
  • Laundry;Laundry Detergent;shampoo
  1. 新型有助剂洗衣液研制

    Preparation of the New Liquid Laundry Detergent with Builder

  2. 自己制作洗衣液,清洁一次衣物的成本只需三美分——仅仅是商场购买的洗衣液的零头。

    Brew laundry detergent that cleans your clothes for just three cents a load -- a fraction of what it costs with store-bought detergent .

  3. 用洗衣液加温水洗。

    Wash in warm water with liquid detergent .

  4. 预防“家庭主妇手”,就要勤擦护手霜,在寒冷的天气带上棉手套或皮手套,别忘记在洗碗洗衣服时戴上塑胶手套,并尽量选用不伤手的洗洁精和洗衣液。

    To prevent against " housewife 's hand " , you should using hand cream frequently , wear cotton gloves or leather gloves in cold days , and don ’ t forget to put on your rubber gloves while doing dishes and laundry , buy the kind of dishwashing detergent and laundry detergent that is gentle to your hand .

  5. 通常而言,他会在浴缸里放上半缸常温的水,加入两勺布朗博士魔力洗衣液(Dr.Bronner'sMagicLiquidSoap),因为他喜欢这种洗衣液的柔和。

    Usually , he fills a bathtub to about six inches with room-temperature water and adds two tablespoons of Dr. Bronner 's Magic Liquid Soap , which he likes because it is mild .

  6. 高效洗衣液的研究

    A study on liquid laundry detergents with high efficient detergency

  7. 结构型重垢洗衣液的研究

    Study on Structured Heavy - Duty Liquid Laundry Detergents

  8. 哇汰渍无味洗衣液确实不含任何染色剂和香水

    Wow , Tide Free really does offer a tide clean that free of dyes and perfumes

  9. 指出,浓缩化、绿色化以及高效化成为洗衣液可持续发展的主要方向。

    The concentration , green and high efficiency of liquid detergent is the main direction for sustainable development .

  10. 嘴袋―果冻,果汁,洗衣液,淋浴露,洗面奶,面膜等。

    Nozzle Pouch-Jelly , Juice , Laundry liquid , Bathing dew , Face-cream , Mask and so on .

  11. 不明白什么我爱她不是你用的洗衣液闻起来太不寻常了

    What , that I love her.No the detergent you 've been using , It didn 't smell like regular detergent

  12. Advantix近期也宣布了一项大合约:该公司将为印度一家制造箱装洗衣液的宝洁公司安装空调设备。

    Advantix recently announced a big deal to air condition a Procter & Gamble factory in India that makes laundry liquid pods .

  13. 他们幼儿时期就学会了测量,并通过做煎饼时帮忙打鸡蛋和将洗衣液倒入洗衣机这些事情来学习基本的算数。

    They learned as toddlers to measure and do basic math by breaking eggs for pancake batter and pouring soap into the washer .

  14. 该网站提供按月订购服务,消费者可定制环保且无毒性的婴儿系列必需品,比如植物性纸尿裤、洗发水和洗衣液。

    The monthly subscription service offers customizable bundles of eco-friendly , toxin-free baby essentials , from plant-based disposable diapers to shampoo and laundry detergent .

  15. 参考液晶原理,选用价格便宜的常见表面活性剂和无机盐助剂,经实验室配方实验和中间放大试验,研制出了结构型重垢洗衣液。

    Based on liquid crystal theory , common cheap surfactants and inorganic builders were selected to develop the structured heavy-duty liquid laundry detergent through formula tests and enlargement tests .

  16. 将洗衣液直接洒在衣服上,在一个吹风机的作用下,空气循环通过该设备,十分钟后衣服就可以穿了。

    Pods of liquid are sprayed directly ontothe clothes , before a drier circulates air through the device , and a dirty itemis ready to wear in just 10 minutes .

  17. 但张磊不这么认为,他说服蓝月亮大力拓展洗衣液市场,并为其扩张提供资金,来换取该公司的股份。

    But Mr. Zhang believed they would , and he persuaded Blue Moon to expand heavily in liquid detergent , bankrolling its expansion in exchange for a stake in the company .

  18. 宝洁公司已经放弃了25个品牌,希望能以此来扩大资源,推动旗下最重要品牌的销量增长,这些重要品牌包括帮宝适尿布和汰渍洗衣液。

    P & G has already dumped 25 brands , hoping to expand its resources , boosting sells growth in its strongest labels , including pampers ' diapers and Tide laundry detergent .

  19. 根据阴/非离子表面活性剂复配性能的规律,选用价格便宜的常见表面活性剂和无机盐助剂,经配方实验,研制出了新型有助剂洗衣液。

    Based on the complex properties of anionic / nonionic surfactants , common cheap surfactants and inorganic builders were selected to develop the new liquid laundry detergent with builder through formula tests .

  20. JD's的网站也建议穿着者洗这一款价值19.99美元的培根味内衣时,使用无味的洗衣液,以免其他香味冲淡了肉的气味。

    The JD 's website also suggests that wearers wash their bacon-scented underwear , which retails for $ 19.99 a pair , with unscented detergent so as not to detract from the meaty scents with any other perfumes .

  21. 根据试验和方差分析,最好的防治方法是应用三威洗衣粉液和辣椒制剂进行涂抹。

    According to experiments and analysis of variance , the optimum prevention methods are daubed by using solution of Sanwei washing powder and pharmaceutical preparations of pepper .

  22. 洗衣粉悬浮液在惰性粒子流化床中干燥的研究

    Study of drying of detergent slurry in fluidized bed of inert particles

  23. 例如,一位消费者可以在洗衣机旁放一个洗衣液按钮,在洗衣液快用完时,可以按下这个按钮,再次下单订购。

    For example , a consumer places a laundry detergent button next to their washing machine and can press the button to order a fresh supply when they are running out .

  24. 让我惊奇的是,她拧开我洗衣机加洗衣粉的小孔,将洗衣液高高举起,倒了一大堆洗衣液进去,嘴里还咕咕唧唧地说着一串法语。

    To my surprise , she popped open the detergent lid on my machine , held the bottle aloft and poured in a big glob , all the while muttering something in French .