
  • 网络Maleficent
  1. 但愿《黑白魔女库伊拉》不要犯《沉睡魔咒》的错误,将一个足够邪恶的迪士尼女反派洗白成一个被误解的消沉的女主角。

    Let 's hope that Cruella doesn 't make the mistake Maleficent did , and turn a deliciously wicked Disney villainess into a mopey , misunderstood heroine .

  2. 出演《沉睡魔咒》的朱莉告诉《人物》杂志她计划在2014年5月结婚:

    The " Maleficent " star spoke to People about her wedding plans in May 2014 :

  3. 安吉丽娜o朱莉主演的大片《沉睡魔咒》(Maleficent)在暑期热映,然而影迷们不得不寻找其他途径预购这部影片的DVD,原因同样也是因为亚马逊与迪斯尼公司间的纷争——你猜得没错,还是定价问题。

    Fans of Maleficent , the summer film starring Angelina Jolie , must look elsewhere to pre-order it on DVD , thanks to a spat between Amazon and the Walt Disney Co. over - you guessed it - pricing .

  4. 2014年她出演了《沉睡魔咒》——翻拍自迪士尼1959年动画《睡美人》的真人电影。

    In 2014 she starred in Maleficent , Disney 's live-action remake of the Sleeping Beauty cartoon from 1959 .

  5. 但她凭借《沉睡魔咒》续篇的可观片酬跻身榜单第二位。

    But the actress managed to nab the second spot thanks to a hefty paycheck for her role in the Maleficent sequel .

  6. 目前,朱莉正在伦敦拍摄《沉睡魔咒》续集,而皮特正在洛杉矶拍摄《好莱坞往事》。

    Jolie is currently filming the sequel to Maleficent in London while Pitt films Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in LA .

  7. 幸好安吉丽娜朱莉此前拍摄了《沉睡魔咒2》,以2800万美元的收入位列榜单第二,斯嘉丽险胜安吉丽娜朱莉。

    Johansson edges Angelina Jolie ( No. 2 ; $ 28 million ) who returns to the ranking thanks largely to her upfront pay for Maleficent 2 .

  8. 正如影片海报所呈现的,《沉睡魔咒》是朱莉独挑大梁的电影。所以,能又一次看她在自己主演的电影里酣畅淋漓的发挥,也不失为一件乐事。

    As the movie posters suggest , Maleficent is Jolie 's one-woman film , and it 's just great to see her having fun in a starring role again .

  9. 布莱德皮特上周在《沉睡魔咒》的首映上受到一个男子的袭击,皮特表示,此类事件会让明星和粉丝进行互动的时候更加恐慌。

    Brad Pitt , who was punched by a man at the premiere of Maleficent last week , says incidents like this make celebrities more wary about interacting with fans .

  10. 《沉睡魔咒》也许是罗伯特•斯特罗姆伯格作为导演的处女秀,但是作为曾获得奥斯卡最佳艺术指导奖(担任《爱丽丝梦游仙境》艺术指导)的他,一定会会让观众大饱眼福。

    Maleficent may be Robert Stromberg 's directorial debut , but the Oscar-winning production designer ( Avatar and Alice in Wonderland ) certainly has the ability to satisfy viewers " eyes .

  11. 这位现年42岁的电影《沉睡魔咒》的女演员台上发言,台下的观众有詹妮弗·劳伦斯,盖尔加朵,莉莉·科林斯,奥立薇娅玛恩,艾美·罗萨姆。

    The Maleficent actress , 42 , dressed in black as she addressed the crowd that included Jennifer Lawrence , Gal Gadot , Lily Collins , Olivia Munn and Emmy Rossum .

  12. 第一部《沉睡魔咒》的逆转在于,与电影同名的邪恶魔女并没有那么邪恶,真正的恶人是爱洛公主(艾丽·范宁饰演)的父亲。

    The twist was that the eponymous wicked fairy wasn 't so wicked , after all , and that the real villain was the father of Princess Aurora ( Elle Fanning ) .

  13. 38岁的她为近日出演的《黑魔女:沉睡魔咒》电影拍摄封面图片,并且透露道现在她和布拉德皮特的感情比以往任何时候都要好。

    The 38-year-old star of the upcoming Maleficent film has posed for the titles cover , and reveals that she and Brad Pitt are now more interested in each other than ever before .

  14. 43岁的朱莉目前有6个孩子的抚养权,法官通知她说,今年夏天,在她英国拍摄《沉睡魔咒2》时,必须让54岁的皮特定期的探望孩子。

    Jolie , 43 , who has primary physical custody of their six children , has been told by a judge that she must let Pitt , 54 , see the kids regularly while she films Maleficent 2 in the UK this summer .

  15. 她给睡美人(艾丽·范宁饰演)所施的著名的沉睡咒语源自发生在她自己(玛琳菲森)身上的一场痛苦的爱情和背叛,玛琳菲森曾经是一位英勇的长翅膀的仙子。关于真爱,《沉睡魔咒》有一些有趣的见地。

    That infamous snoozing curse she puts on Aurora ( Elle Fanning ) is born from the bad romance and betrayal that befall the once-heroic , formerly winged title fairy , and " Maleficent " has some interesting things to say about true love .