
shā kēng
  • bunker;sandpit;jumping pit
沙坑 [shā kēng]
  • [jumping pit] 是一个装满锯末或松软砂土的坑,用来缓和着地的冲力

沙坑[shā kēng]
  1. 游乐场上有一处沙坑、一块跷跷板和一个秋千架。

    There was a sandpit , a seesaw and a swing in the playground .

  2. 当亿万富翁们在沙坑里玩耍时,即使是游戏场也应该收费。

    Even playgrounds should collect tolls when it is billionaires in the sandpit .

  3. 我打一般的沙坑球采取开立击球姿势。

    I play normal bunker shots with an open stance .

  4. 那两辆车在第一个拐弯处翻滚着跌入了沙坑,场面十分骇人。

    The two cars cartwheeled horrifyingly into the sand trap at the first corner .

  5. 她第二次击球把球打进了沙坑。

    She bunkered her second shot .

  6. 弗罗斯特在50英尺外的沙坑中击球入穴,以一杆的优势获得冠军。

    Frost holed a bunker shot from 50 feet to snatch the title by one stroke .

  7. 不过,他的对手B宣称平整的动作对A接下来在该洞的比赛有帮助,因为其检验了沙坑的粘稠度。

    However , B , his opponent , claims that the smoothing assisted A in his subsequent play of the hole because it constituted testing the consistency of the sand .

  8. 首先,我们回到操场,Clifford往沙坑里瞧瞧,又在魔幻城堡里找找,都没有找到Squeaky先生。

    First , we go back to the playground . Clifford looks in the sandbox . He looks for it in the magic castle . No Mr Squeaky .

  9. 他开始放开单杠,当他坠落时我及时接住了他。转过身来,我看到Livia爬上滑梯,头向前直接滑进沙坑,还好她没受伤。

    He started hanging off the monkey bars . I caught him just in time as he fell ! When I turned around , I saw that Livia had got onto the slide and slid head first into the sandbox ! Good thing she wasn 't hurt .

  10. 不行,你不能在沙坑里碰到沙子。

    No , you can 't take sand in the bunker .

  11. 顺直河道采沙坑水流的三维数值模拟

    3-D numerical modeling of flow around sand pit on straight riverbed

  12. 改进高尔夫果岭边沙坑球技术的实验研究

    A Study on the Improvement of Sand Pit Tech . in Golf

  13. 山姆那记打出沙坑的起扑球真是太神奇了。

    Sam That was an amazing chip shot out of the bunker .

  14. 你觉得沙坑球难打吗?

    So May , do you think bunker is difficult ?

  15. 用于把球劈出沙坑的挖起杆。

    A wedge used to get out of sand traps .

  16. 他平整了打球时制造的沙坑的凹凸不平。

    He smoothes irregularities in the area where the stroke was made .

  17. 那里右手边附近是一个大空地和一个大沙坑。

    Short and right there is a big hollow and a deep bunker .

  18. 一名球员从沙坑后面把球打出来,他平整了自己的脚印。

    A player plays out of a bunker backwards and smoothes his footprints .

  19. 现在为了把球打沙坑我可能得浪费几杆了。

    Now I 'm probably going to waste strokes in getting it out .

  20. 球洞攻略:要避开果岭左侧的沙坑。

    Hole strategy : Avoid the bunker on the left of the green .

  21. 打沙坑球时,重心平衡应该保持在身体中间。

    In bunker , we wanna have our weight balance in the middle .

  22. 他真是个沙坑大王。

    He always hit the ball into the bunker .

  23. 我从沙坑里走出几码远,气愤地踢着沙土。忽然,我感到有一只手搭在我的肩膀上。

    Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder .

  24. 伤处和9号高尔夫球杆或沙坑杆相符。

    The injury is consistent with a nine iron or possibly a sand wedge .

  25. 我最痛恨球掉在沙坑里。

    I hate landing in the sand trap !

  26. 这样就可以让我非常扎实地去触球,将球打出沙坑。

    And this should allow me to make nice contact out of the bunker .

  27. 喂!孩子们在河边的沙坑里玩耍呢!

    Hey ! The children are playing in the sandpit at the river side .

  28. 沙坑的打斗和铁链绕颈是同时发生。

    The fight in the sandbox happened at the same time as the strangulation .

  29. 到沙坑有多少码?

    How many yards to the bunker ?

  30. 在沙坑中,一定要有一个足够宽的站姿来支撑你的挥杆。

    You gotta have a nice wide stance in the bunker to support your swing .