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  • 网络Detergent;laundry;Laundry products
  1. 后来我读了一篇李神父的文章,里面引用了一个调查问卷,来自两个洗涤用品公司,Omo和Persil。

    But I read this article by Father Lee which cites a survey done by two detergent companies , Omo and Persil .

  2. 性能对比试验结果表明,YR-101是品质优良的金属洗涤剂,其各项性能指标如去污力、腐蚀性、防腐性能等均优于抚顺石油二厂洗槽站以往使用过的外购洗涤用品。

    The contrast test showed that the properties of YR - 101 such as detergency , corrosive property , antiseptic property and so on were all better than the other similar products . YR - 101 was an excellent industrial detergent for washing metal .

  3. 之所以叫“肥皂剧”,是因为这些剧集播放之初都是由宝洁等洗涤用品生产商赞助或制作的。

    The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials4 broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers such as Procter & Gamble as sponsors and producers .

  4. 做为存在国际视线的洗衣连锁专家,THURSDAY始终站在寰球学术界对洗涤用品研发的前沿。

    A global outlook as a laundry chain experts , THURSDAY academia has been at the forefront of global research and development of cutting-edge Cleaning Products .

  5. 他表示,汇率走势对汰渍(tide)洗涤用品和吉列(gillette)剃须刀生产厂家宝洁“很不利”,但该集团在当前季度将继续面对“非常严峻的大宗商品成本变动趋势”。

    He said currency trends were a " negative development " for P & G , which makes tide laundry detergent and Gillette razors , but that the group would continue to face " very difficult commodity cost comparisons " in the current quarter .

  6. 快速消费品(FMCG)是指那些使用寿命较短,消费速度较快、消费者需要不断重复购买的产品,涉及食品、饮料、化妆品、洗涤用品、电池、卫生纸等多个行业。

    FMCG ( fast moving consumer goods ) are those products that short service life , consumption faster , and consumers need to constantly purchase it , involving food , beverage , cosmetics , cleaning supplies , batteries , toilet paper and other industries .

  7. 事实上,女性由于长期接触化妆品及洗涤用品比男性暴露于DEHP的几率更高,已有数据显示雌性DEHP暴露与不良妊娠密切相关,但是DEHP导致不良妊娠的原因尚不明确。

    In fact , women are exposed to DEHP more frequently than men due to its wide use in cosmetics and shampoos . Current data has indicated that exposure of females to DEHP was associated with harmful pregnancy outcomes , but the mechanism is still unclear .

  8. 香港化妆品、洗涤用品市场概况及趋势

    Situation and Trend of Cosmetics & Detergents Market of Hong Kong

  9. 我国中小洗涤用品企业差异化战略研究

    Differentiation Strategy Studies on Chinese Small and Medium-Sized Washing Product Enterprises

  10. 精细产品包括涂料、油墨、化妆品、洗涤用品等。

    Fine products include paint , ink , cosmetics , cleaning supplies .

  11. 对2000年中国的洗涤用品工业的发展进行了预测。

    The development of China washing product industry in 2000 is forecasted .

  12. 浅谈洗涤用品行业的质量管理和质量监督

    Remarking on Quality Management and Quality Supervision in Washing Products

  13. 1999年中国洗涤用品工业的发展及展望

    The Development and Prospects for China Washing Products in 1999

  14. 中国洗涤用品工业发展概况及展望

    Development Summary and Outlook of Cleaning Products Industry in China

  15. 2009年洗涤用品行业经济运行分析及发展趋势预测

    Operational analysis and the development trend of washing product industry in 2009

  16. 表面活性剂和洗涤用品标准化体系的建设构想

    A conception of standardization system of surfactant and detergent

  17. 当然她也会在化妆品、洗涤用品、食品上花钱。

    She 'd then spend money on toiletries , cleaning products and groceries .

  18. 全国表面活性剂和洗涤用品标准化技术委员会2006年度工作总结及2007年度工作计划

    Summary and the program of China Surfactant and Detergent Standardization Technology Committee in 2006

  19. 辽宁省禁止销售和使用含磷洗涤用品中的几个问题

    Problems in Prohibition of Sale and Use of Detergents with Phosphorus in Liaoning Province

  20. 对我国洗涤用品的发展前景进行了展望。

    Meanwhile , the development of washing product industry in china is also prospected .

  21. 高效固色及抗染料转移剂在洗涤用品中的应用

    Application of a high performance dye fixation and dye transfer inhibition agent in laundry detergents

  22. 洗涤用品无磷化现状和控制的政策研究现状

    Status and control of phosphate-free washing product

  23. 你不会买到比一美元还便宜的优质的洗涤用品。

    And you don 't get much cheaper than $ 1 for a powerful cleaning agent .

  24. 洗涤用品的包装标识

    The Package Sign for Washing Products

  25. 论述了2003年洗涤用品行业的发展状况和生产运营形势。

    The development situation and the production state of Chinese washing product industry in2003are introduced here .

  26. 在中国,由中国洗涤用品工业协会牵头的“全国表面活性剂洗涤用品标准化技术委员会”即将成立。

    China Standard Technique Committee of Surfactant and Detergent Product is being organized in the near future .

  27. 商品用途涉及电镀、涂料、洗涤用品、纺织助剂等行业。

    The commodity use involves galvanization , spinning and weaving helps profession and so on medicinal preparation .

  28. 在中国洗涤用品工业协会行业年会上的报告

    The report on the annual meeting of the association of surfactant , soap and detergent industry in china

  29. 中国表面活性剂和洗涤用品标准化回顾及展望

    Review and prospect of China surfactant and detergent standardization Secretariat of China Surfactant and Detergent Standardization Technology Committee

  30. 肥皂剧”中的“肥皂”一词暗指它们的赞助商多为家庭洗涤用品生产商。

    The " soap " in soap opera alluded to their sponsorship by manufacturers of household cleaning products ;