
  1. 对汪立三等关于冼星海交响乐之讨论的回顾与思考

    Thoughts on the Discussion of the Xi Xin-hai 's Symphony Illustrated by Wang Li-san

  2. 论汪立三钢琴套曲《他山集》的旋律创作手法

    On the Composing Style in the Piano Music " Collection from Beyond " by WANG Li-san

  3. 汪立三(1933&)是中国当代著名的作曲家,主要以创作钢琴曲见长。

    Wang lisan ( 1933 - ) was a contemporary famous composer in china . He is good at piano musical creation .

  4. 汪立三是我国当代一位重要的作曲家,多年来他一直在努力从事自己的音乐创作,尤其在钢琴音乐创作方面成就显著。

    Wang Li-san is one of the most important composers of contemporary China . Over years he has been working on his music , especially piano music and he has got significant achievements .