
jiāng mǐ
  • Jiangmi;polished glutinous rice
江米 [jiāng mǐ]
  • [polished glutinous rice] 糯米

  • 江米酒

江米[jiāng mǐ]
  1. 包裹软糖的江米纸是由糯米做成的。

    The coat covering the soft candies is made from glutinous rice .

  2. 传统发酵江米甜酒中风味香气成分的组成分

    Analysis of Aroma Components in Glutinous Rice Wine brewing by Traditional Xiaoqu

  3. 江米酒凝乳机理的初步研究

    Study on the Milk-clotting Mechanism of Glutinous Rice Wine

  4. 江米酒乳凝固特性研究

    Studies on the coagulating property of glutinous rice wine

  5. 面塑是中国的一种民间工艺,俗称面人或者江米人。

    Dough Figurines are Chinese traditional art form and is commonly known as sticky rice flour toys .

  6. 豆面糕原来以黄米面为其主要原料,现在大多改用江米面。

    It used to be made of millet flour , but now the material is mainly rice flour .

  7. 在明清的地图上称为“东西江米巷”。

    In maps in Ming and Qing Dynasty , it was called " East and West Jiangmi Lane " .

  8. 试验结果证实,江米酒中的凝乳活性因子,即江米酒发酵过程中微生物产生的蛋白酶是米酒奶凝乳的主要原因。

    The results showed that milk-clotting was caused by the protease which was secreted by the microorganism in the glutinous rice wine .

  9. 以江米为原料,通过安琪纯种根霉酒曲和民间传统甜酒曲发酵制备江米甜酒。

    The glutinous rice wine were prepared through brewing of angel rhizopus sp. and traditional xiaoqu by using glutinous rice as material , respectively .

  10. 随着馅料在互相撞击中变成球状,江米也沾到馅料表面形成了元宵。

    With the impact of filling in each other to become spherical , glutinous rice is also stained the surface of the Lantern Festival in fillings .

  11. 做成的元宵江米粉层很薄、表面是干的,下锅煮时江米粉才吸收水份变糊。

    River Lantern Festival made of very thin layer of rice , the surface is dry , the next pot until rice absorbs moisture when the river changed paste .

  12. 然后把馅块放入像大筛子似的机器里,倒上江米(南方叫糯米)粉,机器就“筛”起来了。

    And then stuffing into pieces like a big sieve-like machine , the down on the glutinous rice ( sticky rice is called the South ) powder , machine on the " screening " up .

  13. 对天津市售大米、小米、黄米、黑米、江米、西米、泰国香米、大薏仁米、大麦仁、红豆、绿豆、大豆和玉米渣等13种市售谷物进行真菌污染调查。

    The investigation of fungus contamination in rice , millet , broomcorn millet , black rice , glutinous rice , sago , Thailand rice , adlay , barley seed , red bean , mung bean , soybean and corn residue in Tianjin supermarket .