
  • French cuisine;French Food;today's special
  1. 转角有一家专门做法国菜的餐厅。

    Around the corner is a restaurant specializing in French cuisine .

  2. 他们端出上好的法国菜。

    They served ( an ) excellent French cuisine .

  3. 他们供应美味的法国菜。

    They serve good French cooking .

  4. 菜单是以经典的法国菜为主。

    The menu is based on classic French cooking .

  5. 他认为与法国菜相比,英国菜相形见绌。

    He makes unfavourable comparisons between British and French cooking

  6. 她坚称法国菜是世界上最好的。

    She asserted that French cooking is the best in the world .

  7. 此外,法国菜是世界闻名的。

    Besides , French food is world famous .

  8. 不过这个星期,编辑们都说要去城里新开张的小餐馆“ChercheMidi”歇歇脚,它正好填补了今年年初Pastis餐馆关门后出现的法国菜空白。

    This week , though , editors were at least talking about making a pit stop at the new bistro on the block : Cherche Midi , which fills the French-dining void left by the closing of Pastis earlier this year .

  9. 尽管米其林餐厅已经接受了法国菜近年来的激烈转型(比如你可以看看最近刚获得米其林三星的DiverXo餐厅的朋克风官网),但是很多看《米其林指南》的消费者还是期待享受一顿传统大餐。

    While Michelin has accepted the radical makeover haute cuisine has undergone in recent years ( just visit the punk rock website for recently minted 3-star DiverXo ), many consumers who use the guide expect it to prize a traditional style .

  10. 尽管米其林餐厅已经接受了法国菜近年来的激烈转型(比如你可以看看最近刚获得米其林三星的DiverXo餐厅的“朋克风”官网),但是很多看《米其林指南》的消费者还是期待享受一顿传统大餐。

    While Michelin has accepted the radical makeover haute cuisine has undergone in recent years ( just visit the punk rock website for recently minted 3-star DiverXo ) , many consumers who use the guide expect it to prize a traditional style .

  11. 法国菜似乎总是精心设计和烹调的。

    French food always seems to be superbly conceived and prepared .

  12. 喜欢法国菜吗?还好吧。

    Do you like French food ? It 's OK .

  13. 我要告诉每个人你的法国菜里面有鼻涕。

    I would tell everyone you Frenched snotty scotty .

  14. 看法国菜的菜单很容易。

    To read a menu in French is easy .

  15. 你会沉湎于做法国菜的。

    Should you choose to indulge in French cooking .

  16. 意大利菜还是法国菜?我知道几家非常好的意大利和法国餐馆。

    Italian or French ? I know some good Italian and French restaurants .

  17. 大多数餐馆有正宗的意大利和法国菜。

    Most serve authentic Italian and French food .

  18. 在巴黎度假之后我爱上了法国菜。

    A passion for French food awakened in me after my holiday in paris .

  19. 蜗牛是一道传统的法国菜。

    Snails are a traditional French dish .

  20. 我想尝尝道地的法国菜,你推荐一些什麽呢?

    I 'd like to have a typical French food , what do you recommend ?

  21. 这家餐厅专门供应法国菜。

    This restaurant specializes in French cuisine .

  22. 我们可以试一下法国菜。

    We can try some French cuisine .

  23. 鸡蛋是最基本的因素很多,如甜蛋卷和法国菜烤面包。

    Egg is the basic ingredient to many dishes , like omelet and French toast .

  24. 我不太喜欢法国菜&我倒非常愿意吃点意大利菜。

    I don 't go much on French food I 'd far rather have something italian .

  25. 在我试了法国菜之后。

    After I tried French food .

  26. 法国人就得吃法国菜

    French people eat French food !

  27. 我喜欢法国菜。

    I like French food .

  28. 法国菜的确值得讲求美食的人为它着迷。

    The person that French dish is worth cate of be particular about really is it infatuate .

  29. 酒店员工乐于助人且彬彬有礼,在提供简单的季节性法国菜的餐厅尤其如此。

    Staff are helpful and polite , particularly in the restaurant that serves simple seasonal French cooking .

  30. 我挑出五本:一本中国菜,一本日本料理,一本越南菜,一本意大利菜和一本法国菜。

    I picked out five : one Chinese , one Japanese , one Vietnamese , one Italian and one French .