
  • 网络Flow construction;pipelining construction
  1. 流水施工法在渤中25-1B、D、E导管架建造中的应用

    Flow Process Method Applied in the Fabrication of BZ 25-1 B / D / E Jackets in Bohai Sea

  2. CPM与优先网络在流水施工中的应用

    The application of CPM and priority network in flow construction organization

  3. 本文论述了应用《CPM》计算建筑流水施工的方法。

    This article has discussed the application of " CPM " on computing flow work in construction .

  4. 建筑工程流水施工流程优化问题探讨

    Approach to the optimization of flow process in building construction

  5. 异节拍流水施工进度计划的直接绘制法

    Direct rendering method of different beat flow construction procedures planning

  6. 无节拍流水施工进度编制的方法及运用

    Procedure compilation and application of the flow construction without steps

  7. 流水施工在汾河二库的应用

    Application of Assembly Line Construction Method In Fenhe Reservoir ⅱ

  8. 关于流水施工评价指标体系的研究

    Study on the Assessment Index System of Flow Chart Construction

  9. 超长预应力混凝土结构分段流水施工探讨

    Discussion on segmental construction of over-long prestressed concrete structures

  10. 北京皇家饭店结构工程小流水施工

    Small scale flow method in the construction of the Beijing Royal Hotel project

  11. 流水施工参数分类及其控制

    Water-running construction parameters ' classification and their control

  12. 滑框倒模技术预制沉箱倒框倒模流水施工

    Prefabrication of Caisson by Slip-framed Reverse Mould Technique

  13. 流水施工中的关键工作

    Critical work in the stream - lined process

  14. 非节奏专业流水施工的组织计算程序及其应用研究

    The calculating program design and its application study about organizing non rhythm speciality flow production

  15. 流水施工模型&参数教学法探讨

    Discussion on method of water-running construction teaching

  16. 或者把整个工序分成几个施工段,进行流水施工。

    We can divide the whole procedure into several shorter ones and adopt flow process .

  17. 流水施工风险分析及风险应对

    Risk analysis and response for flow construction

  18. 流水施工中特殊四工序排序问题研究

    A Study on Sequencing Problem for Special Four - Process in the Assembly Line Method

  19. 工程投标中施工方案的优化流水施工进度计划的优化

    Optimization of construction schedule in tender

  20. 基于计算机仿真的堆石坝坝面流水施工方案研究

    Research on the Design Based on Computer Simulation for the Project of Flowing Construction in the Rock-fill Dam

  21. 空调交流量水系统设计技术发展倒框倒模流水施工

    Development of the variable flow water system in air conditioning Flow water construction of reveres frame and reveres mould

  22. 本文通过实例着重探讨在流水施工中各种情况的工期计算方法。

    This paper approaches emphatically the calculation method for time limit of flow construction by living examples under various circumstances .

  23. 基于关键路线法提出了无节拍流水施工进度计划编制的改进方法,取得了满意的效果。

    Based on critical path method authors provide improvement method on progress compilation methods of flow process without steps which gains satisfying effect .

  24. 本文阐述了用动态规划法求解网络技术组织流水施工中的关键线路方法;

    This article describes the process of solving the key way problem with developing programme on the organization of building construction by means of network technology .

  25. 流水施工的进度计划采用横道图表达,不尽科学、合理,采用普通网络图表达,比较繁杂。

    For the expression of process schedule in flow construction management , the schedule is inflexible when bar chart is used , and complicated when CPM used .

  26. 流水施工教学是施工组织设计课程中的重点和难点,流水施工讲授得好不好将直接影响学生对后续内容的学习。

    Teaching of water-running construction is an emphasis and difficult point in the course of building construction organization design . Teaching it well or not will have effect on learning successive contents directly .

  27. 流水施工高度均衡连续工作模式在带来良好效益的同时也产生了风险,其工作工期的波动会给总工期及均衡施工造成较大影响。

    Although the highly balanced continuous working mode of flow construction generates great benefits , it also brings about different kinds of risks . The fluctuation of working periods may result in great influences on the total construction period and balanced construction .

  28. 扣件钢管支撑早拆模板在小流水段施工中的应用多施工层无节奏流水的组织方法

    Application of an early removal of steel tubular formwork during a stage-by-stage flow process construction Construction Management Plan for Multiple Construction Segments Project of Non-equal Flow Process Step

  29. 本文还分析了钢结构企业流水组织施工和工位组织施工的生产方式,以及在实践中的实际应用,为生产企业提供借鉴。

    This text analyze stell-structured enterprise flowing water organize , construct location mode of production that organization construct also , and the practical application in practice , offer reference for the manufacturing enterprise .

  30. 流水时间参数的确定与计算是组织建筑流水施工的重要内容之一。

    Determining time-parameter of assembly line construction is important contents in organizing building assembly line construction .