
hù hánɡ tiě lù
  • Shanghai-Hangzhou Railway
  1. 铁路运输连接上海、嘉兴、杭州三地的沪杭铁路是长三角地区最繁忙的铁路。

    Railway The Shanghai-Hangzhou railway pass through the downtown Jiaxing , which is the busiest railway in Yangtze River Delta .

  2. 结合上海市轨道交通9号线一期工程R413标段九亭站-七宝站区间盾构隧道下穿沪杭铁路工程,对工程可能出现的风险进行分析,并作出相应对策。

    Based on risk analysis of the project of rail transit NO. 9 beneath railway between Shanghai and Hangzhou , countermeasures for the risk have been proposed .

  3. 沪杭铁路外环线立交桥抢修

    The Overpass Repairing On Hu-Hang Outer Ring Line

  4. 上海轨道交通明珠线跨沪宁、沪杭铁路钢梁桥施工

    Construction of steel girder bridge on the Shanghai UMT Pearl Line for striding Hu Ning and Hu hang Railways

  5. 依托工业区南侧的石化股份公司沪杭铁路金卫支线。

    The SPC Huhang Railway Jinwei Branch in the south of the Industrial Zone is employed for the Industrial Zone railway transportation .

  6. 目前沪宁/沪杭铁路上海段仅依靠普通宏站覆盖,手机往往因缺乏主力小区覆盖或其它原因造成切换错误,导致掉话。

    Mobile phones are often the main plot because of the lack of coverage or other reasons for switching error , resulting in dropped calls .

  7. 嘉兴火车站是沪杭铁路复线中间的唯一大站,各次主要客、货运列车均在嘉兴站停靠。

    Jiaxing Railway Station the unique large station in the middle of the Shanghai-Hangzhou Dual Railway provides services to passengers and freight passing through Jiaxing .

  8. 上海沪杭高速铁路开始营运。

    Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway in operation .

  9. 沪杭甬铁路横贯东西,沪杭甬、杭金衢两条高速公路相交穿境而过。

    The Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo railway traverses from west to East and the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo and hangzhou-jinhua-quzhou speedways meet here and go through the county .

  10. 为了跟上世界经济发展的步伐,中国铁路也将进入高速时代。国家在十一五期间启动建设京沪高速铁路,城际铁路和沪杭磁悬浮铁路工程。

    To keep up with the world development speed , China will also enter the high-speed era of national plans in the " 11th Five-Year Plan " period initiated the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway and Shanghai-Hangzhou maglev railway projects .

  11. 随着武广、郑西、沪宁、沪杭等350km/h高速铁路的相继开通,标志着中国高速铁路已经进入快速发展时期。

    With the commercial operation of Wuhan-Guangzhou , Zhengzhou-Xi ' an , Shanghai-Nanjing , Nanjing-Hangzhou and other 350km / h high speed lines , the high speed railway in China has entered into a rapid development period .