
  • 网络worth;Voss;VOS;Wirth
  1. 沃斯曾经为联邦调查局(FBI)设计过人质谈判策略,后来创建了以谈判策略见长的商业咨询机构黑天鹅公司(BlackSwan)。

    Voss used to handle hostage negotiations for the FBI and has since founded Black Swan , a business advisory firm that specializes in negotiations .

  2. 一个事实显现出来:一位乘客,阿尔伯特·沃斯医生(Dr.AlbertVoss),在起火前从飞机里跳了出来。

    One fact stood out : A passenger , Dr. Albert Voss , jumped from the plane prior to the fire .

  3. 持兑换券到当地沃尔沃斯的分店可以兑换一个玩具。

    Take the voucher to your local branch of Woolworths and it will be redeemed for one toy .

  4. 旧的铝制V型8缸,卢卡斯电力系统和惠特沃斯螺栓。

    It 's an old aluminum V8 with a Lucas electrical system and Whitworth bolts .

  5. 上周二,惠普公司(HP)宣布,董事会临时主席拉尔夫o惠特沃斯突然辞职,从周三起生效。

    On Tuesday , HP announced the sudden resignation of interim board chair Ralph Whitworth effective Wednesday .

  6. 7月28日,在警察质询沃斯福德为什么不享受赛事之前,就要求54岁的沃斯福德留下了自己的指纹,并采集了DNA信息和脸部照片。

    The 54-year-old had his fingerprints , DNA and mugshot taken before being questioned about why he did not appear to be enjoying the event on July 28 .

  7. 单位小时经济产出过去12个月增长了1.3%,CapitalEconomics的保罗•艾许沃斯表示&增幅低于上一年的6.7%。

    Hourly economic output rose at a 1.3 % clip over the past 12 months , says Paul Ashworth of capital economics – down from 6.7 % in the previous year .

  8. 2010年2月末,我第一次遇见保罗•瑞安时,是在众议院朗沃斯办公大楼(LongworthHouseOfficeBuilding)里他的办公室。

    I first met Paul Ryan at his office in the Longworth house office building on a frigid evening Wednesday in late February 2010 .

  9. 一年前,除了填写标准化的电子表格,申请者还需要提交两篇500字的文章。该表格是“通用申请应用程序”(CommonApplication)的一部分,被沃斯莫尔学院及数百所小型学院和综合性大学所接受。

    A year ago , applicants were asked to write two 500-word essays as supplements to the standard one that 's part of the Common Application , an electronic form that Swarthmore and hundreds of small colleges and big universities accept .

  10. 在宣布惠特沃斯辞职的新闻发布会上,从发言中可以明显感受到CEO与董事会主席之间的相互尊重。

    The mutual respect between the CEO and chair was evident in their statements in the tech giant 's press release announcing Whitworth 's departure .

  11. 亚当•伯斯沃斯,Keas公司创始人兼CEO

    Adam Bosworth founder and CEO , keas

  12. 伍兹周二发布了两张他在艾尔沃斯EA体育比赛中拍摄的照片,称这是一个“在办公室艰难的一天。”

    Woods posted two tweets Tuesday of photos from his EA Sports shoot at Isleworth , referring to one as a " tough day at the office . "

  13. 总部位于弗吉尼亚州的航空安全促进组织飞行安全基金会(FlightSafetyFoundation)总裁沃斯(WilliamVoss)说,这就像是来到一所房子里必须重新安装水电一样。

    ' This is like going into the house and having to redo the plumbing and electrical , 'said William Voss , president of the Flight Safety Foundation , a Virginia-based group that promotes aviation safety .

  14. 沃斯还负责优步中国部门自6月以来的融资工作,这次融资对该部门的投资前估值(pre-moneyvaluation)为70亿美元。

    Mr Wass also oversaw fundraising efforts for Uber 's Chinese unit since June at a pre-money valuation of $ 7bn .

  15. 问:在你们的新书面世之际,罗伯特·H·埃尔斯沃斯(RobertH.Ellsworth)的藏品在纽约卖出了1亿3千100万美元,他的藏品被认为是关于亚洲艺术最好的私人藏品之一。

    Q. Your book comes out as the Robert H. Ellsworth collection , considered to be one of the finest private collections of Asian art , has been auctioned in New York for more than $ 131 million .

  16. ByTammyWorth作者塔米沃斯翻译:飘荡的秋千几年前西娅和丈夫搬迁到洛杉矶时,她周围没有朋友,在丈夫整天忙于工作时,她经常感觉非常孤单。

    When Thea and her husband moved to Los Angeles a few years ago , she had no friends close by and was alone frequently while her husband worked long hours .

  17. 专注金融科技的风险资本集团沃斯托克新兴金融(VostokEmergingFinance)的董事总经理戴维•南戈尔(DavidNangle)认为,俄罗斯的困难不仅在于技术商业化。

    David Nangle , managing director of Vostok Emerging Finance , a venture capital group specialising in fintech , believes Russia 's struggles are wider than just a difficulty in commercialising technology .

  18. 有一条名为“水沟”(Raceway)的窄窄的短短1英里长的水道从塔斯卡拉沃斯的水坝流入东水库。

    There is a narrow canal called the Raceway that winds gently , despite its name , for a pleasant mile from a dam in the Tuscarawas to supply the East Reservoir .

  19. 沃斯在CBC的午间广播中说这对他来说是一种学习经历,“完全不了解安道尔共和国,立陶宛和列支敦士登也不太知道。”

    Voth told CBC 's Radio Noon that it has been a learning experience for him , " Andorra , I had no clue about . Same with Lithuania and Lichtenstein . "

  20. 此网页包含方向DFW国际机场,租车设施,班车服务,骑士请求服务,并福特沃斯交通管理局服务。

    This page contains directions to DFW International Airport , Rental Car Facilities , Shuttle Services , Rider Request Services , and Fort Worth Transportation Authority services .

  21. 加州参议院少数党领袖丹尼斯-霍林兹沃斯的女发言人R-Temecula表示,丹尼斯对提案没有意见。

    A spokeswoman for state Senate Minority Leader Dennis Hollingsworth , R-Temecula , said he had no comment on the proposal .

  22. 既然他自己的妈妈无法抚育他,小Wumundi的抚养任务就落在看门人曼迪?赫利沃斯身上。

    With his own mom unable to care for him , the task of rearing little Wumundi has fallen on keepers like Mandy Hollingsworth .

  23. 我们很早就关注了伍尔沃斯大厦(Woolworth),因为我有几个客户有兴趣在那里买房,他说,那个楼盘采用了很多深色、厚重的木材,和大块的大理石板。

    We had an early look at the Woolworth building , because I have clients interested in buying there , he said . There is a lot of dark , heavy wood and big panels of marble .

  24. 首届划船比赛于1829年在牛津郡泰晤士河的亨利街(Henley)举行。这个主意来自剑桥学生查理斯?梅里瓦尔和他同样来自哈罗区的牛津大学的同学查理斯?沃兹沃斯(诗人威廉的侄子)。

    The first boat race took place in 1829 on the River Thames at Henley in Oxfordshire and was the culmination of an idea of Charles Merivale , a Cambridge student , and his Harrow schoolmate Charles Wordsworth ( nephew of poet William ), at Oxford .

  25. 我优化了图像,沃斯当时在场

    I was able to enhance them . Voss was there ,

  26. 埃奇沃斯箱模型的静态图形与动态图形的实现

    Realization of static figure and dynamic figure of Edgeworth box model

  27. 1913年的今天,位于纽约的伍尔沃斯摩天大楼落成。

    1913-The skyscraper Woolworth Building in New York City is opened .

  28. 弗兰西斯,货运卡车已经到科茨沃斯酒店了

    Francis , the delivery trucks are already at the Cotesworth .

  29. 斯托克斯在艾尔沃斯的学校变成了另外一处更没有希望的地方。

    Stokes'school in Isleworth turned out to be another no hoper .

  30. 甚至还包括沃斯前女友烧焦的尸体

    Right down to the charred remains of Voss ' ex-girlfriend .