
yánɡ jīnɡ bānɡ yīnɡ yǔ
  • pidgin English
  1. 餐馆老板只会讲洋泾浜英语。

    The restaurant owner could only speak pidgin English .

  2. 在一个世纪略多一点的时间里,longtimenosee已经由一句洋泾浜英语变为根深蒂固的美式英语俚语。

    Long time , no see has gone from pidgin English to entrenched , American English slang in little over a century .

  3. “中国洋泾浜英语”(CPE)是早期香港最重要的中西日常沟通“英语”。

    In Early Hong Kong , Chinese Pidgin English ( CPE ) was the most important language which linked the Chinese community and the European community .

  4. 他很快就来吗?她用洋泾浜英语问。

    He come quick ? She asked in Pidgin english .

  5. 上海洋泾浜英语;上海方言;影响;

    Shanghai Pidgin English ; Shanghai Dialect ; Influence ;

  6. 中国洋泾浜英语研究述评与探索

    On Chinese Pidgin English : A Summary and Exploration

  7. 作为中国式英语的原型,洋泾浜英语这个术语来源于英语中生意一词的中国式错发音。

    This proto-Chinglish term pidgin originated as a Chinese mispronunciation of the English word business .

  8. 中国历史上的洋泾浜英语

    The Pidgin English history in China

  9. 母亲们生在中国长在中国,深受中国传统儒家文化的影响,讲着一口结结巴巴的洋泾浜英语;

    Born , educated in China the mothers are deeply influenced by the traditional Chinese culture .

  10. 洋泾浜英语的跨文化解读

    Intercultural Interpretation on the Pidgin English

  11. 随着1839-1842年的鸦片战争,洋泾浜英语北上传入上海等其他贸易港口。

    Following the 1839-1842 Opium Wars , Pidgin English spread north to Shanghai and other treaty ports .

  12. 综观中国洋泾浜英语的发展历史,它可以分为别琴英语和中国英语两个主要阶段。

    From the perspective of history , Pidgin Chinese English involves two stages of Pidgin English and Chinese English .

  13. 19世纪晚期,由于中国人创办的学校和教会学校纷纷开始教授标准英语,洋泾浜英语逐渐退出历史舞台。

    Pidgin usage began to decline in the late 19th century when Chinese and missionary schools began teaching Standard English .

  14. 从历史发展的角度来说,中国英语在中国经历了洋泾浜英语中国式英语中国英语三个阶段的层级性发展过程。

    China English experienced three periods : Pidgin English ? Chinese English China English , in which China English is the well-developed period .

  15. 17世纪,洋泾浜英语作为英国人和大多数讲广东话的中国人做生意时的共通语产生了。

    In the 17th century , Chinese Pidgin English originated as a lingua franca for trade between British people and mostly Cantonese-speaking Chinese people .

  16. 我们暂且以中国近代史为分水岭,分别以别琴英语和中国英语来区分广州英语、上海洋泾浜英语等早期的洋泾浜英语和现代的洋泾浜英语。

    Such terms as Pidgin English and Chinese English are adopted to distinguish Canton English and Shanghai Pidgin English in Chinese modern history from the contemporary Pidgin Chinese English .

  17. 探讨了中国英语与洋泾浜英语、中式英语的区别,分析了中国英语的特征及存在的客观原因、可能性,中国英语在翻译中的现实意义。

    This paper discusses the differences among China English , Pidgin English and Chinese English . The existence of China English has its own objective reasons , possibility and practical significance .

  18. 19世纪60年代后,因广州在中西关系中的地位下降,上海成为新的贸易中心,广州英语的地位亦被洋泾浜英语所取代。

    After the 1860 's , it was replaced by another pidgin English spoken at Shanghai , due to the fact that Shanghai replaced Guangzhou as the center of foreign trade .

  19. 洋泾浜英语是产生于旧中国沿海通商口岸的一种变形英语,它是英语受到汉语语音、语法规则和表达习惯的干扰后的变种。

    The " pidgin " English , a variety of English evolving along the coastal treaty ports in the Old China , has been greatly affected by the Chinese phonetic and grammatical rules and idioms .

  20. 埃里克·派崔吉的《英美外来语词典》中将这个短语追朔到了20世纪早期,但指出其始于亚洲,并且是由英国海军带回英格兰的。他们遇到过使用洋泾浜英语的中国人,学会了说这句话。

    Eric Patridge 's " Dictionary of Catch Phrases American and British traces the term to the early 1900s , but says it has Asian origins and was brought back to England by members of the British Navy , who picked it up through the pidgin English used by the Chinese people they encountered .

  21. 在语言身份层面,林语堂表现出对汉语的强烈推崇,为了彰显汉语语言文化的优越性,他在写作过程中刻意夹杂了洋泾浜或者汉式英语。

    In terms of linguistic identity , he expresses his strong preference of Chinese language . In order to manifest the superiority of Chinese , he purposely utilizes many Chinese or pidgin English expressions in his English writing .