
  • 网络JIANGSU EDUCATION;education in jiangsu
  1. 国立东南大学与江苏教育近代化

    National Southeast University and the modernization of education in Jiangsu Province

  2. 民办高教是江苏教育现代化建设的重要组成部分,是江苏实现两个率先的重要基础。

    Non-government-funded colleges form an important component in the modernization construction of education in Jiangsu .

  3. 其次,对江苏教育督导的工作内容进行了分析。

    Secondly , it analyzes the work of education steering in Jiangsu .

  4. 关于编写江苏教育史的几点思考

    Considerations about the Compilation of Jiangsu Educational History

  5. 江苏教育总会与清末新教育

    The General Educational Society of Jiangsu and the New Education in the Late Qing Dynasty

  6. 探寻教育频道的品牌之路&江苏教育电视台十年之变

    Explore the Brand Way for Education Channel

  7. 江苏教育、科技和经济一体化的组织平台建设与机制创新

    Organization Platform Construction and Mechanism Innovation of Education , Science & Technology and Economy Integration in Jiangsu

  8. 第三章论述了江苏教育总会修订章程及主要活动。

    In the third section , the revised charter and the main activities of JEGA are discussed .

  9. 屠宰税原属江苏教育经费管理处管理,有其招商认办,充作教育经费。

    Slaughter tax formerly Jiangsu education fund management office management , the investment that do , as education funding .

  10. 在很长一段时间里,江苏教育总会实际上起着一种总揽全局的作用。

    During a very long period of time , Jiangsu education group played an important role in the new-type education .

  11. 其次,江苏教育会所倡导的新式教育如果要建立起社会合理性,以便能够深入人心,并不能够仅仅凭借权威性的说教、讲演等形式就可以为社会所接受。

    So the Jiangsu Educational Institution is not just to rely on authoritative preaching , lectures and other forms of society they can accept .

  12. 江苏教育总会是清末创办最早、影响最大的省级教育团体。

    The General Educational Society of Jiangsu was the earliest and most influential educational organization at the provincial level established in the late Qing Dynasty .

  13. 江苏教育史是中国教育史的一个重要部分,是中国地方教育史研究的一个重要课题。

    Jiangsu education history is not only an essential part of Chinese education history but an important subject in the research of Chinese local education history .

  14. 最后根据江苏教育发展现状,结合已有的教育现代化指标体系,建立一套在江苏全省范围内都适用的区县教育现代化指标体系。

    As the developed countries are the targets , the author makes a comparative study of current situation of education modernization in China and the other countries .

  15. 笔者选取具有不同程度代表性的人民教育出版社和江苏教育出版社出版的两套高中语文选修教材作为具体研究对象。

    I select two sets of published elective Chinese textbooks in senior middle school as an entity , they are People Education Press and Jiangsu Education Publishing House .

  16. 最后,江苏教育会的教育活动意味着教育要想持续、良性发展下去,不仅需要外界物质和制度的支撑,更需要自身学术权威和地位的确立。

    Finally , if the education must want to continue and develop healthy , it not only needs the support of outside material and system , but need to establish their own academic authority and status .

  17. 江苏教育总会是中国近代史上重要的民间教育团体,在推动地方教育和介入政治方面做了大量有效的工作。

    Jiangsu Education General Academy ( JEGA ), a very famous nongovernmental organization in modern China , made great efforts to push the local educational and political affairs , which had an important influence at that time .

  18. 针对教育评估信息管理系统中评估数据处理过程复杂性的客观实际,在江苏省教育评估信息网的建设中构造以WebServices技术为核心的系统开发模型框架,提出了初步的实现方法。

    Considering the complexity of data processing in educational evaluation MIS , this paper puts forward a designing model based on the Web Services , and a basic way to develop and implement the educational evaluation information network in Jiangsu Province .

  19. 对江苏高职教育改革发展的一些思考

    Considerations on the Reform of Higher Vocational Education in Jiangsu Province

  20. 具体分析了影响江苏高等教育结构发展的制度因素和关键举措;

    The factors of system and the key acts are concretely analyzed ;

  21. 江苏农村教育现代化调研报告

    A Survey Report on the Modernization of Rural Education in Jiangsu Province

  22. 新农村建设下江苏农村教育问题及其发展对策

    Jiangsu Rural Education Question and its Development Countermeasure Under New Rural Reconstruction

  23. 江苏古代教育史概述

    A General Introduction to Ancient History of Education in Jiangsu

  24. 江苏高职教育发展与改革的对策研究

    A Study on the Development and Reform of the Polytechnic Education in Jiangsu

  25. 与新型工业化相适应的江苏职业教育集约化发展方式探析

    Intensive Development of Vocational Education Adapted to the New Industrialization in Jiangsu Province

  26. 坚定信心知难而进大力推进江苏高等教育现代化建设

    Push Forward Modernization of Higher Education in Jiangsu

  27. 全面实现小康社会江苏幼儿教育事业发展主要指标研究

    Study of Major Indexes of Jiangsu Infant Education in All-round Realization of Moderately Prosperous Society

  28. 完成江苏省教育和科研网镇江主节点建设项目。

    Has completed the construction of Zhenjiang main node of education & research net of Jiangsu province .

  29. 明清时期,江苏封建教育十分发达。

    The feudal education of Jiangsu was much advanced in both the Ming and the Qing Dynasty .

  30. 江苏省教育部门已经建议南京的中学在学校的操场上种草。

    The Jiangsu educational department has suggested that middle schools in Nanjing grow natural grass on their playgrounds .