
  • 网络Lorde;Lord;Lode;loder
  1. 2013年,年仅16岁的洛德以个人首张单曲“Royals”(皇族)轰动全球,该单曲连续数周位居音乐公告牌百首热门金曲榜榜首,她还两次获得过格莱美奖。

    In 2013 and at just 16 , two-time Grammy winner Lorde took the music world by storm with her debut single " Royals " which topped the Billboard Hot 100 for weeks .

  2. 泰勒·斯威夫特总是和自己的明星朋友同进同出,比如说洛德、赛琳娜·戈麦斯、卡莉·克劳斯等等。

    Taylor Swift is rarely seen without her posse of famous pals , from Lorde to Selena Gomez and Karlie Kloss to name but a few .

  3. 荷兰奈尔洛德商业大学(NyenrodeBusinessUniversiteit)就是其中之一。

    One is Nyenrode Business Universiteit in the Netherlands .

  4. NPR新闻,瑞安·洛德报道圣安东尼奥报道。

    For NPR News , I am Ryan Lord in San Antonio .

  5. 以前人的试验结果为依据,应用广义塑性力学原理对应力洛德角方向上的剪切屈服面γpθ进行了初步研究,首次提出了它的数学表达式。

    In this paper , the shear yield surface in the θ σ direction is studied preliminarily according to the principle of generalized plastic mechanics , and the mathematical expression of γ p θ is presented initially based on the experiments of other people .

  6. 洛德知道凯特最喜欢的地方是北卡罗来纳州的伯德岛(BirdIsland),那是一个无人居住的狭长地带,从她的家乡落日海滩(SunsetBeach)骑车一会儿就能到达。

    Mr. Lord knew that Ms. Cate 's favorite place in the world was Bird Island in North Carolina , an uninhabited strip of land just a short bike ride from her hometown , Sunset Beach .

  7. 该校金融中心(CentreforFinance)主任丹尼斯.芬克(DennisVink)指出,奈尔洛德的留学生受益于荷兰相对宽松的移民规定,它允许学生签证持有者在毕业后工作最长一年时间。

    Dennis Vink , director of its Centre for Finance , notes that those coming from overseas to study at Nyenrode benefit from the relatively generous Dutch immigration rules , which allow people to work for up to a year after graduating on their student visa .

  8. 在1993年初的某一天,他们将一支名为“丑陋马克杯”的朋克乐队演奏的MP2音频文件上传到一个文件传输协议门户,洛德也是该乐队的一名成员。

    Sometime in early 1993 , they uploaded some . MP2 audio files by a punk band that Lord played in called The Ugly Mugs to a file transfer protocol ( FTP ) portal .

  9. 洛德和他的爱下去,永远是好的。

    For the Lord is good and his love endures forever .

  10. 事实证明,洛德对形势的估量是正确的。

    Lord 's assessment of the situation proved to be correct .

  11. 介绍了一种推导应力或应变洛德角表达式的简明方法;

    A concise method to deduce the Lode 's angle is presented .

  12. 洛德对所有问题的回答都显得信心十足,从容不迫。

    Lord responded to all questions in a confident , relaxed manner .

  13. 洛德嘴里咕噜一声,表示知道了,听任那人握住了自己的手。

    Lord muttered an acknowledgement and allowed his hand to be shaken .

  14. 洛德,病患可以有不错我会。

    Lord , ill be there , yes I will .

  15. 另有一件事一度使文森特?洛德忐忑不安。

    Only one thing briefly troubled Vincent lord , making him nervous .

  16. 洛德十分小心,知道电话中的对话可能被录音。

    Lord was cautious , remembering that telephone conversations could be taped .

  17. 洛德那双深绿色的眼睛紧盯着院长。

    Lord 's dark green eyes were fixed intensely on the dean .

  18. 应力洛德角变化影响的研究

    Study on effect of Lode angle variation of stress

  19. 洛德对自己成绩的看法是正确的。

    Eg. Lord was right about his own record .

  20. 她还是克制自己如潮的思绪,集中注意力,听文森特?洛德讲些什么。

    She checked her racing thoughts , concentrating instead on Vincent lord 's words .

  21. 萨姆从洛德手中接过那些信,很快地浏览一遍,并大声念出来。

    Sam took the letters from lord , glanced through them and read alound .

  22. 我们马上就转到伦敦洛德大板球场,听听板球的最新消息。

    We are now going over to lord 's to hear the latest cricket result .

  23. 下午的听证会开始后,文森特?洛德接过了为证人准备的麦克风。

    Vincent Lord took over the microphone reserved for witnesses when the afternoon session began .

  24. 如果别人没注意到这一问题,洛德会怎么样呢?

    Would Lord have acted if someone else had not brought attention to the subject ?

  25. 洛德想,就目前事态发展来看,这样可能反倒更好。

    Lord reasoned , as things had turned out , perhaps that was best after all .

  26. 洛德清瘦的脸庞涨得通红。

    Lord 's thin face flushed .

  27. 这场战斗启发亚佛洛德丁尼生创作诗歌“轻骑兵的冲锋”。

    The battle inspired Alfred Lord Tennyson 's poem " Charge of the Light Brigade . "

  28. 洛德博士没有这样去考虑,去理解,结果他的怨恨日益加深。

    In the absence of such reasoning and understanding by Dr. Lord , his bitterness continued festering .

  29. 据得克萨斯州公共广播电台的瑞安·洛德报道,本周的大暴雨造成了危险的局面。

    Texas public radio 's Ryan Lord reports runoff from this week 's downpour is creating dangerous conditions .

  30. 史诗研究的第三只眼&《口头诗学:帕里-洛德理论》的评介

    The Third Eye of Epic Study & Evaluation of The Theory of Oral Composition : History and Methodology