
  1. 根据传统方法的局限和不足,本篇文章在特定章节针对属性值类型对TOPSIS法进的推广做了归纳与叙述,拓宽了TOPSIS法应用的范围。

    According to the limitations of traditional method in this paper and the insufficiency , in particular chapters attribute values of TOPSIS method into the type of promoting summarized and narrative , and widened the scope of application of TOPSIS .

  2. 意思是说你没法进董事会了

    Meaning there 's no room for you on the board

  3. 原子光谱/质谱分析中蒸气发生法进样的非传统技术的研究

    Some New Techniques of the Vapor Generation Sampling for Atomic Optical / Mass Spectroscopy

  4. 等到我进了中学校的时候,他已经从上海毕业回来,听说是法进专门学校毕业的。

    By the time I entered high school , he had already graduated from shanghai , said to be from a law school .

  5. 方法施行颈部胰段移植60次和腹部胰十二指肠移植模型60次,均采用显微外科缝合法进行动、静脉吻合。

    Methods Sixty cases of cervical segmental pancreas transplantation and 60 cases of abdominal pancreaticoduodenal transplantation were performed , and vessels anastomoses were all performed with micro-surgical techniques .

  6. 采用液体闪蒸取样法进样、库仑法测定液体丙烯中微量水含量。其相对标准偏差为59%,回收率在950%~1051%之间。

    A flashing sample-in method and coulomb method for determination of micro-water content in the liquefied propylene , the relative standard fluctuation is 5.9 % , rate of recovery is 95.0 % - 105.1 % .

  7. HPLC法直接进样测定葡萄酒中的白藜芦醇

    Analysis of Trans-Resveratrol in Wine by Direct Injection of HPLC

  8. 建立了柱切换反相高效液相色谱法直接进样分离、测定蜂蜜中3种四环素族抗生素(土霉素OTC、四环素TC、金霉素CTC)残留量的分析方法。

    A direct injection method for isolation and determination of tetracyclines , which includes oxytetracycline ( OTC ), tetracycline ( TC ), and chlortetracycline ( CTC ) in honey by a high performance liquid chromatographic column switching system is presented .

  9. 地铁浅埋暗挖法车站进洞施工技术

    Constructive technology of subway station tunnel by shallow-burying & hidden-digging method

  10. 中继间法顶进桥涵的顶镐设置方法

    Installing of Jack for Pushing Bridges and Culverts in Relaying Method

  11. 中继间法顶进箱涵施工技术

    The application of relaying method in jacking construction of box culvert

  12. 气相色谱法直接进样测定环境空气中的卤代烃

    To Detect Halogenated Hydrocarbon in Ambient Air with Directly Injecting GC

  13. D型便梁支点转换法顶进大跨度斜交框架施工

    On D temporary beam pivot conversion method in jacking large-span skew frame construction

  14. 使用限进介质色谱柱的柱切换高效液相色谱法直接进样测定大鼠血浆中舒必利

    Determination of Sulpiride in Rat Plasma by Column-switching High Performance Liquid Chromatography Using Restricted-access Media

  15. 明挖基坑内地铁矿山法隧道进洞的设计与施工

    The Design and Construction of the Entrance to Subway Mined Tunnel from Deep Foundation Pit

  16. 单纯形法中进基变量的选择

    Choice of Calling in Variable of Simplex Method Bound constraints simplex method with deficient basis

  17. 采用浮游催化法喷雾进料技术制备碳纳米管。

    Carbon nanotubes have been obtained by the floating catalyst method using the feedstock spray technique .

  18. 这尺码太小,我的脚没法穿进这双鞋里。

    The size is so small that I can 't force my feet into the shoes .

  19. 然后针对高速运动目标,提出基于多通道迭代法步进频率速度估计方法。

    Moreover , the multi-channel and iteration method for velocity estimation of high-speed target is proposed .

  20. 激波管法测量进排气系统边界条件

    A Study of Boundary Conditions in Engine Intake and Exhaust Pipe System By Shock Tube Rig

  21. 半明半暗法隧道进洞洞口段边坡稳定性研究

    Stability analysis of the side slope in the portal section of tunnel with semi-open and semi-underground method

  22. 填充柱气相色谱法直接进样分析白酒中的乳酸和脂肪酸含量

    Determination of Lactic Acid and Fatty Acids in Chinese Spirits by Direct-injection Technique with Packed Column Gas Chromatography

  23. 软土地区盾构法施工进洞加固技术研究

    Technology Research of Reinforcement at the Getting Into Shaft on the Shield Tunnel Construction Method on Soft Clay Region

  24. 提出了一种基于传递闭包法的进/离场航班分类方法。

    A new arrival and departure flight classification method based on the transitive closure algorithm ( TCA ) is proposed .

  25. 我们没法黑进国安局,但可以利用国安局的资源,后门。

    We can 't hack them , but we can go to the NSA 's sources , the back doors .

  26. 以虹吸法边进边出的渐变方式进行淡化,效果最好,成活率达95.0%。

    The best result , 95.0 % of survival rate , was obtained by siphoning , intaking while flowing out .

  27. 中继间法顶进桥涵施工过程中,因顶镐位置设置不合理,容易导致扎头,造成施工困难。

    Pushing bridges and culverts in relaying method during construction , result in plunging into ground easily and difficult construction because jack position is unreasonable .

  28. 棺材重约3.75吨,而且大得没法放进墓穴。

    It was massive , weighing in at an estimated 3.75 tons , and its dimensions make it too large to have been brought into the chamber .

  29. 为此,各焦化厂应利用煤岩分析法检测进厂煤的混质情况,并进行合理利用。

    Thereby , every coking plant must be to used of coal-petrography analysis method to check the mixing condition of coal used in production and to comprehansive utilization them .

  30. 他在洞口上打开了一个洞,就想从里边钻出来。半明半暗法隧道进洞洞口段边坡稳定性研究

    When she had made a hole in the entrance she tried to pass through it . Stability analysis of the side slope in the portal section of tunnel with semi-open and semi-underground method