
  • 网络Auto financing companies;GMAC;Ally Financial Inc
  1. 第三十三条汽车金融公司可成立行业性自律组织,实行自律管理。

    Article 33 Auto financing companies may establish a trade association for self-regulation purposes .

  2. 汽车金融公司金融许可证管理应执行《金融许可证管理办法》等有关规定。

    The Financial Licenses of auto financing companies shall be governed by the Measures for the Control of Financial Licenses and other relevant provisions .

  3. 汽车金融公司VS商业银行

    Car Financing Companies vs Commercial Banks

  4. 汽车金融公司缘何美梦难成真

    Why the Dream of Auto Finance Companies Hard to Come True

  5. 汽车金融公司章程。

    ( c ) articles of Association of the auto financing company .

  6. 要求更换或禁止更换汽车金融公司高级管理人员。

    Demanding or prohibiting the change of the company 's senior managerial personnel ;

  7. 二是汽车金融公司的风险监管问题。

    The second question is about the controlling of business and financial risks .

  8. 汽车金融公司不得设立分支机构。

    An auto financing company shall not set up any branch or subsidiary .

  9. 设立汽车金融公司的可行性研究报告。

    ( b ) a feasibility study on establishing the auto financing company .

  10. 我国设立汽车金融公司的意义及发展措施

    Significance of Initiating Car Financing Companies in China and Measures to Take for Development

  11. 汽车金融公司在我国发展的障碍及对策研究

    Research on Obstacle of and Countermeasures for Development of Auto Finance Company in China

  12. 三是汽车金融公司业务拓展问题。

    Third , the issues of business development .

  13. 汽车金融公司:唱主角没商量!

    Automobile finance company must be leading actor !

  14. 第二十二条汽车金融公司应当执行相关的金融企业财务会计制度。

    Article 22 An auto financing company shall adopt relevant accounting rules for financial institutions .

  15. 扩大汽车金融公司的资金来源以增强资金实力;

    Extend the capital source of the company to provide more funds for car buyers ;

  16. 筹建期内不得以汽车金融公司名义从事经营活动。

    During the preparation stage , the applicant shall not conduct any auto financing business .

  17. (五)同一企业法人不得投资一个以上的汽车金融公司。

    ( e ) It shall not invest in more than one auto financing company .

  18. 第三条中国银行业监督管理委员会负责对汽车金融公司的监督管理。

    Article 3 Auto financing companies are supervised and regulated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission .

  19. 同时,这些汽车金融公司具有的专业优势也可以为消费者提供涵盖汽车售前、售中、售后的更广泛的专业产品和服务。

    And the specialty advantage of these auto financial company can provide more comprehensive products and services .

  20. 美国消费者金融保护局指控一家汽车金融公司错误报告消费者信用信息。

    The consumer financial protection bureau is accusing an auto-finance company of falsely reporting consumer credit information .

  21. 我国应加强汽车金融公司的自身建设以及与商业银行和保险公司之间的合作。

    We should strengthen construction of automobile financial companies and cooperation with commercial banks and insurance companies .

  22. (四)责令汽车金融公司进行改变股权结构等形式的重组。

    ( d ) demanding the company to change its equity structure or implement other forms of restructuring .

  23. 拟设立汽车金融公司的章程(草案)。

    ( c ) an Articles of Association of the auto financing company ( a draft note ) .

  24. 汽车金融公司之间的竞争,实质上就是服务水平的竞争。

    As a matter of fact , the competition between automobile financial companies is the competition of service levels .

  25. 然而,在汽车金融公司快速发展的同时,各种内部及外部的风险问题也逐步显现出来。

    But lots of inner and outer risk problems come out as the rapid growth of auto financing business .

  26. 他表示,汽车金融公司的审批政策不是那么保守,能够填补上述供需缺口。

    Car financing companies , which have less conservative approval policies , can step into the breach , he says .

  27. 汽车金融公司不得提供虚假或隐瞒重要事实的财务会计报告。

    An auto financing company shall not provide false financial statements , or statements in which important facts are concealed .

  28. 设立汽车金融公司应当经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准。

    The establishment of an auto financing company shall be subject to the approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission .

  29. 汽车金融公司应自觉接受中国银行业监督管理委员会对其实施的现场检查及非现场检查。

    An auto financing company shall accept the on-site examination and the off-site surveillance by the China Banking Regulatory Commission .

  30. 很明显,损失纯粹是由于金融需求而造成的,那导致通用汽车金融公司面临了很严重的损失。

    It 's clear the loss was driven by an accounting requirement , and a significant loss in GMAC business .