
  1. CMM是一个用于描述软件流程成熟度的原则和实践的模型,作为评估软件流程成熟度的基准得到了广泛的认可。

    A model used to describe the principles and practices of software process maturity , the CMM is a recognized benchmark for assessing software process maturity .

  2. 我们基于一个五级度量标准衡量组织的服务流程成熟度。

    We measure the service process maturity of organizations on a five level ordinal scale .

  3. 本文设计了服务流程成熟度评价指标体系,采用层次分析法通过调查问卷的形式确定了各评价指标的权重。

    This paper design service process maturity evaluation index system , using analytic hierarchy process through the form of questionnaire to determine the weight of every evaluation index .

  4. 高技术服务型组织流程管理成熟度模型研究

    Research on Process Management Maturity Model for High-tech Service-oriented Organization

  5. 业务流程管理成熟度模型设计与分析

    Research on Modeling of Business Process Management Maturity

  6. 技术、IT方法和流程的成熟度取决于支持它们的工具。

    Technologies , IT methodologies , and processes can only be as good as the maturity of the tooling that supports them .

  7. 基于成熟度模型的理论与实践及高技术服务型组织的特点,本文提出了适用于高技术服务型组织的流程管理成熟度模型HSO-PM3,并阐述了模型的实施流程和方法。

    Based on the theories and practices of maturity model , and characteristics of high-tech service-oriented organizations , this article introduces the process management maturity model for high-tech service-oriented organizations , and describes the implementation process of the model .

  8. 除了改变SOA生命周期各流程,增加成熟度还会改变SOA在组织中的影响。

    Besides changes in the SOA lifecycle processes , increased maturity also changes the impact of SOA in the organization .

  9. 课题的实施不仅对企业的客户满意度、成本管理、生产效率、员工工作质量等有实际或潜在的改善,而且使企业流程在项目管理成熟度评估中上升了一个台阶。

    The actual or potential improvement for enterprise is not only on customer satisfaction , cost management , production efficiency and work quality and so on , but also to achieve a higher level on project management maturity model .

  10. 分组可按业务流程进行,正如流程成熟度级别的名字所暗示的,但是按照业务单元或地理区域划分可能也不错。

    These groups can be made by business processes , as suggested by the name of the process maturity level , but a division by business unit or geographic region is possible as well .