备。

    Based on the example of Jiangyou city domestic waste treatment plant , the basic idea ? parameter and key equipment of waste comprehensive treatment technology design were introduced .

  18. 江油市发展能源产业具有得天独厚的优势,其能源工业的发展重点是电力、石油、天然气和生物质能源。

    Jiangyou city possesses the unique advantage of energy industry development , and the major scope of energy industry development covers electric power , petroleum , natural gas and bio-energy .

  19. 方法直接采集灾区现场水样用余氯比色仪对江油市灾区内集中式供水和分散式供水的基本情况进行了调查。

    Method Water samples directly collected at the scene for surveying the basic condition of centralized and disperse water supply by residual chlorine colorimetry in the disaster areas of Jiangyou City .

  20. 同时,对江油市的发展现状作了横向比较,从比较中找到差距和不足,根据比较,提出了加快发展的具体措施。

    At the same time , from the transverse direction comparison , discovered the offset distance and insufficiency , from comparison , put forward the physical measures to accelerate Jiangyou 's economy development speed .