
chí zhǎo
  • pond;pool;bigger water hole;pan
池沼 [chí zhǎo]
  • [biger water hole] 比较大的水坑

池沼[chí zhǎo]
  1. 温度、盐度、碱度对池沼公鱼胚胎发育的影响

    Effects of Temperature , Salinity and Alkalinity on Embryo Development of Pond Smelt

  2. 池沼公鱼的胚胎发育

    Observation on the embryonic development of Pond Smelt

  3. 有人送了一条活鱼给郑国的大夫子产,子产让管池沼的校人养在池塘里。

    Someone gave Zi Chan , a high official of the state of Zhen , a living fish as a gift . Zi Chan told the pond-keeper to put it in the pond .

  4. 池沼公鱼在关河水库、汾河水库的移植效果

    Effect of Transplanting of the Male Pond Fish in the Guanghe and Fenhe Reservoirs

  5. 城市供水,地表水是由某邻近池沼溏或湖泊提供的。

    For town and city supply , surface-water is furnished by some adjacent pond or lake .

  6. 生境与生态:生于池沼、田或水沟的淤泥中,有时漂浮于深水面上。

    Habitat and Ecology : In ponds , paddy fields and other marshy or flooded areas .

  7. 我们通常看见地表水的地方是池沼,湖泊和江河。

    Common places in which we see surface water are ponds , lakes , and rivers .

  8. 本种是少数生长于池沼和湿地的蕨类植物之一,代表一种特别的生态类型,有保护价值。

    The species represents a special living form of ferns , and is thus of great botanical interest .

  9. 一般而言,研究者经由过程研究诸如池沼和湖泊这类潮湿地域的沉积物来猜测古代的情形模式。

    Researchers typically study ancient environmental patterns by acquiring deposits from damp or wet areas like bogs and lakes .

  10. 池沼公鱼在水库中的栖息活动规律及种群结构变化特性

    Activities behaviors of Pond Smelt ( hypomesus olidus ) and the changes in its population structure in two reservoirs

  11. 可是在南非沙漠这种尘多、干旱的多岩石地域,很难碰着池沼和湖泊。

    But in the dusty , dry areas of a rocky south African desert , bogs and lakes are hard to come by .

  12. 白山水库库区于09年4月投放的池沼公鱼受精卵对附近水域的浮游动物密度影响较大。

    White Mountain Reservoir in April 2009 put in a lot of fish eggs , Affecting local animal species and density of zooplankton made .

  13. 以池沼公鱼、猪肉为主要原料,结合高温杀菌火腿肠的生产工艺,制成一种鱼肉复合型火腿肠。

    Taking pond smelt and pork as key raw , combining with the productive technology of high temperature sterilizing , makes a kind of fish-pork combination ham-intestines .

  14. 本文主要调查研究了凤城土门水库和辽阳汤河水库的池沼公鱼栖息活动及群体结构变化规律。

    This paper deals with the behaviors of pond smelt and the changes in its population structure in the Tumen Reservoir , Fengcheng , and the Tanghe Reservoir , Liaoyang .

  15. 水丰水库的池沼公鱼一龄体长(到尾叉的体长,后同)74毫米,体重3克;

    The fish is about 74 mm in fork length ( body length measured from tip of snout to the fork of caudal ) and 3g in body weight when one year old ;