
quán shuǐ
  • spring water;lymph;wellstrand
泉水 [quán shuǐ]
  • (1) [spring]∶从地里涌出的水;自然泉水

  • (2) [wellstrand]∶从涌泉流出来的溪流

泉水[quán shuǐ]
  1. 用水的时候必须是蒸馏水或泉水,绝不能用自来水。

    When water is used this must be distilled water or spring water ; never tap water .

  2. 她喜欢泉水胜过任何其他种类的水。

    She prefers spring water to any other kind of water .

  3. 流入湖中的泉水和河水携带了溶于水的硝酸盐和磷酸盐。

    Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates

  4. 我们漫步经过泉水叮咚的喷泉和芬芳四溢的花园。

    We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens .

  5. 只要你心诚,往喷泉里扔下一根大头针,然后盯着泉水看,就能看见未来伴侣的影子。

    Any true lover casting a pin into the fountain and gazing into it will see his or her future partner

  6. 泉水清冽。

    The spring water is cold and crystal-clear .

  7. 泉水淙淙。

    The fountain flows with a merry gurgle .

  8. 这泉水早就干涸了。

    The spring dried up long ago .

  9. 泉水潺潺。

    A brook gurgles .

  10. 泉水甘美。

    The spring water is sweet and refreshing .

  11. 泉水清如许。

    The spring water is so clear .

  12. 清水从泉水中涌出。

    Clear water gushed from the spring .

  13. 这只鹰前前后后飞了好几个来回,然后落在泉水旁边的岩石上。

    The hawk flew back and forth a few times , and then alighted among the rocks by the spring .

  14. 饮用水来自附近的泉水。

    Drinking water is from a nearby spring .

  15. 从前,一个年轻人在穿越沙漠时遇到了一条清澈的泉水。

    Once upon a time , a young man came across a spring of clear water while crossing the desert .

  16. 初秋来临,树叶开始从树上脱落,泉水也被树叶覆盖。

    When early autumn came , the leaves began to fall off the trees , and the spring was covered with leaves .

  17. 许多年前,在一个小村庄里,一位老人被雇来清理山上的泉水。

    Many years ago , in a small village , an old man was hired to clear the spring up on the mountain .

  18. 他每天都来照料这股泉水,负责把所有的树叶和其他会弄脏水的东西都扫走。

    He took care of the spring every day , and swept away all the leaves and other things that would make the water dirty .

  19. 泉水从岩石中渗出

    The spring oozes out of a rock .

  20. 一天,泉水干涸了,许多鱼被困在陆地上。

    One day , a group of fish was stranded1 when the spring dried up .

  21. 恼火的女神无法息怒,她将泉水溅到猎手的脸上。

    The angry goddess was not to be calmed . She splashed1 water in the hunter 's face .

  22. 而就在这个下午,他四处奔波颇感疲劳,因寻找水而偶然来到这片泉水旁。

    On this particular afternoon he felt so tired with running about that he , by accident , came over to the springing search of water .

  23. 途中,不是梧桐树它绝不栖息,不是竹子的果实必定不吃,泉水不甘美,它宁肯渴着,也不饮用。

    On its way , it would not perch2 a tree other than a parasol tree , and would not eat anything other than the fruit of bamboo , and would not drink anything other than sweet spring water .

  24. 成份:玫瑰精华萃取液,人参中药精华,海藻精华,维他命E,活泉水等。

    Ingredients : Rose Essence , Ginseng Extract , Seaweed Essence , Vitamin E , Active Spring Water , etc.

  25. 岩溶泉水的pH值和电导率受降水量、水温和CO2含量高低控制。

    The pH value and conductivity of karst spring are controlled by precipitation , temperature and CO_ ( 2 ) content .

  26. 应用于直接测定地表水、泉水中的痕量Pb和Cd。

    This method can be used to detecting trace element of Pb and Cd in the water of face ground or spring .

  27. 由岩溶泉水的pH值和电导率大小变化得知,夏、秋季该泉岩溶作用强,冬、春季岩溶作用弱。

    From the change of pH value and conductivity rate , we learned that karst spring process is stronger in summer and autumn but weaker in winter and spring .

  28. 观测结果显示:(1)土壤CO2浓度的季节变化在泉水和土壤水水化学上均能反映出来;

    The results indicate : ( 1 ) The seasonal change in soil CO_2 concentration can be reflected from the hydrochemistry of spring and soil water ;

  29. 目的探讨淡泉水对染尘大鼠体内脂质过氧化物(LPO)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of fresh spring water on lipid peroxidation ( LPO ) and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) of silicotic rats .

  30. 根据研究,钙华的形成是由于泉水中的CO2分压高于周围空气的CO2分压,CO2从水中逸出,因而导致碳酸钙发生过饱和并产生沉淀的结果。

    According to previous researches , tufa results from the supersaturation of calcium carbonate , as the partial pressure of CO_2 in the spring water is higher than that in the atmosphere and CO_2 outgases from the water .