
  • 网络heyuan;Heyuan City
  1. 河源市550例复发肺结核病人治疗效果动态分析

    Analysis of treatment result of 550 relapses tuberculosis patients in Heyuan City

  2. 河源市土地资源潜力评价

    Study on the Land Capability Evaluation of Heyuan City

  3. 通过计算,河源市鹤市河水体COD和氨氮的环境容量分别为576.846t/a和35.429t/a。但是随着经济发展,将会增加对区域内河流的排污量,进而造成河流的污染。

    The environmental capacity of COD and ammonia nitrogen are respectively 576.846t/a and 35.429t/a . But as the development of economy , the pollution amount in the area will increase , and then the river will be polluted .

  4. 河源市农村生活饮用水卫生现状分析

    Sanitary Quality of Drinking Water Analysis in Rural Areas of Heyuan

  5. 河源市恐龙文化资源现状与旅游开发探析

    Discussion on Dinosaur Cultural Resources and Tourism Exploitation in Heyuan

  6. 河源市1992年~2002年梅毒流行特征分析

    Epidemiologic Analysis on Syphilis in Heyuan from the Year of 1992 to 2002

  7. 河源市不同锻炼水平人群身体形态的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Body Shape of People at Different Exercise Level in Heyuan City

  8. 广东省河源市森林资源动态变化分析

    Dynamic Changes Analysis of Forest Resource in Heyuan

  9. 河源市新丰江新丰段流域氨氮污染状况研究

    Study on the NH_3-N Pollution in Xinfeng Reach of the Xinfeng River in Heyuan City

  10. 河源市生物防火林带建设现状及对策

    Present Status and Countermeasures on the Construction of Biological Fire-resistant Forest Belt in Heyuan City

  11. 河源市城区2001~2004年出生缺陷监测分析

    Analysis of monitoring the birth defect in city zone of Heyuan Municipal 2001 ~ 2004

  12. 广东省河源市龙川县华支睾吸虫感染现状调查

    Current Prevalence of Clonorchis sinensis Infection in Longchuan County of Heyuan City , Guangdong Province

  13. 河源市高氟区改水降氟效果调查分析

    Survey and analysis of water improvement to reduce fluoride in high fluoride areas in Heyuan city

  14. 河源市世行贷款结核病控制项目效果分析

    Analysis on the Outcome of the Tuberculosis Control Project Supported by the World Bank Loan in Heyuan City

  15. 市域绿地系统规划浅析&以广东河源市为例

    Preliminary study on the planning of municipal green space system & a case of Heyuan municipality , guangdong Province

  16. 农村英语教师职业压力与职业倦怠的调查研究&以河源市农村英语教师为例

    Research on Professional Stress and Professional Burnout of Rural English Teachers & Taking Rural English Teachers of Heyuan City as An Example

  17. 结合美学、景观生态学等相关学科的理论知识对河源市草坪景观开展研究。

    This theory combines esthetics , knowledge of ecology , related academic development , and searches of turf-grass landscape views in Heyuan City .

  18. 米草属植物在中国海岸带的分布现状河源市生物防火林带建设现状及对策

    Distribution of Spartina plantations along the China 's coast Present Status and Countermeasures on the Construction of Biological Fire-resistant Forest Belt in Heyuan City

  19. 这些民工发动罢工,要求这家位于河源市的公司支付四个月的欠薪。

    The migrant workers went on strike to demand four months of unpaid wages from the company , located in the city of Heyuan .

  20. 方法收集、分析1992~2001河源市实施世界银行贷款结核病控制项目资料。

    Method Data of the tuberculosis control project supported by the World Bank loan in Heyuan city from 1992 to 2001 was collected and analyzed .

  21. 目的:分析河源市麻风病的流行情况,评价近50年防治效果。

    Objective : To analyze the leprosy epidemiology in the city of Heyuan and evaluate the effect of prevention and treatment in recent 50 years .

  22. 2005年高新区工业总产值约53亿元,是河源市主要的经济增长点。

    In 2005 , the gross industrial output value of high-tech zone is about 53 hundred million yuan , which is the main economic growth point .

  23. 运用离散点选址模型,对河源市锡场镇医疗资源的分配进行研究,以解决医疗资源在空间上的最优分配和利用问题。

    By the discrete location choice model , the distribution of medical resources in Xichang town of Heyuan city was studied to solve the issues of spatial optimal distribution and utilization .

  24. 以广东省河源市为例,分析生物防火林带建设中存在的问题及原因,提出加强生物防火林带建设的措施。

    Taking Heyuan city as an example , the problems exiting in the construction of fireproof forest belt and their reasons are analyzed and the measures to strengthen the construction are put forward .

  25. 本文旨在以河源市为例引导一种较为正确的城市生态绿化意识,从而强化城市生态绿化体系建设,构建真正意义的生态园林城市。

    This guide aims for Heyuan City to have a more correct sense of urban ecological constructions , thereby strengthening the system of urban ecological landscapes turning Heyuan into a beautiful ecological garden city .