
chén jiànɡ pínɡ hénɡ
  • sedimentation equilibrium
  1. 应用玻尔兹曼分布定律证明了范特霍夫渗透压公式、开尔文公式、胶体粒子沉降平衡公式等与粒子在外力场中分布有关的基本公式,模型清晰,方法便捷。

    The basic formulas about particles distribution under outside force fields , such as Van 't Hoff formula , Kelvin formula and sedimentation equilibrium formula of colloid have been proved by using Boltzmann distribution law . The moulds are clear and the method is simple and convenient .

  2. 湿沉降离子平衡参数取值范围的计算

    Calculation of value range of ion balance parameter of wet deposition

  3. 研究了在(25±02)℃条件下,草酸钚(Ⅳ)沉淀沉降达到平衡所需的时间和草酸钚(Ⅳ)沉淀在不同浓度HNO3H2C2O4混合液中的溶解度。

    Under the condition of ( 25 ± 0 2 ) ℃, the balance time for the precipitating reaction of plutonium (ⅳ) oxalate and the solubility of plutonium (ⅳ) oxalate precipitate in mixed solution of HNO 3 H 2C 2O 4 with different concentration have been studied .

  4. 随着龙门山北段造山活动减缓,川西地区盆地充填速率与盆地沉降速率达到平衡,广元一带率先处于无沉积状态。

    AS the uplift of northern part of Longmen mountain slowered down and the compaction rate equaled the subduction rate , there were no deposit in Guangyuan .

  5. 为保证开挖面稳定及控制地面沉降,土压平衡盾构掘进时必须合理匹配各施工参数。

    For EPB ( Earth Pressure Balance ) shield tunneling , one must properly choose driving parameters to maintain face stability and control ground subsidence .